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Interclub Yachting Forum. Factors affecting Saturday pennants Work hours Family priorities Availability of crew More options for racing Growth of short.

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Presentation on theme: "Interclub Yachting Forum. Factors affecting Saturday pennants Work hours Family priorities Availability of crew More options for racing Growth of short."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interclub Yachting Forum

2 Factors affecting Saturday pennants Work hours Family priorities Availability of crew More options for racing Growth of short series – Crown/Showdown Lack of appeal for a series over 6 months

3 Other Events Twilights Midweek Summer Sunset Offshore Launceston to Hobart Maria Island Bruny Island Mewstone Long Race Series Channel Regattas – Cygnet, Barnes Bay etc Two Handed and Winter racing

4 2010/2011 Combined Clubs Entries Saturday Racing No of entries Ave no of starters (all clubs) (all races) Division 1146.5 Division 2227.4 Division 3175.8 9 Metre Division103.8

5 2010/2011 Pennant Fleets No of entrantsAverage no of starters Division 1RYCT64.8 DSS128.8 BYC76 Division 2RYCT75.5 DSS106.4 BYC1410.2 Division 3RYCT54.5 DSS86.2 BYC86.8 9 MetreRYCT52.5 DSS74.5 BYC54.3

6 Aims of the proposed calendar Simplify program Less racing overall leading to better quality fleets Consolidate fleets across all three clubs Consistency in courses, marks, start times etc Avoid club parochialism Recognise major club events Major shift from existing Pennant structure

7 Basics of the proposed calendar Three components Harbour Series- Pre Christmas - Post Christmas Long Race Series Stand Alone Events

8 Harbour Series Focus of the Summer Season Four race days each – pre & post Christmas Single or multiple races on each day Afternoon start Mix of W/L, triangles and round the cans races Start either mid river or Castray Mix of races designed to suit classes Generally held two weeks apart

9 Harbour Series Races in the series jointly run by RYCT, DSS and BYC Consistency in racing – same marks, courses etc Common Sailing Instructions included in each clubs S/I booklet Division structure similar to current practice Category 7 Series

10 Pre Christmas Harbour Series Race Day 1 15 th OctoberDSS Race Day 2 22 nd OctoberBYC Race Day 3 26 th NovemberBYC Race Day 4 10 th DecemberRYCT

11 Post Christmas Harbour Series Race Day 1 4 th FebruaryBYC Race Day 2 18 th FebruaryDSS Race Day 3 17 th MarchRYCT Race Day 4 31 st MarchBYC

12 Long Race Series 6 Races over the summer including 1 drop Includes long races run by RYCT, DSS & BYC Different division structure to Harbour Series Conducted in limited Divisions All AMS boats can enter Category 5 Series

13 Long Race Series Race 1 Sun 9 th October RYCT Channel Race Race 2 Sat 29 th OctoberRYCT Long Race Race 3 Sat 3 rd DecemberDSS Long Race Race 4 Sat 14 th JanuaryBYC Long Race Race 5 Sat 21 st JanuaryDSS Betsey Is Race Race 6 Thur 26 th JanuaryRYCT Green Is Race

14 Stand Alone Events Pipe Opener Show Week Overnight Race Showdown Regatta Maria Island Race/Galapagos Duck Race Mewstone Race Bruny Island Race Crown Series Sprint Series

15 Other Factors Combined Clubs Opening Day – October 8 th No racing on long weekends No racing after December 10 th due to offshore deliveries Easter - April 6 th to 9 th 2012 Combined Clubs Picnic – major social event

16 The Calendar – Pre Christmas October 8 th Opening DayAll Clubs October 15 th Harbour RaceDSS October 19 th Overnight RaceBYC October 22 nd Harbour RaceBYC October 29 th Long RaceRYCT November 5 th Showdown RegattaRYCT November 12 th No racing November 19 th Maria Is/Galapagos DuckRYCT/BYC November 26 th Harbour Race BYC December 3 rd Long RaceDSS December 10 th Harbour RaceRYCT

17 The Calendar – Post Christmas January 14 th Long RaceBYC January 21 st Betsey Is/MewstoneDSS/RYCT January 26 th Green IslandRYCT January 28 th No Racing February 4 th Harbour RaceBYC February 11 th Bruny Is Race RYCT February 18 th Harbour RaceDSS February 25 th Crown SeriesBYC March 3 rd No racing March 10 th Cygnet Regatta March 17 th Harbour RaceRYCT March 24 th Sprint SeriesDSS March 31 st Harbour RaceBYC

18 Club Pennants It is recognised that clubs may want to continue to offer Pennants All 8 Harbour Race days to form basis of a Club Pennant PHS Handicaps may adjust separate to Interclub Series depending on entries Nominal entry fees for club Pennants

19 Other Issues Interclub Sub-Committee to seek Series sponsors Clubs responsible for race day sponsors/prizes Interclub Protest Panel Interclub Sub-Committee to determine make up of divisions Common approach to race categories and safety audits

20 Social Activities & Prizes/ Presentations October 7 th - Pre season function March 4 th - Combined Clubs Picnic Date TBA - End of Season Function and Series Prize Presentations

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