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Quiz Time… You know the drill! 1)Who cast Romulus and Remus into the Tiber? 2)Who raped Rhea Silvia? 3)Why did Romulus kill Remus? 4)Which hill did Romulus.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz Time… You know the drill! 1)Who cast Romulus and Remus into the Tiber? 2)Who raped Rhea Silvia? 3)Why did Romulus kill Remus? 4)Which hill did Romulus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz Time… You know the drill! 1)Who cast Romulus and Remus into the Tiber? 2)Who raped Rhea Silvia? 3)Why did Romulus kill Remus? 4)Which hill did Romulus favour? 5)Which hill did Remus favour? 6)Who ate the entrails? 7)What name was common for Roman Kings (pre Romulus)? 8)What does it mean? 9)Which gods are the Romans descended from (by the time of Romulus)? 10)What is the proper name for the wolf statue? 11) What problem did Rome have in 750BC? 12) Why wouldn’t other tribes marry the Romans? 13) How did they lure the tribes into Rome? 14) How does Romulus celebrate his victory over the Caeninenses? 15) What event happened during the festival? 16) Who led the Sabines into Rome? 17) What happened to them? 18) Which Roman Hero died? 19) What does Romulus do? Bonus Question- How much of this is all just nonsense?

2 Answers- Swap and Mark 1)Amulius 2)Mars- God of War 3)‘merked’ his walls 4)Palatine Hill 5)Aventine Hill 6)The Potitii 7)Silvius 8)From the Forrest 9)Mars (Romulus), Venus (Aeneas) 10)The Capitoline Wolf 11)Lack of women 12) The had been fighting them 13) Held a festival 14) Marched up Capitoline Hill with their kings armour 15) Rape of the Sabine Women 16) Tarpius’s Virgin Daughter 17) Crushed to death by shields 18) Hostius Hostilius 19) Prayed, made a speech and led the counter attack. Bonus Question: Probably lots of it, we just don’t know.

3 Myth and Roman identity Aim: to understand and analyse the importance of myth to Roman identity King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Another Myth (your choice) What purpose do these stories have to us? Why we tell them? What do we get from them?

4 More Mythologizing We still do it today! How do we mythologise these people? Walter Raleigh- Helped defeat the Spanish Armada

5 “Myths are not necessarily true. This does not make them any less important as they still say a lot about the people who accept them as their heritage.” - OCR teaching booklet All of these myths/ tales have been melded into one to create a Roman identity/ Heritage. Everyone wants to think they are a bit special and the Romans were no different. The Romans wanted to justify their greatness and identity by their history. They didn’t want to just be the descendants of a bunch of shepherds!

6 Summarising time In pairs (at first). Take 2 myths (1 st & 3 rd row- Aeneas and the Sabines) (2 nd & 4 th row- Romulus and Remus and Evander and Hercules). On your mind maps add one: 1) Key points of each myth (parts of the story) 2) What that adds to Roman identity and Heritage.

7 Now into 4’s Move into your groups of 4. (1 st & 3 rd rows turn around) Share your findings and ideas with the other pair.

8 Still in your 4’s On the back of your sheets fill in the chart. Can you distil these myths into key aspects of Roman identity? What is important to the Romans in portraying themselves?

9 Context of Livy and Virgil Livy and Virgil are both writing at a time when Rome is NOT a unified people. Civil War for 15 years between Senate and Caesar Population divided politically. Why do you think both writers ‘wanted’ to write about Rome's origins? ?

10 Plenary Why are we studying two texts that are without a doubt Historically inaccurate?

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