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Welcome State Risk and Insurance Management Association September 20, 2011 Your Facilitator – Jan Hamik.

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2 Welcome State Risk and Insurance Management Association September 20, 2011 Your Facilitator – Jan Hamik

3 Expected Outcomes  Understand the True Colors concepts and discover your own color spectrum.  Learn the meaning of each of the colors in the True Colors spectrum.  Learn to recognize the unique blend of strengths, qualities, and preferences of each individual and the value we all bring to teams.

4 Agenda  True Colors Evolution  What Are Your True Colors?  Understanding the Colors  Practicing Our Least Color  Stressors and Reframing the Colors  Closing

5 Rules for the Session No Color Bashing!!! Feel Free to Express Yourself

6 400 B.C. Hippocrates 1921 Carl Jung Isabel Myers & Katherine Briggs - MBTI 1967 – David Keirsey 1978 – Don Lowry – True Colors True Colors Evolution

7 Factors Influencing Human Behavior Gender Age Religion Culture Class Ability Region Nation

8 What is Your True Colors Spectrum? Word Cluster Sort # ## # # ## # # ## # # ## # # ## #

9 Card Sort What Are My Colors?

10 What is Your True Colors Spectrum? Card Sort Results # ## #

11 What is Your True Colors Spectrum? Final Tally # ## # # ## # # ## # # ## # # ## # # ## # # ## # Add Each Column Down What’s My Color?

12 Activity Create a Nametag!! Write your name on top! Position four dots below your name horizontally in order of your color spectrum. If you have a tie, position those dots vertically. Write your color totals in the corresponding dots.

13 Activity GOAL:  To better understand yourself and learn about others. PROCESS:  Get up!  Line up in order of the number in your Orange dot!

14 Core Needs & Values  ORANGE Skillfulness Freedom

15 Attributes  ORANGE  Playful  Energetic  Charming  Risk-taker  “Just do it”  Test limits  Quick witted  Master negotiator  Creative, inventive  “Let’s make a deal”  A natural entertainer  High need for mobility  Visual and kinesthetic  Pushes the boundaries  Natural nonconformist  Thrives on competition  Likes tangible rewards  External focus of control  Stimulates the economy  Impulsive and spontaneous  Appreciates immediate feedback  Tends to be left/right brain integrated  Most productive in informal environments

16 Core Needs & Values  GOLD Duty Responsibility

17 Attributes  GOLD  “Be prepared”  Loves to plan  Detail-oriented  Service-oriented  Values family traditions  Helpful and trustworthy  Conservative and stable  “Should” and “should not”  Rarely breaks the driving laws  Strives for a sense of security  Punctual, predictable, precise  Value order and the status quo  Duty, loyalty, useful, responsible  There is a right way to do everything  Tends to be left-brained and analytical  Strong belief in policies, procedures, rules  Most comfortable with a formal environment

18 Core Needs & Values  GREEN Intellectual Competence Knowledge

19 Attributes  GREEN  “Should be able to”  “Why?”  Intellectual  Theoretical  Idea people  Philosophical  Very complex  Perfectionists  Standard setters  Visionaries, futurists  Can never know enough  Cool, calm and collected  Work is play - play is work  Often not in the mainstream  Abstract, conceptual, global  Need for independence and private time  Explores all facets before making decisions  Knows how to spell and pronounce “big” words  Approaches interpersonal relationships in a logical manner

20 Core Needs & Values  BLUE Relationships Authenticity

21 Attributes  BLUE  Mediators  Optimistic  Caretakers  Passionate  Peacemakers  True romantics  Cause-oriented  Needs to feel “special”  Always has a kind word  Strong sense of spirituality  Sensitive to needs of others  Peace, harmony, relationships  Motivates and encourages others  Cooperative rather than competitive

22 Activity GOAL:  To better understand yourself and learn about others. PROCESS:  Break into groups of brightest color. You’ll need a volunteer to record your comments and ideas.  In your color groups discuss: What are your joys, values, strengths and needs ?  Record on flipcharts and report out.

23 Activity GOAL:  To better understand and learn about others. PROCESS:  Break into groups of dimmest color. You’ll need a volunteer to record your comments and ideas.  In your color groups plan a STRIMA picnic as if you were that color.  Record on flipcharts and report out. Team members with that primary color will critique.

24 ORANGE STRESSORS  Too much responsibility  Rules and regulations  Being stuck at a desk  Abstract concepts  Reading manuals  Imposed structure  Personal criticism  Repetition  Following detailed directions  Routine  Manufactured deadlines  Inactivity  Lack of fun  Lack of variety

25 Reframing  ORANGE OTHERS MAY PERCEIVE ORANGE AS:  Goofing off too much  Manipulative  Untrustworthy  Unable to stay on task  Scattered  Taking unnecessary risks  Resisting closure or decisions  Obnoxious  Immature  Self-centered ORANGE MAY PERCEIVE SELF AS:  Flexible, easy-going  Having a playful attitude  Exploring new possibilities  Clever, good negotiator  Open to change  Having many interests  Able to do many things  Adventurous, courageous  Valuing freedom  Bold, assertive  Fun-loving, enjoying life  Independent

26 GOLD STRESSORS  Incomplete tasks  Disorganization  Irresponsibility  Changing details  Lack of direction  Ambiguous tasks  People who don’t follow through  Waste  Non-conformity  Lack of structure  Haphazard attitude  Too many things going on at once

27 Reframing  GOLD OTHERS MAY PERCEIVE GOLD AS:  Rigid, inflexible  Controlling, bossy  Too serious  Resistant to change  Opinionated  System-bound  Lacking imagination  Judgmental  Boring  Uptight  Predictable  Autocratic GOLD MAY PERCEIVE SELF AS:  Consistent  Providing structure  Goal-oriented  Firm or traditional  Knowing right from wrong  Loyal to organization  Realistic  Decisive, seeking closure  Dependable  Concerned about security  Following a routine  Having leadership ability

28 GREEN STRESSORS  Not being in charge  Lack of independence  Subjective judgment  Emotional displays  Elaborate use of adjectives  Incompetence  Small talk  Routine  Social functions  Lack of recognition of their ability

29 Reframing  GREEN OTHERS MAY PERCEIVE GREEN AS:  Arrogant, a know-it-all  Cold, hard  Insensitive  Head in the clouds  Cool, aloof, unfeeling  Afraid to open up  Critical, fault-finding  Lacking compassion  Unappreciative of others  Intellectually demanding  Argumentative  Absent minded GREEN MAY PERCEIVE SELF AS:  Confident  Mentally tough, strong  Logical, rational  Visionary, inventive  Self-controlled  Enjoying one’s own company  Good at analysis  Objective  Having ability to reprimand  Having high expectations  Knowledgeable  Thinking deeply

30 BLUE STRESSORS  Broken promises  Too much negativity  Not being involved  Lack of social contact  Too much conformity  Clock watching  Being compared to others  Conflict  Lying  Rejection  Insincerity  Completing paperwork as priority  Placing the “system” before people

31 Reframing  BLUE OTHERS MAY PERCEIVE BLUE AS:  Very emotional  Overly sensitive  Mushy  Too tender-hearted  Easily persuaded  Too nice  Too trusting  Smothering  Too soft, too giving  Weak  Talking too much  Illogical BLUE MAY PERCEIVE SELF AS:  Having feelings  Compassionate  Romantic  Idealistic  Empathetic  Caring  Seeing best in others  Nurturing  Liking to please people  Wanting harmony  Great communicator  Valuing feelings

32 Jan Hamik 608 – 497-1155 Closing

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