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Mrs. Hall Tiffany Park Elementary.  Grew up in Sammamish, WA  Went to the University of Washington  Moved to Arizona, Masters from ASU Early Childhood.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Hall Tiffany Park Elementary.  Grew up in Sammamish, WA  Went to the University of Washington  Moved to Arizona, Masters from ASU Early Childhood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Hall Tiffany Park Elementary

2  Grew up in Sammamish, WA  Went to the University of Washington  Moved to Arizona, Masters from ASU Early Childhood Education  Taught Head Start for 2 years in Phoenix  This is my third year at Tiffany Park!

3 READING:  Reading Streets, Scott Foresman  Zoo Phonics  Comprehension Toolkit  Letters and sounds  Recognizing and writing our names  Story details like characters, settings and sequence  Blending sounds together in words to read

4 Math:  Math Investigations, Scott Foresman  Counting Collections  Number names and counting sequence  Counting to tell the number of objects  Comparing numbers  2 and 3 dimensional shapes  Basic understanding of place value  Measurement  Simple addition and subtraction within 10

5 Writing:  Lucy Calkins’ Writer’s Workshop  Students move from learning the uses for writing to producing their own written stories about real moments in their lives.  Handwriting without Tears  Focus on correct letter formation and spatial awareness Science:  FOSS Science Kits used for 3 units of study  Animals 2x2, Wood and Paper, and Trees Social Studies:  Second Step  Used to help students learn about how to listen and to understand feelings and problem solving Art:  Integrated in the curriculum and unit themes

6  DIBELS  Reading test that measures letter naming and first sound fluency, nonsense word reading and sound segmentation.  Unit Tests  At the end of each unit of study in science, reading, writing and math  Skills Checks and Informal Assessments  Data collected daily and weekly to help inform me of where they need extra help or might need to go beyond.

7 Monday –Thursday 8:30- First bell 8:35-Tardy bell—work begins 8:35-8:50- Morning work, check-in, and morning meeting 8:50-9:20- Writer’s Workshop 9:20-10:00- Whole group reading instruction 10:00-10:15- Recess 10:20-11:25- Small group reading instruction and skills practice 11:30-12:05- Lunch and recess 12:10-1:25- Math routines, whole group instruction and math work stations (hands-on practice) 1:30-2:15- Specialists (MUSIC, PE, LIBRARY) 2:20-2:45- Handwriting and Read Aloud 2:45-2:55- Pack up and Snack 3:10- Dismissal

8 Friday (Late Start) 10:00- First bell 10:05-Tardy bell—work begins 10:05-10:20- Morning work, check-in, and morning meeting 10:20-11:25- Reading whole group and small group instruction 11:30-12:05- Lunch and recess 12:10-1:10- Math routines, whole group instruction and math work stations (hands-on practice) 1:10-1:25- Recess 1:30-1:55- Writer’s Workshop & Friday Sharing 2:00-2:35- Specialists (MUSIC) 2:40-2:55- Pack up and Snack 3:10- Dismissal

9  Tiffany Park Tigers…  P articipate respectfully  A ct responsibly  W ill follow directions  Will be s afe  Tiger Paws  School-wide reward for following expectations

10  Linked to Tiger PAWS  Listen when someone is speaking Use the listening rules from Second Step to show that you’re listening  Raise your hand to speak  Follow directions quickly  Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat  Make smart choices

11  Scoreboard  Smileys and frownies  Practicing and re-learning expectations when necessary  Super Improver Wall

12  Reading Log  Sent home on Mondays—returned on Fridays  Check the weekly news for information about what we’re studying each week and look for the “Family Times” to help reinforce skills at home  I will sometimes send home practice packets that target specific skills  Unfinished work

13  Two students each week to bring something to share  Something they made  Something from nature  Something that is special to your family  No toys please

14  Your child may bring a treat to share with the class on his or her birthday and the students will sing and make a card.  Please let me know if this conflicts with your beliefs  Please keep it simple! No balloons, treat bags or juice boxes. A small treat is fine.  Please ask me first about classroom allergies. All food must be store bought.  If your child’s birthday falls on a weekend we will celebrate the week before  Summer birthdays will also be celebrated during the school year.

15  Please be sure to fill out the WA State Patrol Form and have it on file in case you’d like to come help in the classroom.  Contact me if you have time available and interest in helping with some or all of the following:  Field Trip (late May or early June)  Regular classroom volunteering  Materials preparation at home  Classroom celebrations

16  We use real objects to practice counting in a program called Counting Collections  We would love counting collections donations! Some helpful items are:  Plastic bread ties  Plastic bottle caps  Old keys  Beans or pasta  Puzzle pieces

17  Please be sure and check and send back your child’s “take home folder” each day  Read the school newsletter (monthly) and classroom newsletter (weekly) for information about events, announcements, and what we’re learning  Feel free to call or email me any time with questions or concerns

18  Remember to send your child to school tomorrow with a bear so that they can take part in our teddy bear picnic!  If they do not have a bear, I have one that they can adopt for the day


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