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OSHA’s Top 10 The 10 Most Frequently Cited OSHA Violations in General Industry and Construction: 2010 Presented by Safety+Health and OSHA.

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Presentation on theme: "OSHA’s Top 10 The 10 Most Frequently Cited OSHA Violations in General Industry and Construction: 2010 Presented by Safety+Health and OSHA."— Presentation transcript:

1 OSHA’s Top 10 The 10 Most Frequently Cited OSHA Violations in General Industry and Construction: 2010 Presented by Safety+Health and OSHA

2 OSHA’s Top 10 Richard E. Fairfax, CIH Deputy Assistant Secretary Occupational Safety and Health Administration

3 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations: 2010 The Most Frequently Cited “Serious Violations” 1. 1926.451 – Scaffolding 2. 1926.501 – Fall Protection 3. 1910.1200 – Hazard Communication 4. 1926.1053 – Ladders 5. 1910.147 – Lockout/Tag out 6. 1910.305 – Electrical, Wiring Methods 7. 1910.178 – Powered Industrial Trucks 8. 1910.134 – Respiratory Protection 9. 1910.212 – Machine Guarding 10. 1910.303 – Electrical, General Requirements

4 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations: 2010 The Most Frequently Cited “Willful Violations” 1. 1910.119 – Process Safety Management 2. 1926.403 – Electrical, General Requirements 3. 1926.021 – Safety Training & Education 4. 1910.272 – Grain Handling Facilities 5. 1910.501 – Fall Protection 6. 1910.652 – Requirements for Protective Systems 7. 19101025 - Lead 8. 1904.004 – Recordkeeping, Recording Criteria 9. 1904.007 – Recordkeeping, General Recording Criteria 10. 1910.335 – Safeguards for Personnel Protection

5 General Industry

6 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in General Industry: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Process Safety Management

7 Number 10 1910.119 Process Safety Management 1,709 violations

8 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in General Industry: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Record Keeping 10. Process Safety Management

9 Number 9 1904.029 Record Keeping 1,910 violations

10 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in General Industry: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Personal Protective Equipment 9. Record Keeping 10. Process Safety Management

11 Number 8 1910.132 Personal Protective Equipment 2,010 violations

12 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in General Industry: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Machine Guarding – General Requirements 8. Personal Protective Equipment 9. Record Keeping 10. Process Safety Management

13 Number 7 1910.212 Machine Guarding – General Requirements 2,710 violations

14 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in General Industry: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Electrical – General Requirements 7. Machine Guarding – General Requirements 8. Personal Protective Equipment 9. Record Keeping 10. Process Safety Management

15 Number 6 1910.303 Electrical - General Requirements 2,978 violations

16 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in General Industry: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Powered Industrial Trucks 6. Electrical – General requirements 7. Machine Guarding – General Requirements 8. Personal Protective Equipment 9. Record Keeping 10. Process Safety Management

17 Number 5 1910.178 Powered Industrial Trucks 3,462 violations

18 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in General Industry: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. Electrical wiring methods 5. Powered Industrial Trucks 6. Electrical – General requirements 7. Machine Guarding – General Requirements 8. Personal Protective Equipment 9. Record Keeping 10. Process Safety Management

19 Number 4 1910.305 Electrical - Wiring Methods 3,628 violations

20 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in General Industry: 2010 1. 2. 3. Lockout and Tagout 4. Electrical – Wiring methods 5. Powered Industrial Trucks 6. Electrical – General Requirements 7. Machine Guarding – General Requirements 8. Personal Protective Equipment 9. Record Keeping 10. Process Safety Management

21 Number 3 1910.147 Lockout and Tagout 3,750 violations

22 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in General Industry: 2010 1. 2. Respiratory protection 3. Lockout and Tagout 4. Electrical – Wiring methods 5. Powered Industrial Trucks 6. Electrical – General Requirements 7. Machine Guarding – General Requirements 8. Personal Protective Equipment 9. Record Keeping 10. Process Safety Management

23 Number 2 1910.134 Respiratory Protection 4,222 violations

24 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in General Industry: 2010 1. Hazard Communication 2. Respiratory protection 3. Lockout and Tagout 4. Electrical – Wiring methods 5. Powered Industrial Trucks 6. Electrical – General Requirements 7. Machine Guarding – General Requirements 8. Personal Protective Equipment 9. Record Keeping 10. Process Safety Management

25 Number 1 1910.1200 Hazard Communication 7,176 violations

26 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in General Industry: 2010 1. Hazard Communication 2. Respiratory protection 3. Lockout and Tagout 4. Electrical – Wiring Methods 5. Powered Industrial Trucks 6. Electrical – General Requirements 7. Machine Guarding – General Requirements 8. Personal Protective Equipment 9. Record Keeping 10. Process Safety Management

27 Construction

28 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in Construction: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Eye and face protection

29 Number 10 1926.102 Eye and face protection 1,491 Violations

30 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in Construction: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Aerial Lifts 10. Eye and face protection

31 Number 9 1926.453 Aerial Lifts 1,542 violations

32 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in Construction: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Specific Excavation Requirements 9. Aerial Lifts 10. Eye and face protection

33 Number 8 1926.651 Specific Excavation Requirements 1,637 violations

34 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in Construction: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Head Protection 8. Specific Excavation Requirements 9. Aerial Lifts 10. Eye and face protection

35 Number 7 1926.100 Head Protection 1,942 violations

36 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in Construction: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. General safety and health provisions 7. Head Protection 8. Specific Excavation Requirements 9. Aerial Lifts 10. Eye and face protection

37 Number 6 1910.020 General Safety & Health Provisions 2,024 violations

38 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in Construction: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hazard Communication 6. General safety and health provisions 7. Head Protection 8. Specific Excavation Requirements 9. Aerial Lifts 10. Eye and face protection

39 Number 5 1910.1200 Hazard Communication 2,127 violations

40 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in Construction: 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. Fall protection training requirements 5. Hazard Communication 6. General safety and health provisions 7. Head Protection 8. Specific Excavation Requirements 9. Aerial Lifts 10. Eye and face protection

41 Number 4 1926.503 Fall protection training requirements 2,400 violations

42 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in Construction: 2010 1. 2. 3. Ladders 4. Fall protection training requirements 5. Hazard Communication 6. General safety and health provisions 7. Head Protection 8. Specific Excavation Requirements 9. Aerial Lifts 10. Eye and face protection

43 Number 3 1926.1053 Ladders 4,055 violations

44 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in Construction: 2010 1. 2. Fall Protection – General Requirements 3. Ladders 4. Fall protection training requirements 5. Hazard Communication 6. General safety and health provisions 7. Head Protection 8. Specific Excavation Requirements 9. Aerial Lifts 10. Eye and face protection

45 Number 2 1926.501 Fall Protection – General Requirements 8,086 violations

46 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in Construction: 2010 1. Scaffolding – General Requirements 2. Fall Protection – General Requirements 3. Ladders 4. Fall protection training requirements 5. Hazard Communication 6. General safety and health provisions 7. Head Protection 8. Specific Excavation Requirements 9. Aerial Lifts 10. Eye and face protection

47 Number 1 1926.451 Scaffolding – General Requirements 8,931 violations

48 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations in Construction: 2010 1. Scaffolding – General Requirements 2. Fall Protection – General Requirements 3. Ladders 4. Fall protection training requirements 5. Hazard Communication 6. General safety and health provisions 7. Head Protection 8. Specific Excavation Requirements 9. Aerial Lifts 10. Eye and face protection

49 Questions

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