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NHPRC 2005 Symposium Helen Samuels New Approaches to Documenting Teaching and Learning In Higher Education.

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Presentation on theme: "NHPRC 2005 Symposium Helen Samuels New Approaches to Documenting Teaching and Learning In Higher Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHPRC 2005 Symposium Helen Samuels New Approaches to Documenting Teaching and Learning In Higher Education

2 Albert Hall, notebook entry 7 April 1865 Made Hydrogen by passing steam over heated copper turnings in an iron tube.... Made Binoxide of manganese, by pouring nitric acid on copper turnings. Extinguishes burning sulphur, and charcoal.... Detected arsenic in some green paper....

3 Consider... In fall 2020, UNC’s Provost Bell creates an ad hoc faculty committee to formulate recommendations about the future of undergraduate education at UNC, focusing both on the curriculum and the desired methods of delivery. The study begins by examining the role educational technology played in transforming undergraduate education at UNC in the early part of the 21 st century.

4 Consider… In 2025, The Center for History of Physics at the American Institute of Physics undertakes a comprehensive study of the teaching of physics in American higher education. Their goal is to assess the changing teaching methods and technologies that have been utilized.

5 In 2020 or 2025 what evidence would researchers find to provide the information they seek? What evidence would they hope to find? Can we ensure that an adequate documentary record will exist to answer these and so many other questions that have not yet been asked?

6 The increased use of computers may provide an opportunity for the archivist to capture the teaching and learning process. Varsity Letters, 1992

7 A la rencontre de Philippe

8 TEAL Technology Enabled Active Learning Introductory Physics


10 What does this mean for archivists?? Potential of educational technology to transform the documentary record

11 PROJECT GOALS Appraisal Guidance Methodology

12 Varsity Letters: Documenting modern colleges and universities

13 What Do Colleges And Universities Do?


15 Confer Credentials –Admit –Advise –Graduate Convey Knowledge –Design Curriculum –Teach/Learn –Evaluate Foster Socialization –House –Offer extracurricular Conduct Research Sustain the Institution –Governance –Finance –Staff –Physical Plant Provide Public Service Promote Culture –Libraries/Archives/ Museums

16 Challenge of documenting teaching and learning

17 Activities??? Conceptualization Planning Immersion Reflection

18 Conceptualize –Intellectual and administrative Plan –Syllabus development Immerse –Teaching and learning inside the classroom and beyond the formal setting Reflect –Assessment

19 How to build the list? Preliminary list –Course management systems WebCT, Blackboard, SAKAI Refine the list –Discussions with faculty, and educational technologists

20 How to build and relate lists Teaching and Learning Activities Educational Technology Tools

21 Collaborative Effort Archivists Faculty Educational Technologists Students

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