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(a)Define Federalism! (b)What are the jobs of the 3 branches of government?

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Presentation on theme: "(a)Define Federalism! (b)What are the jobs of the 3 branches of government?"— Presentation transcript:

1 (a)Define Federalism! (b)What are the jobs of the 3 branches of government?

2 With the turning of the new Century, progressive individuals felt there were many areas of society that needed reform (change). Newspapers and writers exposed the working conditions of factory workers, along with dominant roles of large corporations and the unresponsiveness of the federal government. These reform efforts became the heart of the Progressive Movement. Goals of the Progressive Movement 1) Protect Social Welfare 2) Promote Moral Improvement 3) Create Economic Reform 4) Fostering Efficiency

3 Help the poor through community efforts. Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) Opened up libraries, sponsored classes, built swimming pools, built handball and basketball courts Salvation Army Fed the poor in soup kitchens, child nurseries, instructed immigrants on the values of hard work and temperance

4 Some people thought that it was morals, not the workplace, that held the key to improving life Prohibition -the banning of alcoholic beverages- Many thought that alcohol was undermining American morality. Women’s Christian Temperance Union Group founded in 1874, that spearheaded the crusade for prohibition in the US. By 1911, the movement grew to 245,000 members.

5 The Panic of 1893 causes people to question ties between corporations and the government Muckrakers Journalists who write of the corrupt side of business Ida Tarbell “Mr. Rockefeller has systematically played with loaded dice, and it is doubtful if there has been a time since 1872 when he has run a race with a competitor and started fair.” - Ida Tarbell

6 Social Scientists focused on trying to make the factory operate more efficiently. They focused on the study of “Scientific Management”, which was the study of how quickly each job could be performed. Henry Ford introduced a new system to make his factories operate at maximum efficiency, the moving assembly line (where the person stays and the product comes to them). He also introduced the idea of 8 hour workdays and better pay.

7 Faced many social problems with industrialization. Natural disasters played a role in promoting change, as cities were forced to create commissions or councils to deal with massive death and destruction. Some city officials worked to end corruptions (Cleveland & Detroit). These officials worked to make citizens take an active role in city government. 1913 Ohio Flood1900 Texas Hurricane

8 Aided by progressive governors, some states passed laws to regulate railroads, mines, mills, and other large businesses. -Railroad rates were regulated, forbidden to issue free passes to elected officials, and railroad property was taxed the same as other businesses -National Child Labor Committee investigated child labor. Nearly every state passed legislation regulating child labor -Oregon law limiting the work day to 10 hours for women. Upheld by the Supreme Court in Muller VS Oregon 1901 case and extended to men in Bunting VS Oregon 1917 case. 17 th Amendment 1913 – direct election of Senators rather than state legislatures approving them Election Reform -Issued the use of Secrete Ballots -Initiatives = a bill originated by the people rather than lawmakers -Referendums = a vote on an initiative -Recalls = enabled voters to remove public officials from positions by forcing them to case another election before the end of their term in enough voters asked for it

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