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Morphology overlaps with syntax DerivationInflection 1. Category changing? often -able: likeable -ness: happiness no -s pl.: apples -s 3sS: sees Syntactically.

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Presentation on theme: "Morphology overlaps with syntax DerivationInflection 1. Category changing? often -able: likeable -ness: happiness no -s pl.: apples -s 3sS: sees Syntactically."— Presentation transcript:


2 Morphology overlaps with syntax DerivationInflection 1. Category changing? often -able: likeable -ness: happiness no -s pl.: apples -s 3sS: sees Syntactically relevant morphemes: inflection

3 Inflection vs. derivation DerivationInflection 2. Productive? (very general conditions on affixation?) often restricted: -hood: brotherhood, neighborhood, *daughterhood yes, but subject to blocking by irregular forms: -s pl.: child, *childs, children Russianize vs. Russify

4 Inflection vs. derivation DerivationInflection 3. Morpheme order inner: usu. added before inflectional: -] N al] Adj -] N,Adj ize] V -] V ation] N industrializationaliz e outer: usu. added after derivational: 3sS -s industrializationalize s

5 Inflection vs. derivation DerivationInflection 4. Syntactic relevance nousually sensitive to syntactic information; -s 3sS: Rose sees (vs. I see_)

6 Some verbal inflectional affixes -ing present participle visitingI am ___ Virginia now. -ed pastvisitedLast weekend I ___ Virginia. -ed past participle visitedI have just ___ Virginia.

7 Syntactic relevance: agreement Spanish: adjectives agree with nouns in gender, number gender: (arbitrary) noun classes entrada ‘ticket (to a show)’ vs. boleto ‘ticket’ ‘the’‘this’‘expensive’ sg. entradala entradaesta entradaentrada cara pl.entrada s las entradas estas entradas entradas caras sg. boletoel boletoeste boletoboleto caro pl.boletoslos boletosestos boletosboletos caros

8 Agreement Vendiste las entradas? ‘Did you sell the tickets?’ you sold the tickets No, las (*los) tengo todavía. ‘No, I still have them.’ them I have still

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