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Imen Mahjoub 25 September 2014 Citrus Sector in Cap Bon : Importance and challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "Imen Mahjoub 25 September 2014 Citrus Sector in Cap Bon : Importance and challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imen Mahjoub 25 September 2014 Citrus Sector in Cap Bon : Importance and challenges

2 Content I. Economic and Social importance of citrus in Cap Bon II. Challenges 1. Land ownership 2. Water requirements and ressources 3. Pest and diseases 4. Global Climate Changes

3 Importance of citrus in Cap Bon

4 Areas  Area of citrus orchards at national level 0.4 % arable land (in 2013, 23 500 ha).  70 % Area in Cap Bon ( in 2014 : 17 500 ha)  15 000 ha productive in Cap Bon  In continuous increase + 335 ha/year in average

5 Production  Production 240 000 tons out of national production of 330 000 tons (2012-2013) : fluctuating but with ascendant trend  Estimates for 2013- 2014 : 260 000 tons National production 1994-2013 (in tons)

6 Distribution of citrus types and varieties

7 Economic issues  Total value of citrus production at national level 125 million TND  Mainly commercialized as fresh product in local markets  Export : Fluctuating between15 000 and 25 000 tons 14% of total exported agricultural products, 15 million TND in value (2013) 90 % to Europe and particularly France More than 95% Maltaise (light blood orange)

8 Socioeconomic issues  Citrus cultivation provide income to 25000 families and to 3 million seasonal laborers  21 nurseries  16 packhouse

9 Citrus sector in Cap Bon  Cap Bon is the traditional area citrus cultivation  Valuable local know-how  Low yield average 18tons/ha  Constraints of different types : pests and diseases, land and water resources, climate changes, mastery of management practices…

10 Challenges

11 Orchard size and age  Due to land inheritance the size of the majority of orchards is lower or equals 2ha. Average size is 1.4 ha.  30% of citrus area in the traditional cultivation zones of Menzel Bouzelfa, beni khalled, Bouargoub and Soliman contains trees of more than 40 years old.  The subsidies of 600 TND/ha (260 EURO) are not enough to encourage the replacement of old trees of low productivity

12 Water Requirements VS resources

13 Water requirements and rainfall  Water requirements of citrus 900 -1200 mm/year  Rainfall 400-700 mm - 70% October – February. Irrigation covers the rest of the year coinciding with high climatic demand

14 Irrigation water ressources : Aquifers  Management : private wells  Constraints : Lowering of aquifer level Water table rise Increasing Salinity (3-7 g/l )

15 Irrigation water ressources : Surface water  Mobilized from Northen Tunisia with captions on local dams.  Management : Public water network. Distribution to farmers managed by 9 associations of farmers (GDA’s).  Suitable quality : salinity 1-1.5 g/l

16 Water deficit  Limited ressource CMCB originally intended as a complementary ressource  water quota is 80 million m 3, recieved 50 million m 3  priority to vegetable crops  competition with urban, industrial and touristic uses  GDA’s recieve water during 2 days out of 4 days.  Supply time unfiting crop demand  Water shortage in July and August  Over irrigation in big farms (storage ponds)

17 Salinity  Over use of aquifers and transgression of the laws limiting or prohibiting drilling wells increases salinity levels  Use of irrigation water from aquifers with high salts content and even with fair quality under water deficit conditions results in soil salination

18  Continuous area extension contrasting with water scarcity

19 Pests and diseases

20 Mediterranean fly  Still causing damages for unsufficient managment strategy mainly based on chemicals essentially in traditionnal areas of citrus cultivation  The integrated management based on traps which efficiency has been proved in Takelsa should be extended

21 Aphids  causing damages on canopy and weakening trees  Risks of diseases transmission

22 Root diseases  Phytophtora (photo on the bottom) and Fusarium (photo on the bottom)  Over irrigation or rise of water table  besides chemicals, drainage network and better irrigation management are necessary

23 Alternaria  Damages on leaves (upper photo) and loss of fruit quality (photo on the bottom)

24 Other fungi  Anthracnosis  Malsecco on lemon trees

25 Bacteria  Citrus blast

26 CTV risks  Sour orange the main rootstock  Very few orchards use tolerant rootstks  Certification system in nurseries

27 Global climate changes

28 Impact of Global Climate Changes in Tunisia  Different regime of rainfall : 10% reduction in amounts of rainfall Longer periods of drought heavy storms  Temperature elevation : Higher water demand Eventual disturbance Of plant growth and development Of pests development leading to higher yield loss

29 Impact GCC on citrus  Higher water demand and lower water availabality  more frequent use of irrigation and higher risks of soil salination  Disturbance in development cycle: winter rest and flower production  Thermal stress, impact on growth and production  Possible reduction in fruit production and quality

30 Thank You

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