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The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate Jill A. Perry Council for Academic Deans in Research Education Institutions (CADREI) Newport, October 15,

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Presentation on theme: "The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate Jill A. Perry Council for Academic Deans in Research Education Institutions (CADREI) Newport, October 15,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate Jill A. Perry Council for Academic Deans in Research Education Institutions (CADREI) Newport, October 15, 2008 Mapping backwards to a stewardship of practice in education

2 Agenda Updates: Events since Feb 08, notable outcomes, challenges, what’s next, Jill Perry Using design-based research in institutional change, Olga Welch, Duquesne University CPED changes creating programs that strengthen practitioner abilities, Barry Sheckley, University of Connecticut & Henry Clark, Virginia Commonwealth University Q&A June 2008 Convening

3 Since February 08 New office at University of Maryland Article Change Magazine June Convening Added institutions Progress Reports Spencer Grant CPED and Carnegie Foundation National discussion

4 Nov/Dec 2008 A stewardship of practice in education - Jill A. Perry and David G. Imig Chronicles first year of CPED Central Goals & Importance Evidence of progress Based on proposals, pre-work & discussions

5 VCU: Case Study & Methodology Shulman & Golde: What a steward looks like Group work: Defining the path Honoring Lee June Convening Palo Alto

6 CPED is Growing… Arizona State California State System Central Florida Colorado (Denver) Connecticut Duquesne (PA) Florida Houston Kansas Kentucky (Lexington) Louisville Lynn (FL) Maryland Missouri (Columbia) Nebraska (Lincoln) Northern Illinois Oklahoma Pennsylvania State Rutgers (NJ) Southern California Vermont Virginia Commonwealth Virginia Tech Washington State William & Mary

7 Progress Reports Annual assignment based on logic models Notable outcomes Challenges www.cpedinitiative. org

8 Grant $75K: admin support & task forces Goals: 1) Identify what candidates should know, believe, and be able to do 2) Describe levels of proficiency 3) Identify: outcomes in the three areas  lead to a common assessment system for Ed.D. candidates 4) Demonstrate how members are examining assessment protocol & documenting the process at their institution Process & Next steps

9 What’s next ? CPED & the Carnegie Agenda October Convening  at USC Academic conferences: CPED & members AACTE

10 Find out more… Jill A. Perry

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