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The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic Chapter 11.

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1 The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic Chapter 11

2 The Election of 1800  Republican electors, attempting to name both a President and a Vice President from their own party, cast a tie vote between Jefferson and Aaron Burr  Hamilton, disliking both Jefferson and Burr, nevertheless urged Jefferson's election  Congress chooses Jefferson

3 Jefferson  Different concept of role of Govt  Walked to inaugural  Many feared worst  “Vile, Godless”  “Worthless, dishonest”  Federalists feared massive change towards mob rule  Adams refused to attend inaugural  Attempt to reassure “We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists”  Caps added later (draft used lower case, Jefferson meant it as a philosophical distinction), media probably saw it as partisan statement about blending parties  Wanted to govern a united people  Much more activist than Adams  Followed by Madison and Monroe of similar opinions  Federalists gone by 1820 as a party of national significance

4 Jefferson (cont.)  Personally very different from previous Presidents  Deist, doubted many Christian doctrines  Early support of French Revolution controversial  Fathered children (at least one, per DNA analysis) by Sally Hemings (slave at Monticello) - interesting fact, Sally herself was the daughter of Jefferson’s father in law, and light enough to pass for white  Conflicted, slave owner, believed slavery could not endure in America

5 Jefferson’s Political Positions  Feared high taxes, standing Army and political corruption threatened American Liberty  Government as servant of the people vice master  Believed farmers most virtuous, honest, cities breeding grounds of deceit, self interest  Saw his election as “revolution”  To restore liberty, tranquility of his youth  Angered by Hamilton financial nationalism and Adams’ Alien and Sedition Acts  Disliked the concept of a national debt  Placed economy ahead of national military preparedness (cut Army size, funding)  Did use Navy effectively against Barbary pirates in 1801 (explain), but that was also an economic decision (war cost about half of annual tribute pre-war)

6 Judiciary Issues  No Republicans on Federal Bench  Federal Judiciary Act of 1801 last straw (decreased justices from 6 to 5, passed by a still Federalist dominated Congress), would have kept Jeff. From appointing a Justice (who would of course have been Republican)  Act also created 16 new Federal judgeships, all filled by Adams with Federalists just before leaving office to assure Jefferson would have to deal with Federal judiciary controlled by federalists  “midnight appointments”  Jefferson won Congressional repeal of Act in 1802 after new Congress convened

7 Marbury v. Madison  Marbury last minute Federalist Justice of peace appointment for D.C., appointment was not delivered by Adams before term expired  New Sec of State (Madison) refused to deliver appointment  Marbury petitioned Supreme Court for a writ forcing delivery of appointment  Decision written by (ardent Federalist and Chief Justice) John Marshall  Several landmark issues  Marshall lectured Madison (and through him, his boss, Jefferson) on the “Moral” duty to deliver the appointment, enraging Jefferson

8 Marbury v. Madison (cont.)  Jefferson also refused to order delivery on grounds that the Act granting Supreme Court the right to issue such a writ was “repugnant to the Constitution, and as such is no law”  “unconstitutional”  Established principle of Judicial review (That the Court could declare an Act of Congress void if it violated their interpretation of Constitutionality  Brought Court to equal status with Executive and Legislative branches  “checks and balances”

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