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Policy Framework and Strategic Approaches - Community/Non Government Where we have been Where we are Where we need to be Linking models and strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Policy Framework and Strategic Approaches - Community/Non Government Where we have been Where we are Where we need to be Linking models and strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Policy Framework and Strategic Approaches - Community/Non Government Where we have been Where we are Where we need to be Linking models and strategies

2 Where we have been Lack of real commitment -govt/community No comprehensive strategy Short term pilot projects Fragmentation, competition Inconsistent, incomplete evaluation Lack of useable, accessible information Significant endeavour and passion from organisations and individuals Good ideas

3 Where we are Growing commitment and concern: - better, more compelling research - increasing incidence of chronic diseases - increasing levels of obesity - children Developing models and experience Recognition of the role of the environment Developing understanding of the need for an intersectoral, collaborative and strategic approach

4 Where we need to be Serious commitment - State/National - realistic investment, long term approach - focus on best bets, build momentum - multi-sectoral, multi-level - integrated and co-ordinated Research/evaluation:guiding policy/delivery Information: collect, distil, package, disseminate - clearing house Robust and comprehensive models Training and resources - at local levels

5 Need to engage all players to best advantage Needs to be supported by public communication/education Must include a focus on environment Some other key elements: health professionals-links to community activity options, support; children, families, older people, communities junior sport/recreation, PE, walking, cycling, incidental activity, strength and mobility activity Try to put limits on passive recreation

6 Linking models and strategies Active Script - GPs linked to communities - Allied health professionals Information Services - Infoline : referrals - clearing house STAR - support, training, advice, resources Walking Development -Walk and Talk -WAP

7 State Walking Action Plan 2001 : A Step Ahead in Victoria Conference Statewide Consultation Forum -focus -involvement Intersectoral collaboration: transport, health, recreation, environment, education, tourism. Momentum Key elements: coordination, intelligence, capacity building, public education, walking to school, public transport, work, local business, walking for health, recreation and tourism, road safety.

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