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Published byCalvin Goodman Modified over 9 years ago
Response rateFirst-year Senior GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSE 2013 GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSE 2013 9%15%23%21% 22%21%29%26% Representativeness First-year Senior Respondent %Population % Respondent %Population % Female6452 6757 Full-time7875 7168 First-time, first-year4446 N/A Race/ethnicity a Am. Indian or Alaska Native10 00 Asian137 10 Black or African American2436 2021 Hispanic or Latino1815 67 Native Hawaiian/Other Pac. Isl. 00 00 White3835 5855 Other00 00 Foreign or nonresident alien11 11 Two or more races/ethicities44 33 Unknown01 33
2012 and Prior2013 BenchmarksThemeEngagement Indicator Level of Academic Challenge Academic Challenge Higher-Order Learning Reflective and Integrative Learning Learning Strategies Quantitative Reasoning Active & Collaborative Learning Learning with Peers Collaborative Learning Discussions with Diverse Others Student Faculty Interaction Experiences with Faculty Student-Faculty Interaction Effective Teaching Practices Enriching Educational Experiences Campus Environment Quality of Interactions Supportive Environment Supportive Campus Environment
GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSETop 50% Top 10% Academic Challenge Higher-Order Learning39.039.138.439.140.9 42.7 Reflective and Integrative Learning35.435.2 35.737.6 39.4 Learning Strategies41.440.439.739.841.8 ✓ 44.3 Quantitative Reasoning28.528.026.727.328.8 ✓ 30.5 Learning with Peers Collaborative Learning29.932.130.731.534.5 37.1 Discussions with Diverse Others40.141.539.240.843.2 45.7 Experiences with Faculty Student-Faculty Interaction18.919.920.920.023.4 26.7 Effective Teaching Practices42.240.140.640.442.8 ✓ 44.7 Campus Environment Quality of Interactions39.241.041.7 44.3 46.3 Supportive Environment35.738. 41.4
GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSETop 50% Top 10% Academic Challenge Higher-Order Learning41.341.241.441.343.5 45.3 Reflective and Integrative Learning38.238.338.838.941.1 43.1 Learning Strategies42.741.641.140.743.2 ✓ 45.4 Quantitative Reasoning32.230.329.229.731.1 ✓ 32.5 ✓ Learning with Peers Collaborative Learning32.833.031.631.735.0 37.5 Discussions with Diverse Others47.642.941.041.844.1 ✓ 45.8 ✓ Experiences with Faculty Student-Faculty Interaction25.024.425.123.229.7 34.6 Effective Teaching Practices43.141.541.341.143.3 ✓ 45.3 Campus Environment Quality of Interactions40.842.443.342.845.8 47.6 Supportive Environment34.634.533.1 36.2 ✓ 39.1
GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSE First Year Learning community8151115 Service-learning46505952 Research with faculty8665 Participated in at least one50576158 Participated in two or more9121112 Seniors Learning community2224 Service-learning64596760 Research with faculty2824 23 Internship or field exp.38485048 Study abroad912913 Culminating senior exp.50425045 Participated in at least one82848684 Participated in two or more61596460
GGC First-year students compared with Southeast PublicCarnegie ClassNSSE 2013 Engagement IndicatorMean Effect sizeMean Effect sizeMean Effect size Higher-Order Learning39.0 39.1 -.01 38.4.04 39.1 -.01 Reflective & Integrative Learning35.435.2.0235.2.0235.7 -.02 Learning Strategies41.440.4.0739.7 *.1239.8 *.12 Quantitative Reasoning 28.5 28.0.03 26.7.11 27.3.08 GGC Senior students compared with Southeast PublicCarnegie ClassNSSE 2013 Engagement IndicatorMean Effect sizeMean Effect sizeMean Effect size Higher-Order Learning41.3 41.2.01 41.4 -.01 41.3.00 Reflective & Integrative Learning38.238.3 -.0138.8 -.0538.9 -.06 Learning Strategies42.741.6.0841.1.1140.7 *.14 Quantitative Reasoning 32.2 30.3.10 29.2 **.17 29.7 *.14
Percentage responding "Very much" or "Quite a bit" about how much coursework emphasized…GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSEGGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSE 4b. Applying facts, theories, or methods to practical problems or new situations 727571747980 4c. Analyzing an idea, experience, or line of reasoning in depth by examining its parts 747270737977 78 4d. Evaluating a point of view, decision, or information source 69 717073717472 4e. Forming a new idea or understanding from various pieces of information 6968 6971 73 First YearSenior
Percentage of students who responded that they "Very often" or "Often"…GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSEGGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSE 2a. Combined ideas from different courses when completing assignments 5654 5671 7071 2b. Connected your learning to societal problems or issues 5351 5364626564 2c. Included diverse perspectives (political, religious, racial/ethnic, gender, etc.) in course discussions or assignments 5249505154525756 2d. Examined the strengths and weaknesses of your own views on a topic or issue 6463 65 67 2e. Tried to better understand someone else's views by imagining how an issue looks from his or her perspective 6366 6869 70 2f. Learned something that changed the way you understand an issue or concept 6763656663686970 2g. Connected ideas from your courses to your prior experiences and knowledge 7376 78818384 First YearSenior
Percentage of students who responded that they "Very often" or "Often"…GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSEGGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSE 9a. Identified key information from reading assignments 8281 8584 9b.Reviewed your notes after class 7068676668 6765 9c. Summarized what you learned in class or from course materials 736664 69686766 First YearSenior
Percentage of students who responded that they "Very often" or "Often"…GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSEGGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSE 6a. Reached conclusions based on your own analysis of numerical information (numbers, graphs, statistics, etc.) 5554505164565354 6b. Used numerical information to examine a real-world problem or issue (unemployment, climate change, public health, etc.) 4139373845 44 6c. Evaluated what others have concluded from numerical information 4038363748454244 First YearSenior
GGC First-year students compared with Southeast PublicCarnegie ClassNSSE 2013 Engagement IndicatorMean Effect sizeMean Effect sizeMean Effect size Collaborative Learning29.9 32.1**-.16 30.7 -.06 31.5 * -.11 Discussions with Diverse Others40.141.5 -.0839.2.0640.8 -.04 GGC Seniors compared with Southeast PublicCarnegie ClassNSSE 2013 Engagement IndicatorMean Effect sizeMean Effect sizeMean Effect size Collaborative Learning32.8 33.0 -.01 31.6.09 31.7.08 Discussions with Diverse Others47.642.9 ***.2941.0 ***.4141.8 ***.36
Percentage of students who responded that they "Very often" or "Often"… GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSEGGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSE 1e.Asked another student to help you understand course material 37494548314138 1f.Explained course material to one or more students 57585456596057 1g.Prepared for exams by discussing or working through course material with other students 41504648464844 1h.Worked with other students on course projects or assignments 524950 73636063
Percentage of students who responded that they "Very often" or "Often" had discussions with… GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSEGGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSE 8a.People from a race or ethnicity other than your own 7672687085757072 8b.People from an economic background other than your own 68747173867774 8c.People with religious beliefs other than your own 6869636882726670 8d.People with political views other than your own 6572667080757172
GGC First-year students compared with Southeast PublicCarnegie ClassNSSE 2013 Engagement Indicator Mean Effect sizeMean Effect sizeMean Effect size Student-Faculty Interaction18.9 19.9 -.07 20.9 * -.13 20.0 -.07 Effective Teaching Practices42.240.1 **.1640.6*.1140.4 *.13 GGC Seniors compared with Southeast PublicCarnegie ClassNSSE 2013 Engagement Indicator Mean Effect sizeMean Effect sizeMean Effect size Student-Faculty Interaction25.0 24.4.04 25.1 -.01 23.2.11 Effective Teaching Practices43.1 41.5.1141.3.1241.1 *.14
Percentage of students who responded that they "Very often" or "Often"… GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSEGGC Southeas t Public Carnegie ClassNSSE 3a.Talked about career plans with a faculty member 2632343245444642 3b.Worked w/faculty on activities other than coursework (committees, student groups, etc.) 1718191825272825 3c.Discussed course topics, ideas, or concepts with a faculty member outside of class 2324272435 3632 3d.Discussed your academic performance with a faculty member 28 312840353732 First YearSenior
Percentage responding "Very much" or "Quite a bit" about how much instructors have…GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSEGGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSE 5a.Clearly explained course goals and requirements 81 808286838283 5b.Taught course sessions in an organized way 7679 80 828182 5c.Used examples or illustrations to explain difficult points 78 77788280 79 5d.Provided feedback on a draft or work in progress 7363686566626462 5e.Provided prompt and detailed feedback on tests or completed assignments 6961666369 7068 First YearSenior
GGC First-year students compared with Southeast PublicCarnegie ClassNSSE 2013 Engagement Indicator Mean Effect sizeMean Effect sizeMean Effect size Quality of Interactions39.2 41.0 * -.15 41.7 ** -.20 41.7 ** -.20 Supportive Environment35.738.1*-.1736.1 -.0337.2 -.11 GGC Seniors compared with Southeast PublicCarnegie ClassNSSE 2013 Engagement Indicator Mean Effect sizeMean Effect sizeMean Effect size Quality of Interactions40.8 42.4 -.13 43.3 ** -.21 42.8 * -.17 Supportive Environment34.634.5.0133.1.1133.1.11
Percentage rating a 6 or 7 on a scale from 1="Poor" to 7="Excellent" their interactions with… GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSEGGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSE 13a.Students5359 60626665 13b.Academic advisors4746504956525853 13c.Faculty5348535161606461 13d.Student services staff (career services, student activities, housing, etc.) 384344 4142 13e.Other administrative staff and offices (registrar, financial aid, etc.) 3740444235404443 First YearSenior
Percentage responding "Very much" or "Quite a bit" about how much the institution emphasized… GGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSEGGC Southeast Public Carnegie ClassNSSE 14b.Providing support to help students succeed academically 7978757873 72 14c.Using learning support services (tutoring services, writing center, etc.) 7679767870686967 14d.Encouraging contact among students from diff. backgrounds (soc., racial/eth., relig., etc.) 6057 585952 14e.Providing opportunities to be involved socially 64746972657065 14f.Providing support for your overall well-being (recreation, health care, counseling, etc.) 6575667265675962 14g.Helping you manage your non- academic responsibilities (work, family, etc.) 4044 263332 14h.Attending campus activities and events (performing arts, athletic events, etc.) 58736668586456 14i.Attending events that address important social, economic, or political issues 5055515345494645 First YearSenior
Participate in a learning community or some other formal program where groups of students take two or more classes together First YearSenior
About how many of your courses at this institution have included a community-based project (service learning)? First YearSenior
Work with a faculty member on a research project First YearSenior
Participate in an internship, co-op, field experience, student teaching, or clinical placement.
Participate in a study abroad program
Complete a culminating senior experience (capstone course, senior project or thesis, comprehensive exam, portfolio, etc.)
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