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Community Assessment Reflection: Teen Pregnancy By Faith Holt Frontier Nursing University.

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1 Community Assessment Reflection: Teen Pregnancy By Faith Holt Frontier Nursing University

2 London Kentucky  London Kentucky is located in southeastern Kentucky  London has a population of about 60,000 residents

3 Problem Statement London Kentucky has an increased risk of long term consequences among adolescents related to teenage pregnancy as demonstrated by the information gathered in my community assessment.

4 Teen Pregnancy There are more than 1 million teen pregnancies in the United States each year The national average is 34 births per 1,000 for ages 15-19 Kentucky is ranked 7 th in the nation for teen pregnancies Kentucky’s average is 52 births per 1,000 London’s average is 68 births per 1,000

5 Factors that increase the risk of teen pregnancy Growing up in poverty 20.6% of the residents of London are listed as being below the poverty level Being a child of a teen mother Being the victim of sexual abuse or assault Lack of involvement with friends, family, school, and community Dropping out of school

6 Problems of Early Pregnancy Delayed or lack of prenatal care Poor nutritional habits during pregnancy Can lead to anemia and low weight gain Increased risk of alcohol and drug abuse, including smoking, during pregnancy Can complicate pregnancy and increases the likelihood of premature birth

7 Health Risks to Infant Prematurity Low birth weight Maltreatment Death

8 Long-term consequences Teenage births are associated with lower annual income for the mother Eighty percent of teen mothers must rely on welfare at some point Teenage mother are more likely to drop out of school Only about one-third of teen mothers obtain a high school diploma Teenage pregnancies are associated with increased rates of alcohol abuse and substance abuse, lower educational level, and reduced earning potential in teen fathers

9 Cost of Teen Pregnancy In the United States, the annual cost of teen pregnancies from lost revenues, public assistance, child health care, and foster care is estimated at $7 billion. Kentucky spends $132 million each year on teen mothers and their children

10 Prevention As a Family Nurse Practitioner I will offer education on the following: Abstinence Contraception and its availability Sexual education Character development Problem-solving skill development Peer counseling programs Strategies for ensuring teenager’s school success Job training

11 Reflection I have personal knowledge of being a teenaged mother. I had my first child when I was 15 years old. I will be able to share my personal experience with the adolescents I educate. Being a teen mother changes your life forever. No longer are you able to think about yourself only, but put your child before yourself. Children are a lot of work, and require care at all times. I feel my personal experience, along with what I have learned in my community assessment, will allow me to have a connection with the teenagers in my community and will allow me to make a difference in their lives.

12 References Nies, Mary A. & McEwen, Melanie. (2011). Community/Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Health of Populations. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Saunders Teen pregnancy: cycle of KY despair. Retrieved from pregnancy-cycle-of-ky-despair.html pregnancy-cycle-of-ky-despair.html County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. Retrieved from aurel/county/1/overall

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