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Welcome to: Finding Your Inner Fundraiser. Holly Swinckels Fundraising Development Manager at Nottinghamshire Hospice Previously Marketing & Fundraising.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to: Finding Your Inner Fundraiser. Holly Swinckels Fundraising Development Manager at Nottinghamshire Hospice Previously Marketing & Fundraising."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to: Finding Your Inner Fundraiser

2 Holly Swinckels Fundraising Development Manager at Nottinghamshire Hospice Previously Marketing & Fundraising Manager WAIS Previous roles in County Council, Regional VCS Infrastructure and National Disability organisation Experience of generating income across grants, earned income, community & corporate fundraising

3 By the end of this session Get to know tools to assess how ready your organisation is to fundraise Started to think about identifying current and potential donors/investors Started to develop your ask Started to think about the ways in which you might fundraise and the roles and responsibilities in your organisation

4 Exercise List some unique characteristics of your organisation: Why are you worthy of contributions? What are your key selling points? Why and how do you bring value to the local community? Why should a donor invest in your work above other charities? Now distil that into no more than 20 words

5 Discussion How did that compare to your mission statement and your vision and values? What does your marketing material currently look like? Would everyone in your organisation say the same thing if asked what you do? What simple steps can you take now to unify your people and your marketing message?

6 Exercise Write down how your organisation is currently funded What additional fundraising activities have taken place so far? Who gave? How much? What contact have you had with them since? What contact have they had with you since? How did you use the money? What impact did it have?

7 Know and Steward Your Donor! Develop a method for keeping track of your donors & investors Develop a method of maintaining that relationship – what will you tell them? When? In whose voice? Will you ask them to support you again? What will you ask? When? Develop a method of growing your donor base – who do you already know?

8 Who, what, when? Successful fundraising depends on a plan and a clear understanding of what is going to happen, who will do it and how it will be measured. Do you currently know and understand who is responsible for fundraising in your organisation? Take away and complete the checklist for discussion internally.

9 Who are Your Prospects? Having thought about your existing donors, who is not currently investing who might? Linking back to the first exercise you did, write down what might prompt/motivate each of the following to invest in your organisation? Local businesses/corporates Local commissioners – earned income Members of the public – cause related Grants & trusts

10 Methods of Fundraising Charity of the Year Community activities Events & Challenges Legacies, in memory Grants and trusts applications Earned income – more applications Capital appeal Text giving Collection boxes Digital campaign World record attempt Mail or advertising campaign

11 My contact details Holly Swinckels 0115 910 1008 option 3 07792 574739

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