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SENCo network meeting February 2013 SEN Services – Bill Turner SEN Funding.

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1 SENCo network meeting February 2013 SEN Services – Bill Turner SEN Funding



4 Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Schools Block Early Years Block High Needs Block

5 High Needs Block Review Principles Simplify the approach to the funding of high needs provision Establish a greater level of consistency in the funding of high needs pupils Establish more direct funding relationships between commissioners and providers – the LA becomes the commissioner for high needs pupils and students up to age 25 Promote specialist settings to be less reliant on LA managed support mechanisms Adopt a model which is more responsive to the actual number of pupils on roll

6 Proposals have funding implications for the following: Special schools DSPs, ARCs and Resourced Nurseries PRUs Primary Behaviour Centres The District’s wider AP strategy, including the BACs Post 16 high needs provision in FE settings Centrally managed high needs provision, including EY’s, VI and HI, and outreach activities Education in Hospital provision Out of authority placements

7 High needs pupils in mainstream Primary & Secondary provision Key proposals already considered as part of the Primary and Secondary consultation which took place earlier this term: –Continue to allocate the vast majority of SEN resources via the SEN funding formulae –Shift the ‘threshold’ for funding high value statements from £5,155 to £6,000 to replicate the national formula –Continue to allocate > £6,000 separately, based on the funding categories framework, adjusted on a monthly basis –Continue to employ the SEN Funding Floor to ensure a minimum level of SEN formula funding –Continue to calculate a notional SEN figure & to separately identify all SEN resources within a school’s budget (I03 funding)

8 Mainstream School SEN funding Notional 5.5% of school budget SEN formula <=£6000 SEN formula <=£6000 High Needs Block Plus element

9 HNB Regulations The national “Place Plus” framework is used to calculate budgets The value of the “Place” element is set at £10,000 per place for specialist SEN settings and at £8,000 for specialist AP settings, including PRUs The “Plus” element is re-determined in year for the real time movement of children High needs specialist settings cannot access de- delegated or centrally managed funds as they do now A MFG is applied in 2013/14 at -1.5%

10 High Needs Block Lump sum per place £10k special - £8k PRU OR AWPU + SEN formula ~£4000 + £6000 Lump sum per place £10k special - £8k PRU OR AWPU + SEN formula ~£4000 + £6000 Pupil Need element Premises element Place Plus

11 3.6.1 Equivalent funding for specialist settings under place-plus

12 Mainstream Resourced Mainstream / PRU Generic Special BESD / AS special Equivalent Funding 1234567

13 FUNDING CATEGORIES, BANDS & AMOUNTS Range 1 Range 2 Range 3Range 4Range 5Range 6Range 7 PRIMARY NEEDDelegated Place Funding Band A (16.5-21.5 hours) Band B (22-27 hours) Band C (27.5-34.5 hours) Band D (35+ hours) Additional Funding £0£1,000£3,152£4,830£7,524£10,970£14,617£24,018 Mainstream Autism & SLCN SLCNASD ASD+ASD++ Mainstream MLD/SLD/PMLD MLD MLD+SLDPMLDSLD+PMLD+PMLD++ Mainstream PD PD PD+PD++ Mainstream HI/VI HI/VI HI+/VI+ Mainstream BESD BESD BESD+BESD++ Teachers per class of 121.852.313.00 LSA's per class of 121.852.313.006.0012.00 Points Mainstream funding is within colour coded Bands (mainly range 4) Special School funding is determined by actual Primary Need

14 The “Place-Plus” Framework 13/14

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