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Donald Kline, Jr.; Emily Redmond; Kaitlyn Ruhl, Vikram Patwardhan.

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Presentation on theme: "Donald Kline, Jr.; Emily Redmond; Kaitlyn Ruhl, Vikram Patwardhan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Donald Kline, Jr.; Emily Redmond; Kaitlyn Ruhl, Vikram Patwardhan

2 Overview:  Part 1 Objective Motivation Data  Part 2 Objective Background Motivation Statement of Work Data  Justified Budget  Summary

3 Part 1

4 Objective:  Design exhibit as representatives of University of Pittsburgh Display at Carnegie Science Center for “Engineer the Future” Consist of interactive Lego Mindstorm robots Engage students & encourage interest in engineering

5 Motivation:  Inspire students to consider computing, robotics, & engineering  Project a positive image of the University of Pittsburgh Future students Employers

6 Data

7 Data Cont’d (Monster Robot)  Two personalities Line Following Mode Monster Mode  Robot design Sensors Structure  Coding Calls to “Follow” and “Claw Attack” Lego Mindstorm NXT Code (image based)

8 Data Cont’d

9 Part 2

10 Objective  Develop a curriculum for teaching incoming 9 th graders how to use Lego Mindstorms, as part of the Investing NOW program  Our curriculum must: Engage, instruct, and challenge incoming 9th graders Allow students to explore programming, logic, & mathematical concepts through instruction & friendly competition Include a detailed manual for the instructor

11 Background  Every summer, Investing NOW hosts summer enrichment programming for high school students.  Investing NOW focuses on drawing the interest of future students and aiding their success in high school.  Investing NOW’s summer program lasts for five weeks, consisting of four days of classes each week.

12 Background Cont’d  This year is different from past years Previous years: Each group of students get one week with each engineering course This year: Students are sorted by grade, and each grade has the same course for the entire summer program  Due to the change in the time of the program, the robotics curriculum will need significant changes

13 Motivation  Provide Investing NOW with a curriculum that they can reuse year after year in their summer engineering course  Give the students in the Investing NOW program an excellent experience  It is also our hope that a positive experience would reflect well on both the University of Pittsburgh and the Engineering 0715 class as a whole

14 Statement of Work 1. Become acquainted with coding, structure, and capabilities of the Lego Mindstorm robots 2. Develop a detailed curriculum that fits with the changes in the Investing NOW program 3. Submit the teacher manuals, instructional documents, and final challenge board to Investing NOW

15 WBS  1. Learn about the summer class  1.1 Learn what the course is supposed to teach  1.1.1 Meet the instructor and assess what he believes would be beneficial for the teacher to have  1.1.2 Meet with the program advisors to see what goals they have for the class  1.2 Create a rough sketch of how each day will be spent  2. Make a syllabus  2.1 Divide the days into different departments of engineering  2.1.1 For each department, teach about the department and the relation to this class  2.2 Decide which documents and Power Points will be needed to teach each days material  2.2.1 Create these files to be used by the instructor.  2.2.2 Test them by practicing teaching the material to a student  2.2.3 Make worksheets to reinforce the material  2.2.4 Create a teaching manual for the instructor  Include a more detailed syllabus and teaching materials meant for the instructor to learn from  2.3 Decide how and when each new bit of information should be taught  2.3.1 Create ice breakers and in-class activities to keep students’ interest  2.4 Create a survey to adequately divide students into groups  3. Make the Final Task  3.1 Brainstorm and decide how the students will be assessed at the end  3.2 Find how previous years have done this  3.3 Finalize idea on final task  3.4 Make the board for the task  3.5 Create robots ourselves to test the difficulty of the task  3.6 Create rules and regulations for this competition  4. Submit Deliverables  4.1 Put together teaching manual  4.2 Submit all copies of files needed to teach

16 Gantt Chart 2 Gantt Chart: Team 6, Lego Mindstorms Part 2: CurriculumDonald Kline, Jr, Emily Redmond, Vikram Patwardhan, and Kaitlyn Ruhl 9-Feb16-Feb23-Feb1-Mar8-Mar15-Mar22-Mar29-Mar5-Apr12-Apr19-Apr 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.3 2.3.1 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 4.1 4.2

17 Data (Documents):  Day 1: Course Overview (ppt) Flashy Demos/Robot Potential (online/ppt) Ice Breakers (doc) Intro to NXT Brick (ppt)  Day 2: Logic Demos/Applications (ppt) NXT Trainer: Thinking about Programming (online) Intro to Mindstorm Logic (ppt) Math Concepts (ppt) Math Applications Worksheet (doc) Smart Motor Example (online) Extra Math Document (doc)  Day 3: Importance of Planning Designs (ppt) Mechanical Engineering (ppt) Common Building Options (doc) Electrical Engineering (ppt) Sensor PowerPoint (ppt) Examples for Practicing Building (doc)  Day 4: Competition Explanation (doc) Industrial Engineering (ppt) Team Building (ppt) Assorted Videos (online)  Day 5: Intro to Pseudocode (ppt) Description of Mindstorm Code (ppt) Individual Psuedocode (doc) Intro to Computer Engineering (ppt) Group work on coding (doc)  Day 6 Complicated Coding from Video Trainer (online) Complicated Coding Techniques (ppt) Individual Worksheets (doc) Group Exercises (doc)  Day 7 Video Suggestions List (doc/online)  Map  Teacher Manual

18 Data (Example of Day-By-Day Manual)

19 Data (Example of a Worksheet)

20 Data (Example Instructional Power Point)

21 Data (Final Challenge Board)

22 Justified Budget  Part 1: Action figures ~$12 each ○ Needed for the robot to attack in monster mode ○ 7 total, different types to ensure functionality Candy ~$55 ○ Picked up with claw robots ○ Many kids over 2 days, need to have plenty Miscellaneous supplies ~$20 ○ Needed to create map  Part 2: Investing NOW will take care of it

23 Summary  Part 1: Created an exhibit which was enjoyed by students  Part 2: Created a 19-day curriculum with clear guidance for the instructor

24 References: “Engineer the Future 2012”. (2012). Carnegie Science Center. [Online events detail]. Available: tID=2187 tID=2187 “Carnegie Science Center To Host Engineer the Future” (2011, Feb. 11). Carnegie Science Center. [Online press release]. Available: uary_11_Engineer_the_Future.pdf uary_11_Engineer_the_Future.pdf “Carnegie Science Center’s Engineer the Future Offers Inside Look at Regional Engineering Opportunities”. (2010, Feb. 16). Carnegie Science Center. [Online press release]. Available: ID=273&pageID=237 ID=273&pageID=237 D. Budny. (2012, Jan. 12). [Conversation]

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