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Presentation on theme: "GREATER FLEXIBILITY MORE CHOICE DEBBIE MELLOR HEAD OF NHS EMPLOYMENT Department of Health."— Presentation transcript:


2 HR In The NHS Plan Headline Objectives Increasing staff numbers Re-engineering NHS jobs around patient pathways The Three Star TrustThe Skills EscalatorImproving Staff MoraleHRM Development The NHS as a Model Employer Improving Working Lives and Beyond The NHS as a Model Career Four Modernisations: Workforce Planning Pay Regulation Education & Training The Psychological Contract Between staff and Employers Between Staff and Government Between Staff and Patients Building Capacity Quality and ‘Attitude’ HR In The NHS Plan

3 IWL “Creating a well managed, flexible working environments that support staff, promote their welfare and development and enable a productive balance between work and life outside work”

4 Making primary care a place where people want to work is essential if the NHS is to: Have enough doctors to deliver services Attract the next generation of GPs Be able to modernise primary care Provide quality healthcare Maximise the contribution of the primary care team

5 Why Doctors Are Not Working As GPs No flexibility to pursue other interest or commitments - especially childcare Too stressful Too much bureaucracy Undesirable working hours

6 The New GMS Contract HEADLINES: movement to a practice-based contract more control over workload more opportunities for working flexibly funding to reflect patient need and cost strategy to expand and develop the primary care sector quality and outcomes framework £1.9 billion additional investment over three years

7 IWL More staff Flexible retirement Flexible working Returners New ways of working Valuing diversity Childcare Flexible training Counselling Mentoring networks New support roles Zero Tolerance on Violence

8 IWL for Primary Care Occupational health services for GPs and their staff Zero tolerance against violence Extension of the Flexible Careers Scheme to GPs NHS Childcare co-ordinators for primary care staff

9 NHS Childcare Strategy Aiming to ensure that good quality, affordable and accessible childcare is available to all NHS staff who need it Government investment of over £70m between 2001-2004. Future funding building up to £100m Target to build 150 new on-site nurseries, as well as developing other forms of childcare such as holiday playschemes, afterschool clubs, childminder networks and emergency childcare All staff will have access to an NHS childcare co- ordinator, who will help them find the childcare they need. 155 are already in post

10 Strategy for Primary Care 11 nurseries for PCTs already funded, with more to follow this year Many PCTs already have a childcare co-ordinator Childcare vouchers being offered to PCT staff Specific help being offered to GP returners Emergency childcare in child’s own home and emergency places in nurseries Arranging flexible childminding services to cover shift working and on call Setting up a “sitter’s bank” to cover on-call and emergency care Aims to extend these initiatives to all areas Research to look at the specific needs of primary care

11 Extending NHS Zero Tolerance Zone Campaign To General Practice PCTs to assess risk of violence to GPs and their staff and put in place appropriate action plans - including arrangements for the provision of secure facilities IWL accreditation extended to include actions to tackle violence against GPs and their staff Major poster campaign launched in general practice in March Best practice case studies on tackling violence in primary care on zero tolerance website -


13 Flexible Retirement OPTIONS: Winding down - reducing hours Retire and come back - part-time, full-time or seasonally Working when needed - i.e. winter peaks Stepping down - reducing responsibility Guidance for GPs via the NHS Pensions Agency

14 GP Flexible Career Scheme AIMED AT GPs AT ANY STAGE OF THEIR CAREER WHO: want to work less than 50% of full time want to work as a non-principal want to work in a more flexible way

15 GP Flexible Career Scheme KEY FEATURES: enables GPs to work flexibly and annualise hours opt out of out-of-hours work if they want to gives an annual contribution of £1,050 towards professional expenses promotes fair employment rights offers access to the NHS pension scheme cont...

16 GP Flexible Career Scheme KEY FEATURES: assigns each doctor a clinical educational supervisor contains an educational CPD element identifies from the very start a re-entry strategy lasts for a period of 3 years (or 4 years for GPs joining the scheme before 1 January 2004) pays a cash incentive to the employer based on a percentage of the gross salary cost of the FCS GP

17 GP Returner Campaign Provides a clear, supported route back to general practice Open to all qualified GPs not currently working in general practice, including those already retired Paid, individually tailored refresher training, either full-time up to 6 months or part-time up to 12 months May be eligible to receive a “Golden Hello” payment upon taking up a substantive post Childcare co-ordinators to help source childcare

18 Golden Hello Scheme GIVES: up to £5,000 to eligible GPs taking up a substantive post up to £12,000 to those whose post is in an under- doctored area GPs ELIGIBLE ARE THOSE WHO: have never worked in a substantive post (except as a locum) those returning from the GP Retainer scheme those who were not working in general practice (except as a locum) between 24 June and 24 September 2002

19 Progress so far... GP Hotline received over 1100 enquires 289 applications returned 100 in post or starting shortly

20 Making Primary Care A More Attractive Place To Work Increasing the number of GPs Reducing bureaucracy Good quality, affordable and accessible childcare Tackling violence Promoting Flexible Working The Flexible Careers Scheme Promoting Flexible Retirement Improving Working Lives for GPs


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