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MRC OF N ORTH I DAHO Resilience & Emotional Support Team (REST)

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1 MRC OF N ORTH I DAHO Resilience & Emotional Support Team (REST)

2 R ESILIENCE & E MOTIONAL S UPPORT T EAM (REST) A cadre of the Medical Reserve Corps of North Idaho Comprised of a core group of qualified, trained individuals When activated, can be rapidly mobilized to provide on-site disaster mental health services The REST provides disaster mental health services such as Information and referral, Psychological first aid (PFA), and Crisis counseling These services can be provided at Panhandle Health District offices or at designated response sites

3 R ESILIENCE & E MOTIONAL S UPPORT T EAM (REST) – W HY ? The After Action Report from Panhandle Health District’s H1N1 response indicated a need for a comprehensive regional Mass Fatality Plan The north Idaho region has suffered traumatic incidents that affect the community as a whole, outside of the first responder community. Examples are fatal mining accidents in Shoshone County in 2010, 2011, and 2014 The Groene murder/kidnap incident in 2005 How best to use the skills of MRC who are mental health professionals

4 R ESILIENCE & E MOTIONAL S UPPORT T EAM (REST) Applied for NACCHO Competitive Capacity Building Award Used for recruiting and training Free 2-day training by nationally known instructors Training provided CEUs which benefit professionals Purchased “uniforms” which consist of a backpack, a folio notebook for brochures and field notes, and a ball cap, all in bright orange to be easily identified in the crowd Received much advice and assistance from MRC New York who developed the REST and name and allowed us to use it

5 R ESILIENCE & E MOTIONAL S UPPORT T EAM (REST) Family Assistance Center “Family Assistance” is described as the role of Mental Health Services in a Family Assistance Shelter Established in the event of a mass fatality or mass casualty incident Primary function of Mental Health Services is to provide Psychological First Aid, Crisis intervention, Mediation, and Management of ‘at risk’ family members, including child and adolescent counseling

6 R ESILIENCE & E MOTIONAL S UPPORT T EAM (REST) MRC was queried for mental health support After Sunshine Mine fatal accident in 2010 MRC could have sent mental health professional, but was handled by other agency After fatal shooting at transitional housing in Coeur d’Alene in 2014 MRC was ready to respond with REST team but the need was met by others MRC REST will offer services at North Idaho Day of Hope on September 6, 2014 Community-wide event that will include health services and education components

7 R ESILIENCE & E MOTIONAL S UPPORT T EAM (REST) REST Membership Required Training NCTSN 6-hour online Psychological First Aid Training One-day All Hazards REST Training - Developed by REST Advisory Team; includes Module 1: Preparing to be a Disaster Mental Health Responder Module 2: Emergency and Disaster Basics Module 3: Delivering Psychological First Aid (PFA) (includes practice and role-playing) Module 4: Force Health Protection: PFA for the Responder Held training June 21, 2014 Six new members of the team

8 R ESILIENCE & E MOTIONAL S UPPORT T EAM (REST) REST Membership Includes mental health professionals, nurses, pharmacists, lay support, school crisis support team members Deployment Teams Would include at least one licensed professional per shift, depending on the size of the response Lay support members would be assigned to registration and other stations in the facility

9 R ESILIENCE & E MOTIONAL S UPPORT T EAM (REST) Future Vision Continue to recruit and train Offer PFA training in group setting in the classroom Offer continuing training opportunities QPR Suicide prevention training (Question, Persuade, Refer) Conduct full-scale Family Assistance Center exercise REST members will staff the center and regular MRC members will volunteer as survivors and family members Scenario shared by Wyoming MRC

10 R ESILIENCE & E MOTIONAL S UPPORT T EAM (REST) September 2013 training by Dr. Dan Casey and Mary Schoenfeldt, Emergency Manager for City of Everett, WA June 2014 training by MRC members Sheri Weistaner, LCSW, Dwight McCain, and me

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