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U.S. Coast Guard Homeland Security 5/12/2015 Marine Safety Unit Paducah 1 Top Five Marine Casualties CWO Jason Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Coast Guard Homeland Security 5/12/2015 Marine Safety Unit Paducah 1 Top Five Marine Casualties CWO Jason Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Coast Guard Homeland Security 5/12/2015 Marine Safety Unit Paducah 1 Top Five Marine Casualties CWO Jason Johnson

2 U.S. Coast Guard Homeland Security 187 Reportable Marine Casualties 58 Personnel Injuries6 Flooding 51 Equipment Failures5 Collisions 42 Groundings4 Barge Breakaways 20 Allisions1 Loss of Life 2010 Reportable Marine Casualties Collisions Allisions Groundings

3 U.S. Coast Guard Homeland Security 5 Collisions 1 on the LMR (MM 950) 3 on the OHR (MM 934, MM 976, MM 980.5) 1 on the UMR (MM 101.8) Highlights 60% of collisions were in the vicinity of the confluence or its fleeting areas. (highlighted in red)

4 U.S. Coast Guard Homeland Security 20 Allisions 1 on the CBR (MM 63) 3 on the LMR (MM 929.6, MM 939, MM 940) 10 on the OHR (MM 877, MM 918, 2 at MM 918.5, MM 932, MM 934, MM 976, MM 980, MM 980.4, MM 981) 2 on the TNR (MM 21, MM 41.6) 3 on the UMR (2 at MM 1.0, MM 43.7) Highlights Smithland Lock & Dam 40% of allisions occurred In the vicinity of the route 62 “Cairo” Bridge, the confluence or its fleeting areas. (Both highlighted in red)

5 U.S. Coast Guard Homeland Security 42 Groundings 9 on the CBR (MM 3.5, MM 4.5, MM 19.7, MM 23.2, MM 40, MM 40.3, MM 50, MM 61, MM 63.5) 8 on the LMR (MM 869, MM 869.5, MM 907, MM 935, MM 947, MM 952, MM 953.3, MM 981) 13 on the OHR (MM 871, MM 918, MM 919, MM 923.4, MM 924, MM 926.5, MM 931, MM 936.2, MM 936.4, MM 939, MM 941.8, MM 942.2, MM 978) 2 on the TNR (MM 2, MM 16.4) 10 on the UMR (MM 3, MM 13, 2 at MM 23, MM 33, MM 38, MM 47.7, MM 49, MM 96, MM 105) Highlights 48% of groundings occurred in a bends. (highlighted in blue) 2011 Casualty data shows an increase in groundings where the CBR enters the OHR. (highlighted in red)

6 U.S. Coast Guard Homeland Security Top 5 Casualty Locations Smithland Lock and Dam. Confluence of the UMR, LMR, and OHR. Data shows a high potential for collisions and allisions Fleeting Area breakaways throughout AOR. Only Four in 2010 but 2011’s high water has shown a significant increase. Ohio River between MM 920-925 “Brick house”. Sediment discharge from the Cumberland river is contributing to an increase in groundings. Bends throughout AOR. 48% of groundings happened in bends. Contributors included: passing situations within bends River conditions Vessel maneuverability

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