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"Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers." Josef Albers.

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Presentation on theme: ""Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers." Josef Albers."— Presentation transcript:


2 "Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers." Josef Albers

3 Take a good look at the each photo If you could ask this person/people only one question, what would it be? The goal is to learn as much as you possibly can about who this person really is. Your question should not be too broad, nor too limiting. Write your question.

4 1.1.

5 2.

6 3.

7 4.

8 5.

9 6.

10 A teacher with 20 years of experience will have asked something like a half a million questions in her career. And when you’ve done something the same way, half a million times, it’s quite difficult to start doing it another way. Wiliam (2003) Questions

11  On Average, a teacher asks 400 questions a day (one third of their time)  Most of the questions are answered in less than one second (Hastings, 2003)  60% recall facts and 20% are procedural (Hattie, 2012)  IRE structure is dominate (Initiate – respond –evaluate)  Most answers are right or wrong

12  To guide students toward understanding when we introduce material  To push students to do a greater share of the thinking in the classroom  To remediate an error  To stretch students  To check for understanding


14  80-90% of the Reading Standards require Text-Dependent analysis.  Text Dependent questions can only be answered by close reading of the text.  Text Dependent questions are not recall questions. They require inference.

15 TEXT DEPENDENT NON TEXT DEPENDENT How did Frederick Douglass’ ability to read contribute to his emotional struggle for freedom? Cite examples from the text to support your answers. In what ways does America represent the hope for freedom that lived in the heart of Frederick Douglas?

16  Sequenced questions guide students’ focus through the text.  Sequence= focus on words and details, logic of author’s argument, central ideas and themes of the text.  Questions guide students to look for patterns within and among text(s).

17  General Understandings Why would the author title the chapter “Go Away”?  Key Details Find two places in the text where something could have been done to prevent this tragedy?  Vocabulary and Text Structure How does the chronological structure help you understand the events? 17

18  Author’s Purpose Whose story is most represented and whose story is under-represented?  Inferences Why would Mrs. Brown run lifeboat number 6 with a revolver?  Opinions, arguments, intertextual conections Compare this book with Ken Marschall’s Inside the Titanic. Give two similarities and two differences. 18



21 Clarifying, sharing, understanding goals for learning and criteria for success with learners. Engineering effective classroom discussions, questions, activities, and tasks that elicit evidence of students’ learning. Providing feedback that moves learning forward. Activating students as learners for their own learning. Activating students as learning resources for one another.

22  P (Professional  G (Growth) and  E (Effectiveness)  S (System)

23 Although the teacher may use some low-level questions, he/she asks students questions designed to promote thinking and understanding Teacher uses open-ended questions, inviting students to think and/or offer multiple possible answers. Teacher makes effective use of wait time. Teacher effectively builds on student responses to questions. Teacher calls on most students, even those who don’t initially volunteer. Statements taken from “Accomplished” column of Danielson’s Framework for Teaching 2011.

24  Open & Closed Questions Open & Closed Questions

25 CLOSED QUESTIONSOPEN QUESTIONS  Imply that teacher has a predetermined correct response in mind  Recall of facts  Simple comprehension where answer has been previously provided  Allow for range of responses  Encourage students to think beyond literal answers  Help teacher to assess student’s understanding of content

26  A Range of Answers  A Statement  Right and Wrong  Starting From the Answer/End  Opposing Standpoint


28  Have you ever done this? “Sarah, how is the rat’s house different from Mrs. Frisby’s and which one do you think she would rather live in?”  Do you want Sarah to compare and contrast specific details OR infer a character’s point of view on an event?  We are more tempted to do this when we are excited or in a hurry.  Consequences: Students aren’t sure which question to answer. Students skip the hard question. Teacher can’t plan follow-up questions.

29  Simple questions engage student thinking, and activate memory and opinions.  Simple questions build a fact base students can build on to argue more complex questions.  Correctly answering simple questions builds student confidence and increases the likelihood they will attempt harder questions.

30  If you repeat a question, make sure to ask the same question.  Small changes can derail a student— Why do you think the author wrote this article? What was the purpose of this article?  Students may have raised their hands because they felt confident in the first question, yet are not prepared for the second question.

31  Is it a wrong answer or a wrong question? Start with a question word Limit questions to two clauses Write important questions in advance Assume the answer


33  A sequence that begins with a student unable to answer a question and should end with the student answering that question 1. Teacher provides the answer; the student repeats the answer. 2. Another student provides the answer; the initial student repeats the answer. 3. You provide a cue; the student uses it to find the answer. 4. Another student provides the cue; the initial student uses it to find the answer. (Video Clip 1)

34  When 3 or more seconds of Wait Time is given… …the length and correctness of student responses increases. …the number of “I don’t know” and no answer responses decreases. …the number of volunteered, correct answers increases.  When 3 or more seconds of Wait Time is given…. …teacher questions are more varied and flexible …the quantity of questions decreases and the quality increases …teachers ask add on questions requiring higher-level thinking and processing (Video Clip 11)

35  3 second minimum  Instruct students to take a “thinking moment” before you either open the floor for answers or, better yet, YOU choose a student to respond.  Write the question on the board, while students are thinking, for visual learners  Provides the students with a time of reflection and rehearsal

36  “I don’t know what I think until I write it down.” (Norman Mailer)  Especially helpful for tactile/kinesthetic learners  It’s not specifically the writing that helps the learning Writing is an active, rather than passive, task Writing involves more of the whole body in the process of thinking Writing clarifies perspectives

37  “If you have to talk, you have to think.”  The importance of dialogic talk “ By the age of 4, the child of professional parents in the US will have had nearly twice as many words addressed to it as the working-class child, and over four times as many as a child on welfare. For the middle-class child, encouragement from parents vastly outweighs discouragement; but for the child on welfare the climate of adult reaction is an overwhelmingly discouraging one. While talk is essential for intellectual and social development, for some children, the talk which they engage in at school is nothing less than a lifeline.” (Robin Alexander, 2004)

38  A sequence of questioning that doesn’t end with the right answer.  Right answers are rewarded with follow-up questions that extend the knowledge and test for reliability. Ask how or why Ask for another way to answer Ask for a better word Ask for evidence Ask students to integrate a related skill Ask students to apply the same skill in a new setting

39  What’s the difference between pretty good and 100% correct?  How do you respond to “almost right” answers?

40  Many teachers respond to almost-correct answers by “rounding up.” They affirm and repeat the answer, adding the details to make it fully correct.  Most students stop processing when they hear the word “right.”  What does this communicate about the standard of correctness in your classroom?  Who’s doing the cognitive work? (Video Clip 3)

41  Say No to No Say No to No  Why does Ms. Bannon focus on improving her questioning rather than simply telling students that an answer is not correct?  How does her approach build confidence?  My Favorite No My Favorite No  How does this strategy allow for immediate re- teach or intervention?  How does this approach of discussing what is correct and incorrect address both students' academic and psychosocial needs?

42  Teachers take up to two-thirds of the classroom talk time. Students are “talk- deprived ” (Alvermann et al., 1996)  Student discussion increases retention as much as 50%. (Sousa, 2001)

43 “Students in classrooms around the world are answering questions they never asked.” Visible Classroom Training

44 Teachers cannot teach (and students cannot learn) everything there is to know. (Brookhart, 2009) Authentic Questions

45  Teach Like a Champion by Doug Lemov (Jossey-Bass Teacher)  Active Learning Through formative Assessment by Shirley Clarke (Hodder Education)  Advancing Formative Assessment in Every Classroom by Moss and Brookhart

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