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Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

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1 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Standard and Universal Precautions


3 OSHA Federal regulations related to infection control and asepsis were developed by the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) These laws protect health-care workers from health hazards on the job, particularly from accidentally acquiring infections and health hazards patients and any other people who may come into the medical office

4 The following must be discarded in a biohazardous waste container
blood products body fluids human tissues Vaccines table paper, linens, towels, and gauze with body fluids on them Used scalpels, needles, sutures with needles attached, and other sharp instruments Used gloves, disposable instruments, cotton swabs, and disposable applicators ***make reference to table 1-1 on pg. 19

5 OSHA laws ensure That proper measures are taken to prevent infection
Provide a margin of safety, Ensure that a medical facility meets at least the minimal criteria for asepsis These laws include: requirements for training personnel, keeping records, housekeeping, wearing protective gear

6 Universal Precautions
OSHA requires medical professionals to follow specific “universal blood and body fluid precautions” as set forth by the Dept. Of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

7 Universal Precautions apply to:
Blood and blood products Human tissue Semen and vaginal secretions Saliva from dental procedures Cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial and amniotic fluids, which bathe various internal structures in the body Other body fluids, if visibly contaminated with blood or of questionable origin in the body ***Breast milk (not on list) is generally treated as such because mother can pass HIV to baby


9 Standard Precautions Hospitals now use Standard Precautions, which are a combination of Universal Precautions and rules to reduce the risk of disease transmission by means of moist body substances

10 Standard Precautions apply to:
Blood All body fluids, secretions, and excretions except sweat Non-itact skin Mucous membranes

11 Six Steps of Standard Precautions
1. Handwashing 2. Use of appropriate barrier techniques 3. Cleaning & sanitizing 4. Proper disposal techniques 5. Not sharing personal items 6. Report exposures


13 IMPORTANT to note: Standard Precautions are used in hospitals
Universal Precautions are used in medical offices

14 OSHA divides tasks into 3 categories
Category I – tasks that expose a worker to blood, body fluids, or tissues or those that have a chance of spills or splashes. *These tasks always require specific protective measures Category II – minimal risk of exposure ex. administering nose drops (hand washing) Category III – tasks that do not require any special protection (ex. talking to the patient)

15 OSHA Procedures for Postprocedure Cleanup
Decontaminate work surfaces with bleach Replace protective covering Decontaminate receptacles such as bins, pails and cans on a regular basis Pick up any broken glass with tongs (never use a vacuum to pick up broken glass) Discard all potentially infectious waste materials in appropriate biohazardous waste containers

16 Other OSHA Requirements
Vaccines free of charge (employee is permitted to decline the vaccination if he or she signs a form accepting all the conditions) Special requirements in place if worker infects patient

17 As a healthcare worker your job is to EDUCATE patients
Hand washing Proper hygiene Use of tissues when coughing or sneezing Routinely use disinfectants for cleaning Eat nutritiously Keep up with vaccines Exercise and weight control Alcohol and drug use and abuse Stress reduction techniques

18 This course will give you a foundation to become whatever and whoever you want to be in the healthcare field! Work hard and enjoy it! You will be rewarded!

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