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Ilma Griselda Delgado del Carpio, Diocesan Bishop Episcopal Church of Cuba.

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Presentation on theme: "Ilma Griselda Delgado del Carpio, Diocesan Bishop Episcopal Church of Cuba."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ilma Griselda Delgado del Carpio, Diocesan Bishop Episcopal Church of Cuba

2 Stage 1: Dreaming Stage 2: Making our dreams come true Stage 3: Spreading out our experiences Stages:

3 Episcopal Church of Cuba «Santa María Virgen» (1934) Town: Itabo - Municipality: Martí Province: Matanzas - Country: Cuba Congregation: 180 people from 60 families. 85% are women

4 Beginnings (2000-2005) Milestone: “The Special Period’s impact on Itabo and the consequences of the severe drought and forest devastation made me wonder how the church could support the communities living in such conditions”. “I would discuss these issues with friends and tell them about the idea of moving towards a model in which our participation became more direct and we could play a leading role in the development”. (Shared vision from Itabo)

5  “The Church’s comprehensive service should generate happiness, joy and faith.  The social opening-up from our faith in Jesus Christ has to be inclusive.  We seek to generate changes of vision in the work with our communities.  A congregation should go out of the Church and reach the community, to share and live the Gospel with it”.

6  2004 – St. Mark Church, from Jacksonville, Florida visits Itabo.  A nursery with vegetables, including tomatoes, onions and carrots was created.

7  2006 – Coordination with the PDS-CIC to formulate projects.  The project «José and María- Sowers of Life» was created, aiming at producing aromatic and medicinal plants.  8 people were trained in food preservation (promoters).  A mapping of dreams and expectations of people in the communities was made with congregation members.

8 From 2006 on Milestone: Bishop Griselda and Gerardo are trained as local development actors. They acquired greater knowledge about Agro- ecology, as well as methodological tools and best practices on Agro- sustainability. (Capacity building)

9 2007 – Project “Renewing spaces” was approved The project aimed at renovating growing spaces at home and promoting the improvement of nutrition and eating habits in order to develop a proper food culture for Christian and non-Christian people.

10 The community assessment was made with a gender approach. Vegetables like tomatoes, onions, carrots and beets were grown, as well as medicinal plants and spices. Food preservation was made (vinegar and syrup) and solar drying was implemented. We coordinated with other actors like the Agriculture Technological Institute of Itabo, for exchanging experiences and educational materials and received visits by professors.

11  Training workshops focused on agricultural topics. Later, other topics were included like gender and violence, environmental development, food culture, food preservation and craftsmanship.  Average number of participants: 30 people.  Biblical studies increased, especially about the care of God’s Creation.

12  160 people were benefited with food increase and sustainable diversification.  20 promoters from the episcopal community were trained (16 women and 4 men).  6 family gardens with 9 varieties of vegetables were created, which included food processing and preservation in their activities. “Renewing spaces: Results"

13  Premises were equipped for training on food processing and preservation.  Other communities like Favorito, Chicago and Motembo were also included.  There was also an impact on the increase of faith communities, even when the project had no proselytizing purposes. “Renewing spaces: Results"

14 2009 – 2010: Project Itabo Green Environment (ITAMBVERDE) To promote participatory spaces of environmental education, as well as to increase and diversify sustainable agricultural production in order to improve quality of life for families in the communities involved and neighboring areas.


16 * Diversified reforestation. * Nurseries for reforestation. * Building alternatives in case of hurricanes. * Creation of windbreaker curtains. * Use of bushes and plant as perimeter fences. * Development of apiculture.

17 * People, especially children and teenagers are taught how to recycle trash. * Installation of an efficient kitchen. * Purchase of oilseeds processing machine. * Raised awareness about the care of God’s Creation, especially in children and teenagers, who created and worked on their own nurseries. * Elimination of architectonic barriers to support people with disabilities. Itabo – A Reference for the Urban Agriculture Movement in the province.

18  130 people from different 15 gardens are benefited as a result of food increase and diversification.  An ecological classroom was built for environmental education, elderly college and other activities.  A 500 m2 area for practice of agricultural production as a integrated cyclical system with an environmental approach is created. Project Itabo Green Environment: Results

19  Relations with other actors were strengthened, for example, the University, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, among others.  There was an impact on the increase of values and development capacities of those benefited from the project, who saw a change in their lives and are now empowered by teamwork, strengthening their Christian education and faith. Project Itabo Green Environment: Results

20 2010: Project « Eco-Energy Environment Itabo 2». The project expected: Rainwater collection from canals on house roofs and the building of the Church. Installation of a wind mill to take advantage of wind power that will ensure water supply. Use of methane gas, making good use manure.

21 From 2010 on Milestone: Consecration of Bishop Griselda as Diocesan Bishop. (Entrepreneurial vision at the Diocesan level)

22  2012 – The Missionary Development Program of the Episcopal Church of Cuba is created.  The Missionary Development Program (MDP) is the instrument of the Episcopal Church of Cuba (ECC) to develop capacities that guarantee better quality of life in church communities along the diocese and institutional strengthening.

23 ¿What areas does the MDP support? Christian education Biblical-theological training Accompaniment and support to vulnerable groups.

24 ¿What areas does the MDP support? It focuses especially on: Sustainable food production. Food culture. The rational use of natural resources and alternative sources of energy. Ecological animal-raising. The use of eco-friendly technology to protect God’s creation.

25 What has the MDP done? Thanks to the support of the ECC, PDS, PWRDF, EED and ERD, the program has achieved the following results: 64 people trained as church leaders for community development. 41 people benefited directly and 180 benefited indirectly from the projects in execution. 8 initiatives supported by the projects’ fund. Evaluation of the ECC’s 2011-2013 strategy, and formulation of the 2014-2016 strategy. Production and spreading of different materials brochures, booklets and reports). Creation of the Episcopal Church of Cuba website.


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