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Presentation on theme: "EVERY STUDENT COLLEGE AND CAREER READY: CHALLENGES FOR KY TEACHER PREPARATION PROGRAMS EPSB MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 2011 Brenda J. Overturf, Ed. D., Louisville,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EVERY STUDENT COLLEGE AND CAREER READY: CHALLENGES FOR KY TEACHER PREPARATION PROGRAMS EPSB MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 2011 Brenda J. Overturf, Ed. D., Louisville, KY International Reading Association Board Member, 2009-2012

2 Credentials  Classroom teacher in Estill County and Bullitt County  OVEC Goals 2000 Middle School Grant Project Coordinator  Jefferson County Public Schools District Reading Coordinator  University of Louisville faculty, chair of M.Ed. in Reading and M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership  Kentucky Reading Association president 2007-2008  International Reading Association board member 2009- 2012 (Chair of IRA Common Core Standards Task Force)

3 KCCT Reading 2007-11

4 KCCT Writing-on-Demand 2007-11

5 KY Adolescent Literacy 2010-2011  KCCT MIDDLE SCHOOL PERFORMANCE: o The Reading Proficient/Distinguished Percentage decreased from 70.21 in 2010 to 69.90 in 2011. o The Writing On-Demand Proficient/Distinguished increased from 42.35 in 2010 to 45.22 in 2011.  KCCT HIGH SCHOOL PERFORMANCE: o The Reading Proficient/Distinguished Percentage increased from 61.34 in 2010 to 65.91 in 2011. o The Writing On-Demand Proficient/Distinguished increased from 35.94 in 2010 to 40.89 in 2011.

6 ACT College and Career Readiness “College and career readiness means the acquisition of the knowledge and skills a student needs to enroll and succeed in credit-bearing first- year courses at a postsecondary institution (such as a two- or four year college, trade school, or technical school) without the need for remediation.” The Condition of College and Career Readiness, ACT, Inc., 2011

7 8 th Grade ACT Comparisons: EXPLORE Kentucky EXPLORE English test Nation EXPLORE English test Kentucky EXPLORE Reading test Nation EXPLORE Reading test 201113.914.2 13.8

8 ACT data show that fewer than two in ten eighth graders are on target to be ready for college-level work by the time they graduate from high school.

9 Percentage of 11 th Graders Meeting ACT College and Career Readiness Benchmarks Kentucky ACT English test Nation ACT English test Kentucky ACT Reading test Nation ACT Reading test 201149.5%66%35.3%52%

10 ACT data show that fewer than four in ten Kentucky eleventh graders are on target to be ready for college-level reading by the time they graduate from high school.

11 ACT Common Core and College and Career Readiness, 2010 Projections based on ACT longitudinal data: Literacy AreaACT Projected College and Career Ready Reading38% Reading Literature37% Reading Informational Text38% Literacy in History/Social Studies41% Literacy in Science24% Vocabulary35% Writing51%

12 Kentucky Core Academic Standards in Literacy English Language Arts  Reading  Literature  Informational Text  Foundational Skills (K-5 only)  Writing  Speaking and Listening  Language  Conventions  Vocabulary Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-12 Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-12

13 ACT Policy Brief “The Common Core State Standards in reading are explicitly modeled on the idea of shared responsibility for students’ literacy development. States and districts should therefore prepare middle and high school content-area teachers for this role by providing professional development opportunities that build the reading instruction capacity of content-area specialists.” A First Look at the Common Core and College and Career Readiness, ACT, Inc., 2010

14 Every KY teacher needs to be able to:  Embed literacy skills and strategies in instruction  Teach content area literacy, especially argumentative and informational reading and writing in English/Language Arts, History/Social Studies, and Science/Technical Subjects  Meet the needs of diverse learners  Facilitate student discussions for learning  Embed technology within literacy tasks  Understand and teach to text complexity

15 Advancing Adolescent Literacy, 2010 At bare minimum, all middle and high school teachers should possess a working knowledge of: 1. How literacy demands change with age and grade, 2. How students vary in literacy strengths and needs, 3. How texts in a given content area raise specific literacy challenges, 4. How to recognize and address literacy difficulties, and 5. How to adapt and develop teaching skills over time. Time to Act: : An Agenda for Advancing Adolescent Literacy for College and Career Success, Final Report from Carnegie Corporation of New York’s Council on Advancing Adolescent Literacy, 2010

16 Alliance for Excellent Education, 2011 “Policy leaders must ensure that secondary schools have highly effective teachers who have expertise in a discipline and knowledge about teaching strategies in order to improve reading and writing within their subject area… Teacher education and professional development providers should be held accountable for the competency of teachers in providing standards- based literacy instruction within content-area learning.” Engineering Solutions to the National Crisis in Literacy: How to Make Good on the Promise of the Common Core State Standards, Policy Brief from the Alliance for Excellent Education, 2011

17 What are other states doing? “ Many states do require pre-service teachers in all content areas to take coursework in literacy, and…many teacher educators across the country are working diligently and thoughtfully to prepare novice teachers to teach literacy in the content areas.” Time to Act: : An Agenda for Advancing Adolescent Literacy for College and Career Success, Final Report from Carnegie Corporation of New York’s Council on Advancing Adolescent Literacy, 2010

18 Carnegie Corporation Adolescent Literacy Pre-Service Initiative  9 universities around the country trying innovative approaches to prepare content area teachers in literacy  Examples:  University of Michigan offering content literacy course to pre-service teacher cohorts differentiated by academic major; collaboration with field placements  Teachers College, Columbia University collaborating with Arts & Sciences to offer two content literacy courses and literacy focus in student-teaching seminar

19 A Voice from Kentucky… “I thought I knew what I was doing. In the past when my students struggled, I blamed the students, but later realized my lack of knowledge for discipline ‐ specific literacy strategies kept me from reaching my students. Now, I consider adolescent motivation, and incorporate specific skill needs in my classroom.” --KY Striving Readers Teacher, 2010

20 Resources  ACT, Inc. (2011). The condition of college and career readiness. Iowa City, Iowa: ACT, Inc.  ACT, Inc. (2010). A first look at the common core and college and career readiness. Iowa City, Iowa: ACT, Inc.  Carnegie Council on Advancing Adolescent Literacy. (2010). Time to act: An agenda for advancing adolescent literacy for college and career success. New York, NY: Carnegie Corporation of New York.  Haynes, M. (2011). Engineering Solutions to the National Crisis in Literacy: How to Make Good on the Promise of the Common Core State Standards. Washington, DC: Alliance for Excellent Education.  Kentucky Department of Education Open House Website  Overturf, B.J., & Bronger, L.P. (2011). Meeting the gold standard: Preparation of middle and high school literacy coaches in the field. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.


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