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URBAN HEALTH INSTITUTE Urban Health Institute is an initiative of Aman Healthcare Services providing Basic and Advanced Medical trainings to Healthcare.

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Presentation on theme: "URBAN HEALTH INSTITUTE Urban Health Institute is an initiative of Aman Healthcare Services providing Basic and Advanced Medical trainings to Healthcare."— Presentation transcript:

1 URBAN HEALTH INSTITUTE Urban Health Institute is an initiative of Aman Healthcare Services providing Basic and Advanced Medical trainings to Healthcare Professionals working in Hospitals and Emergency Medical Services, the corporate sector as well as lay persons in the community.

2 Background UHI was created in 2012 as an internal training unit of Aman Healthcare Services to meet the unique training demands of personnel working in Aman EMS, Aman TeleHealth and Aman Community Health Programme. Over the period of 2 years, UHI has developed further and in addition to being established as the training arm of AHCS, has also introduced various training courses for the public sector. Some initiatives of UHI include: Aman Layman CPR program (14000 individuals trained to date in CPR) largest program of its kind. Disaster Management Course (which is conducted in collaboration with Harvard Humanitarian Initiative) in which stakeholders such as Pakistan Red Crescent Society, Chhipa Ambulance Service, Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation, Sindh Police, Pakistan Navy, Aga Khan University Hospital have been trained to deal with Mass Casualty Incidents. Introduction of Basic and Advanced Life Support medical courses for health professionals. First Aid and First Responder courses for schools/colleges, corporate and industrial sectors. Curriculum development for Advance Paramedics working in Ambulances Curriculum development for Community Health Workers specifically working in social marketing.








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