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JEOPARDY – Great Lakes History Test your knowledge of the history of the Great Lakes, its ports, and ships! Created by Laura Jacobs (2003)

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2 JEOPARDY – Great Lakes History Test your knowledge of the history of the Great Lakes, its ports, and ships! Created by Laura Jacobs (2003) [Image: map of Great Lakes: lakes/space.htm ]

3 GREAT LAKES HISTORY How to follow the links within this quiz: The Jeopardy Quiz consists of a table showing ships, ports and lakes categories with links to question slides within each category. To select a question within a category, click on link to 100, 200, or 300. This will take you to the question slide. To link from the question slide to the answer slide, click on the images To link from the answer slide back to the question slide, click on the image found on the answer slide To link to the main question table from the answer slide, click on the underlined link found on the answer slide


5 This Ship Wrecked off Duluth in 1905

6 What is the Mataafa?Mataafa Mataafa was not the first or last wreck of the November 27, 1905 storm. It was very dramatic, because it occurred in full view of the citizens of Duluth. Night fell before a rescue could be attempted, and nine men froze or were drowned during the night. The Great Lakes Maritime History Project has many pictures captured by photographer, Hugh McKenzie.Great Lakes Maritime History Project

7 This Foreign Ship Grounded off Park Point in 1985

8 What is the Socrates?Socrates The Socrates dragged anchor during a November gale. Before she could get her engines fired up, she was on the beach. Fortunately, the bottom is sand. She became a major tourist attraction for over a week. It took 23 tugs to eventually pull her free. The Socrates still visits the Twin Ports under a different name. [Image: Bentley, M. & Horstmeyer, S. (1998). WeatherWise 51 (6): 29+. Retrieved Nov. 5, 2003 from Academic Search Elite database].

9 This Passenger Ship “Turtled” at its Dock on the Chicago River

10 What is the Eastland?Eastland The Eastland tragedy was extreme, and a clear conclusion explaining the accident was never reached. The passengers were all employees of Western Electric Co., along their families, out for a company picnic. 812 people drowned. [Image: “Eastland:” Postcard, LSM Collection, UWS]

11 This Port Was the Primary Location for the Construction of Whalebacks

12 What is Superior?Superior Whalebacks were built by Alexander McDougal and the American Steel Barge Co. Most were used for transporting goods, but one, the Christopher Columbus, also carried people. Only one Whaleback remains in existence. [Image: LSM Collection, UWS]

13 This Wisconsin Port Constructed Submarines During W.W. II

14 What is Manitowoc?Manitowoc During W.W. II, Manitowoc built many submarines for the war effort. Other ports, like Duluth and Superior, were also big contributors to Naval vessel construction. [Image: “Manitowoc”: Postcard, LSM Collection, UWS]

15 This Canadian Port Was the First Capitol of Upper & Lower Canada

16 What is Kingston, Ontario?Kingston The port of Kingston is located at the far Eastern end of the Great Lakes at the entrance to the St. Lawrence River. The capital was moved in the 1840’s partly as a result of the threat of invasion by the U.S. during the War of 1812. [Image: kingston_secretgardenbandb.html] kingston_secretgardenbandb.html

17 This Lake is Known as “The Witch of November”

18 What is Lake Superior?Lake Superior Lake Superior was given this name because of the speed with which storms sweep across the lake, and because ships and people 'magically' disappear, never to be seen again. The lake can also be beguilingly beautiful, even at its most vicious. [Image: AUTUMN.htm ] AUTUMN.htm

19 This Lake saw Commodore Perry’s Decisive Naval Battle in the War of 1812

20 What is Lake Erie?Lake Erie Commodore Perry met the British fleet led by the HMS Detroit near Put-In- Bay. His flag ship, Niagara, was shot out from under him. He rowed to another ship and continued the battle. The British surrendered after most of their officers were killed. [Image: notecard, Brig Niagara. Duluth Shipping News]

21 This Lake Saw Massive Loss of Ships and Lives in a Single Storm in 1913

22 What is Lake Huron?Lake Huron In 1913 a massive storm swept down the Great Lakes. More than 13 vessels are known to have sunk -- or disappeared -- on Lake Huron alone. [Image: Waterspouts over Lake Huron, Autumn 1999]Waterspouts over Lake Huron, Autumn 1999

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