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Presented by Mrs. Kucaj English 10CP - C Block. Chapter 1 -Huck has a lot of money -Staying with two old women -Does not like to behave -Sneaks out to.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Mrs. Kucaj English 10CP - C Block. Chapter 1 -Huck has a lot of money -Staying with two old women -Does not like to behave -Sneaks out to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Mrs. Kucaj English 10CP - C Block

2 Chapter 1 -Huck has a lot of money -Staying with two old women -Does not like to behave -Sneaks out to meet Tom Sawyer Chapter 3 - Huck struggles with praying and “spiritual gifts” - Tom Sawyer’s Gang attacks a Sunday-school picnic Chapter 2 -Tom plays a trick on Jim -“Tom Sawyer’s Gang” meeting Chapter 4 - 3-4 months go by - Huck spots Pap’s boot imprint - Huck sells his money to Judge Thatcher - Jim tells fortunes with a hairball - Pap returns!

3  Huckleberry Finn – young teenager, living with WD & MW. Owns treasure. Confused about religion. Tries but fails to be proper. In touch with nature.  Tom Sawyer – Huck’s best friend; wants to start a gang  Miss Watson – Wears glasses, skinny, yells at Huck to behave  Widow Douglas – Old & kind  Jim – slave of MW’s. Embellishes witch story to gain prestige.  Judge Thatcher – holds Huck’s money  Joe Harper & Ben Rogers – friends & gang members

4 “In a barrel of odds and ends it is different; things get mixed up, and the juice kind of swaps around, and things go better” (Twain 1). Analysis: “Proper” society prefers everything from their people to their food separated where Huck realizes that life can “go better” when one mixes everything/everyone together.

5 “Living in a house and sleeping in a bed pulled on me pretty tightly mostly, but before cold weather I used to slide out and sleep in the woods sometimes, and so that was a rest to me” (Twain 14). Analysis: Despite having basic amenities, Huck still prefers to be in nature. A house and a bed make him feel cramped. He takes a break from society and is able to “rest up” when he is alone in the woods.

6  People need to realize that teaching is not telling and that one must try to help others understand not just know. Ex. Huck’s confusion over Heaven and Hell.  People must learn to think for themselves. Ex. Tom Sawyer copies what he reads in books without knowing what he is doing.

7  What do you like most about Huck as a character so far? What do you like least?  What does the hair-ball tell Jim about Huck’s future? How specific is the prediction? Can Jim really tell the future? (pg 16)

8  Use NoodleTools for citing images (From digital)  Questions? Ask librarians for help!

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