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1 DSL BASED NETWORK FOR Air Line Pilots Association International.

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2 1 DSL BASED NETWORK FOR Air Line Pilots Association International

3 2 Vision Statement Specializing in broadband network solutions including high-speed internet access, data, voice and video services, LMKI has made favorable partnering agreements ranging from Internet backbone suppliers to DSL providers. Such strategic partnerships have allowed LMKI to deliver various successful solutions to many major as well as smaller corporations across the nation. LMKI is also a national provider of a product it has deemed "real private network" (RPN), a revolutionary configuration system that primarily uses DSL service to link a secure relationship between customer locations.

4 3 Goal and Objective Our Aim: Minimize ALPA’s Connectivity Costs And Increase ALPA’s Bandwidth & Speed Incorporate LMKI’s turn-key Real Private Network (RPN) product for ALPA that is a “bullet-proof” alternative to the typical VPN solution, which avoids the Internet entirely for business data transmission and does away with issues such as firewalls, encryption and decryption.

5 4 How Did We Get Here? Both DSL & Frame Relay are proven technologies being operated by both Local Exchange Carriers and Competitive Local Exchange Carriers. Local Exchange carriers could have been providing DSL over the last 10 years. LEC’s were not motivated to provide DSL as this would have threatened their status quo profit model and infrastructure.

6 5 Today’s Situation ALPA’s current hybrid -network combination which incorporates Frame for 5 locations at an average $500 per month per location cost.

7 6 Available Options –When the Telecommunication Act was passed In 1996, It allowed competitors into LEC’s Central Offices. Thus enabling DSL to become the low cost, high bandwidth leader over T-1 and Frame Relay. –Let’s compare_

8 7 Available Options

9 8 ILEC region’s are broken up by states which limits their nationwide coverage

10 9 LMKI has nationwide DSL presence

11 10 Competitor Service Limitations An example: GTE Network Congestion Limits User to CIR GTE’s asymmetric service does not support consistent throughput in both upstream and downstream directions GTE subscribers are given the following CIRs (committed information rates): _____________________________________________________ Service Speed Actual CIR Potential delayed up/downstream Offered or discarded data GTE Bronze 256k/64k 10k 95% GTE Silver 384k/384k 32k 90% GTE Gold 768k/768k 64k 90% GTE Platinum 1.5Mb/768k 192k 85%


13 12 LMKI Value Added Features

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15 14 R7200 SDSL Routers Fast, 'Always-on' Connectivity with Security Built-in from 160 Kbps to 3 Mbps Symmetric transmission from 192 Kbps to 1.5 Mbps Built-in firewall to protect LAN resources from Internet intruders Built-in secure VPN to connect remote branch offices, travelers, and remote workers * Built-in 8-port Ethernet hub with uplink switch NAT and MultiNAT TM for secure yet flexible IP configuration Built-in dial backup via auxiliary serial port * Optional integrated V.90 or ISDN dial backup Compatible with Nokia ATM/DSL Multiplexer

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18 17 Total DSL Setup Cost Savings $225.00 Covad &$200.00 Rhythms rebate for 11 locations $2,375.00 $250.00 Installation & Setup fees waived for 11 locations $2,750.00 $700.00 Netopia Router X ‘s 11 (No hardware costs) $7,700.00 Total DSL Setup Cost Savings $12,825.00

19 18 Costs for Implementing DSL Based Network Air Line Pilots Association Total Monthly DSL Cost 11 locations: $1,739.00 Averaged DSL cost per location: $158.00 Total Initial DSL cost for 11 locations 1 st & 2 nd $3,478.00 Minus $225.00/$200 rebates for 11 locations -$2,375.00 Total Initial DSL cost after rebate $1,103.00


21 20 Advantages of a DSL/RPN Network DSL will provide always-online connectivity with faster speed and greater bandwidth than current connectivity speeds, plus access to the World Wide Web. RPN will provide: 1. New technology 2. 100% Network security eliminates Fire-Wall equipment management and reduces $$ costs $$ 3. Turn-key network/communications solution 4. Significantly lower Network Administration costs 5. Minimized/lowered outside consulting fees 6. Faster intra-office speed/communications and future VoIP

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