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Cal OSHA Required Training Presented by Thomas Smith County Safety Officer Kings County.

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2 Cal OSHA Required Training Presented by Thomas Smith County Safety Officer Kings County

3 Objectives Understand the role of the California Occupational Health and Safety Administration (Cal OSHA) Understand in a general sense the training obligations required by Cal OSHA Understand our obligation to the employees of Kings County

4 Who or What is OSHA? Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 led to the formation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Mission of OSHA is to save lives, prevent injuries and protect the health of America's workers Two main branches –Enforcement –Consultation

5 Cal OSHA Federal plan allowed states to have their own program (California - 1973) Must be as stringent or more stringent than the federal standards (No problem in CA) California OSHA’s goal is the same as Fed OSHA

6 Cal OSHA Just like Federal OSHA it has two main branches –Enforcement –Consultation With the passage of AB1127 they can now levy fines against Public entities (except schools)

7 Cal OSHA Standards are not all inclusive –General duty clause is the catch-all (CCR T8 §3203) (OSH Act section 5 (a)(1)) Standards are set as a minimum level of protection or safety They will not fault you if you go over but they will if you fall short of the minimum

8 Training Every employee should be receiving some training annually regardless of where they work It is meant to be repetitive Doesn’t need to be boring ( it might be but doesn’t need to be)

9 Because I'm OSHA and I said so! Why do I have to train?

10 Training -Injury and Illness Prevention Program Title 8 section 3203 Required for all employees According to Kings County IIPP this should be done at least annually For whom? EVERYONE

11 Training -Injury and Illness Prevention Program Identify the responsible person Include a system for ensuring compliance with health and safety work practices. –Recognition –training/retraining –disciplinary actions –etc.

12 Training -Injury and Illness Prevention Program Communication system –Reporting hazards –training –posters –anonymous notification by employees –safety committees/staff meetings

13 Training -Injury and Illness Prevention Program Identifying and evaluating hazards –periodic inspections Accident/Illness investigation procedures Procedures for correcting hazards Training

14 Periodic Investigations To be performed at least annually Must be documented Important because –Assists in finding hazards or potential hazards –Adds a beneficial psychological factor –Kings County IIPP says that we will –Cal OSHA requires us to

15 Training - Emergency Action Plan Title 8 section 3220 Required for all employees According to Kings County IIPP this should be done at least annually For whom? EVERYONE

16 Training - Emergency Action Plan Escape routes Procedures to account for everyone Procedures for reporting emergencies

17 Training - Emergency Action Plan Know who is responsible for what Alarm system –verbal –bell –flashing lights Evacuation


19 Training - Hazard Communications Title 8 section 5194 “Right-to-Know” law Required for most employees to one degree or another According to Kings County IIPP this should be done at least annually

20 Training - Hazard Communications Title 8 section 5194 cont. Employees have the right to know –requirements of the standard –job tasks that may cause them to be exposed to hazardous chemicals –what are the hazardous chemicals

21 Training - Hazard Communications Title 8 section 5194 cont. –MSDS location –properties of the chemicals –how to tell if there is a release, spill or leak –container labeling –when new chemicals come into use training should occur for that chemical

22 Training - Lockout Tagout CFR 1910.147, Title 8 §3314, §3203, §6004, §2320, §2530 Required by OSHA (Fed and Cal) annually Different levels of training are required and acceptable according to level of involvement

23 Training - Lockout Tagout Authorized employees must receive training on the recognition of applicable hazardous energy sources, the type and magnitude of the energy available in the workplace, and the methods and means necessary for energy isolation and control. (c)(7)(i)(A)(c)(7)(i)(A) Example: electrician, plumber, HVAC repairman

24 Training - Lockout Tagout Affected employees must receive training on the purpose and use of the energy control procedures. (c)(7)(i)(B)(c)(7)(i)(B) Example: Machine operator

25 Training - Lockout Tagout Other employees (those whose work activities are or may be in an area where energy control procedures may be utilized) must be instructed about the procedure and about the prohibition relating to attempts to restart or reenergize machines or equipment that are locked out or tagged out. (c)(7)(i)(C) (c)(7)(i)(C)

26 Training - Hearing Conservation Title 8 Section 5099 Employees exposed to over 85 dBA -TWA Annual testing Annual training

27 Training - Hearing Conservation Training should include –The effects of noise –purpose of hearing protectors advantages disadvantages –Instructions on selection of various types –Fitting, use and care –The purpose and methods of audiometric testing

28 Anything Else? Respirators Confined space Blood Borne Pathogen Comprehensively Regulated Substances –Lead- Methylene Chloride –Formaldehyde- Asbestos –Ethylene Dibromide

29 Why is Training Important? Benefits from training? –Better informed workforce –Build “muscle memory” –Less likely to become injured –Better morale –Cost effective –Better service to our consumer –Fulfill responsibilities to Cal OSHA

30 Why is Training Important? You are the chief airplane washer at the company's hangar you (1) Hook high pressure hose up to the soap suds machine. (2) Turn the machine "on". (3) Receive an important call and have to leave work to go home. (4) As you depart for home, you yell to Don, your assistant, "Don, turn it off." (5) Assistant Don thinks he hears, "Don't turn it off." He shrugs, and leaves the area right after you. (6) As with any occupation, make sure personnel have a clear understanding of what you are communicating!


32 Training not only teaches you but also helps you remember what you probably already know SH… Cool? What the heck does that mean? Something just doesn’t look right doesn’t look right.

33 Conclusion Numerous training topics Don’t fear OSHA We need to train for the benefit of repetitive learning Training benefits: –employees (directly and indirectly) –employer (directly and indirectly)

34 “I don’t believe, and this facility does not believe, in safety first. Safety first is not what we sell. We sell paper. Our goal is to get a roll of paper out the door at the best possible price at the best possible quality. That means doing it without interruptions and injuries; incidents and injuries are interruptions to that process. People who are very much production-oriented can buy into safety from that perspective.” -Robert Leclerc Safety Manager Boise-Cascade’s Rumford mill

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