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Criterion 3 Maintenance and encouragement of productive functions of eucalyptus J-N Marien, AFOCEL Pedro Lencart, CELBI Clara Araújo, CELBI Juan Picos,

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Presentation on theme: "Criterion 3 Maintenance and encouragement of productive functions of eucalyptus J-N Marien, AFOCEL Pedro Lencart, CELBI Clara Araújo, CELBI Juan Picos,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Criterion 3 Maintenance and encouragement of productive functions of eucalyptus J-N Marien, AFOCEL Pedro Lencart, CELBI Clara Araújo, CELBI Juan Picos, AFG Nuno Borralho, RAIZ Évora, Jan 22, 1999

2 Proposed Indicators 31. Wood production per hectare 32. Wood production in a region 33. Growth-harvesting balance 34. Appropriate management plans in place 35. Use of genetically improved stock 36. Importance of non-wood products

3 31. Wood production per hectare Operational indicator –Wood MAI (u.b.) at rotation age PICL –Forest inventory plot or total stand harvested volume ML –Stand level Representativity –FMU

4 Methodology –Growth models using forest inventory data –Wood harvested from company land Costs –Low Pros/Cons –Useful for managers, simple –High year to year variation (e.g. climate) 31. Wood production per hectare

5 32. Wood production in a region Operational indicator –Total standing volume PICL –Forest inventory plots ML –Region Representativity –Region Methodology –Forest inventory Costs –Low

6 33. Growth-harvesting balance Operational indicators –Total annual volume increment (ub) –Total volume purchased by industries PICL –Regional or national inventory plot –Industries ML –Regional or national Representativity –Regional or national

7 33. Growth-harvesting balance Methodology –Regional or national forest inventory results –Industry statistics Costs –Low Pros/Cons –Simple –National forest inventories are only available every 5 to 10 years –Often unreliable source of purchases

8 34. Appropriate management plans in place Operational Indicators –Proportion of eucalypt stands under management plans PICL –FMU Representativity –Region Costs –Low

9 Methodology –Areas from national forest inventory –Areas under projects approved and supervised by Government Forest Departments Pros/Cons –Compliance to plans is assumed –Difficult to define what is appropriate 34. Appropriate management plans in place

10 35. Use of genetically improved stock Operational indicator –Ratio of selected plants produced and total plants produced, as reported by nurseries PICL –Nursery statistics Representativity –FMU or Region Costs –Low

11 Methodology –Nursery statistics Pros/Cons –Most plants coming from few large nurseries –In some years number of plants produces very different from areas planted 35. Use of genetically improved stock

12 36. Importance of non wood products Operational indicators –Percentage surface with non wood use PICL –Property or estate Representativity –Region Costs –Depend on level of accuracy required

13 Methodology –Specific survey to forest owners by region –Some statistics available in companies Pros/Cons –Difficult to estimate areas for most small scale forest owners. Only reliable with companies and organized forest associations 36. Importance of non wood products

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