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CSCE 212 Chapter 8 Storage, Networks, and Other Peripherals Instructor: Jason D. Bakos.

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Presentation on theme: "CSCE 212 Chapter 8 Storage, Networks, and Other Peripherals Instructor: Jason D. Bakos."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSCE 212 Chapter 8 Storage, Networks, and Other Peripherals Instructor: Jason D. Bakos

2 CSCE 212 2 Magnetic Disk Storage: Terminology Magnetic disk storage is nonvolatile 1-4 platters, 2 recordable surfaces each 5400 – 15,000 RPM 10,000 – 50,000 tracks per surface Each track has 100 to 500 sectors Sectors store 512 bytes (smallest unit read or written) Cylinder: all the tracks currently under the heads

3 CSCE 212 3 Accessing Data To read: –Seek to the track Ave. seek times advertized as 3 ms to 14 ms but usually much better due to locality and OS –Rotate to the sector On average, need to go ½ around the track –Transfer data 30 – 40 MB/sec from disk, 320 MB/sec from cache –Controller time / overhead ADAT = seek time + rotational latency + transfer time + controller time

4 CSCE 212 4 Reliability Mean time to failure (MTTF) Mean time to repair (MTTR) Mean time between failures (MTTF + MTTR) Availability = MTTF / (MTTF + MTTR) Fault: failure of a component To increase MTTF: –Fault avoidance –Fault tolerance –Fault forecasting

5 CSCE 212 5 RAID Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks –Advantages: parallelism cost floor space (smaller disks have higher density) –Disadvantage: adding disks to the array increases the likelihood of individual disk failures –Solution: add data redundancy to recover from disk failures small disks are inexpensive, so this reliability is less expensive relative to buying fewer, larger disks

6 CSCE 212 6 RAID RAID 0 –No redundancy –Stripe data across disks –Appears as one disk RAID 1 –Mirroring –Highest cost RAID 2 –Error control codes –No longer used

7 CSCE 212 7 RAID RAID 3 –Bit-interleaved parity –Add one parity disk for each protection group –All disks must be accessed to determine missing data –Writes access all disks for striping, then recalculation of parity –Example: 1 0 1 X 1 0 X = 1 xor 1 xor 0

8 CSCE 212 8 RAID RAID 4 –Block interleaved parity –Stripe blocks instead of bits –Small writes only need to access one data disk and update parity –Only flip parity bits that correspond to changed data bits –Example: 0011 1010 1101 0100 0011 XXXX 1101 0100 XXXX = 0011 xor 1101 xor 0100

9 CSCE 212 9 RAID RAID 5 –Distributed block-interleaved parity –In RAID 4, the parity disk is bottleneck –Solution: alternate parity blocks

10 CSCE 212 10 RAID RAID 6 –P + Q Redundancy –Add another check disk to be able to recover from two errors RAID 1 and 5 are most popular RAID weakness: –Assumes disk failures are not correlated

11 CSCE 212 11 Busses Shared communication link Advantages: –Inexpensive, simple, extendible Disadvantages: –Capacity is shared, contention creates bottleneck –Not scalable –Length and signaling rate limitations (skew, noise) Device 1Device 2Device 3

12 CSCE 212 12 Model Computer System

13 CSCE 212 13 Busses Typical bus: –data lines DataIn, DataOut, Address –control lines Bus request, what type of transfer Busses are either: –synchonous includes shared clock signal as a control signal devices communicate with a protocol that is relative to the clock example: send address in cycle 1, data is valid in cycle 4 used in fast, short-haul busses –asynchronous not clocked or synchronized requires handshaking protocol

14 CSCE 212 14 Bus Types ReadReq Data Ack DataRdy Read Data Clock asynchronous (peripheral bus) synchronous (system bus)

15 CSCE 212 15 Model Computer System

16 CSCE 212 16 Model Computer System Example computer system: –northbridge: fast interconnect for memory and video –southbridge: slower interconnect for I/O devices

17 CSCE 212 17 I/O I/O Schemes: –Memory-mapped I/O Contolled by CPU I/O devices act as segments of memory CPU reads and writes “registers” on the I/O device Example: status register (done, error), data register –DMA (Direct Memory Access) Controlled by I/O device DMA controller transfers data directly between I/O device and memory –DMA controller can become a bus master –DMA controller is initialized by the processor and I/O device –Polling CPU regularly checks the status of an I/O device –Interrupts I/O device forces the CPU into the operating system to service an I/O device request Interrupts have priority (for simultaneous interrupts and preemption)

18 CSCE 212 18 I/O Performance Measures Transaction Processing –Database applications (i.e. banking systems) –Mostly concerned with I/O rate and response time –Benchmarks created by Transaction Processing Council (TPC) TPC-C: complex queries TPC-H: ad hoc queries TPC-R: standard queries (preknowledge) TPC-W: web-based simulates web queries File System –MakeDir, Copy, ScanDir, ReadAll, Make –SPECFS (NFS performance) Web I/O –SPECWeb (web server benchmark) I/O performance estimation: simulation or queueing theory

19 CSCE 212 19 Example Problem CPU can sustain 3 billion instructions per second and averages 100,000 instructions in the OS per I/O operation Memory backplane bus capable of sustaining a transfer rate of 1000 MB/s SCSI Ultra320 controllers with a transfer rate of 320 MB/s and accomodating up to 7 disks Disk drives with a read/write bandwidth of 75 MB/s and an average seek plus rotational latency of 6 ms If the workload consists of 64 KB sequential reads and the user program requires 200,000 instructions per I/O operation, what’s the maximum I/O rate and the number of disks and SCSI controllers needed (ignoring disk conflicts)?

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