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Department of Horticulture Bangalore-04.

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1 Department of Horticulture Bangalore-04.

2 Horticulture a promising sector of the State
The Area under Horticulture crops has increased from lakhs hectares ( ) to hectares in with a annual growth rate of 2.26% The Production under Horticulture crops has increased from lakh tons ( ) to lakhs tons in with a annual growth rate of 4.89% The total cultivable are under Horticulture in Karnataka is only 15% but contributes 40% of the Total income from combined Agriculture sector

3 Strategies Increase in more Area under Horticulture & Encourage crop planning to achieve stability in crop production and also to avoid market gluts. Encouragement of Private Sector for involvement in buy-back intervention of crops such as Medicinal & Aromatic Plants etc. Support to farmers through minimum support price for crops at times of glut. Crop Insurance –In recent years, adverse climatic conditions and natural calamities have resulted in heavy losses to the farmers. There are instances, where, the farmers have not even made good the expenditure incurred on inputs like seeds, fertilizers, plant protection chemicals. To over come the situation and to help the farmers initially, the input insurance scheme to be formulated for identified Horticultural crops in consultation with insurance companies wherever required. Scope for developing value addition to the Horticulture produce like vegetables and fruits, cleaned and graded products, processed products ready to serve horticulture food products, spice encapsulation, oleoresins, dry flowers, potpourris, etc. Efforts for Productivity Improvement through intensive horticulture Convergence of NHM, Micro Irrigation Scheme and other major schemes with National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) Small Farmers Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC) to link small farmers to technology as well as to the markets in association with private, corporate or cooperative sector and if necessary, by providing backward and forward linkages. For promotion of market development, 10% of the project or 26% of the total equity or max. of Rs. 75 lakhs which ever is less is being provided as equity share

4 Thrust Areas 1. Area Expansion & Crop Development
Area expansion of commercial horticulture crops on cluster base (NHM) Production of genuine Seed/ planting materials and Productivity improvement through rejuvenation (NHM , RKVY) Adoption of Drip Irrigation for efficient water use (MIS) 2. Development of Farms & Nursery To serve as Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for successful and meaningful development of farms and nurseries of the Department of Horticulture,  Karnataka State Horticulture Development Agency (KSHDA) was established in Out of 410 farms, 237 farms are under KSHDA Adoption of PPP model for Development of Farms & Nurseries 3. Organic Farming Motivation and Advance Technology dissemination to farmers (NHM) Subsidy for Organic Farming, vermi compost units/bio-digester (NHM) 4. Infrastructure & Development Human Resource Development through Trainings (NHM , RKVY) Creation of Infrastructures in existing horticulture farms (RKVY) Establishment of 6 Flower auction centers, 4-biocenters, Mango Resource Center

5 Thrust Areas 5. Marketing / Processing Infrastructure
Establishment of 4 private whole sale markets (NHM) Strengthening of KHF & Districts HOPCOMS under RKVY Fruits and Vegetable processing unit (IQF) to reduce post harvest loses.(RKVY) Encourage Primary Processing Units (NHM) Subsidy for cold storage units(No.-68 Capacity 2,10,398 metric tons) Wine Policy : Wine Board was established in Area under Grapes (wine variety) increased from 600Ha. to 2000Ha. Presently 2 wine industries are functioning and 8 are under pipeline International Flower Auction Center Bangalore (IFAB) Limited is a joint venture company of various aspirant shareholders, established during 2003 to strike the potential of both export and domestic flower market. Till now crores cut flowers were auctioned with a turn over of Rs Crores 6. Inputs availability Establishment of model and small nurseries to produce adequate seed/planting materials to farmers (NHM) 7. Natural Resource Management Creation of community ponds/tanks (NHM) Pollination support through Bee keeping (NHM) Development of Dry Land Horticulture 8. Horticulture University/College : Horticulture University at Bagalkote and Horticulture College at Bidar & Bagalkote started. Horticulture College at Kolar proposed Proposed to have more Horticulture Polytechniques

6 Area and Production of Horticultural Crops
( Area In lakh Hectares) (Production in lakh tons) Sl. No. Name of the Crop (Estimated) Area Production 1 Fruit Crops 2.78 47.36 2.99 50.01 3.15 52.70 2 Vegetable Crops 4.12 70.15 4.27 73.62 4.48 77.20 3 Spice Crops 2.45 6.04 2.46 6.23 2.54 6.4 4 Garden / Plantation Crops 7.65 4.69 7.63 4.67 7.80 4.8 5 Commercial Flowers 0.23 1.92 0.25 1.96 0.26 2.04 6 Medicinal Plants 0.01 0.02 0.03 7 Aromatic Plants 0.08 0.11 0.10 STATE TOTAL 17.25 130.26 17.64 136.66 18.25 143.27

7 Area and Production of Horticultural Crops
Production in lakh tons Area in lakh Ha. [Estimated]

8 Productivity of Horticultural Crops
Productivity in tons/ha. Sl. No. Name of the Crop (Estimated) Productivity 1 Fruit Crops 17.04 16.67 16.73 2 Vegetable Crops 17.03 17.22 17.23 3 Spice Crops 2.47 2.54 2.52 4 Garden / Plantation Crops 0.61 0.62 5 Commercial Flowers 8.35 7.82 7.85 6 Medicinal Plants 2.00 2.48 3.00 7 Aromatic Plants 8.00 8.53 10.00 STATE TOTAL 7.55 7.75

9 Area and Production of Major Horticulture Crops
Name of the Crop [Estimated] Area Production Banana 60814 70472 75406 Mango 129092 134567 141295 Grapes 12080 216635 14310 258814 14905 279550 Rose* 1815 4510 2013 4266 2073 4525 Chrysthamum 4046 56474 4810 58648 5051 64659 Cashew 60634 122315 70056 115218 72858 124619 Coconut 467656 103188 460201 94602 469405 98423 Arecanut 200676 308647 202523 312944 209328 325587 Tomato 46056 50857 53400 Green Chillies 30635 378567 37834 554081 39725 610874 Potato 65518 682146 67891 572442 71563 642229 * lakh flowers ** lakh nuts

(Value in Rs. Crores) Sl. No. Commodity 1 Cashew & Cashew kernels 521.81 552.78 527.05 2 Spices 169.98 219.72 245.15 3 Bangalore Rose Onion 74.26 59.31 60.00 4 Gherkins 213.96 313.34 244.50 6 Flowers 50.00 7 Pomegranate 15.00 18.5 20.00 8 Agricultural & processed food products 384.11 395.61 415.51 9 Coffee Products Total

11 Physical &Financial Progress under Flagship Programmes
(Rs. In Crores) SI.No Schemes Budget Physical Fin. 1. National Horticulture Mission a. Area expansion (Ha.) 31654 65.08 58636 144.73 36547 109.43 156.00 b. Community Ponds (Nos.) 692 1224 1475 c. Vermicompost units (Nos.) 1155 3773 4406 d. Model Nursery Small Nursery 45 63 24 139 5 38 2. Oilpalm 3714 Ha. 3.68 4314 Ha. 8.95 3005 Ha. 6.58 8.03 3. Micrio Irrigation Scheme 29723 Ha. 54.53 26009 Ha. 55.95 21980 Ha 70.72 107.90 4. Rashtriya Krishi Vikasa Yojana - 60.21 66.00

12 Budget allocation & Progress (State & District Sector Schemes)
(Rs. In crores) Year Budget Achievement 33.17 31.48 51.30 41.00 113.41 86.46 152.29 150.49 147.56 122.42 173.20 --


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