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Tractor Lift Design Proposal. The Client ► Mark Novak  AgrAbility representative  Biological Systems Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "Tractor Lift Design Proposal. The Client ► Mark Novak  AgrAbility representative  Biological Systems Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tractor Lift Design Proposal

2 The Client ► Mark Novak  AgrAbility representative  Biological Systems Engineer

3 Problem ► There are disabled farmers across the United States who are unable to easily access the cab of their farm equipment for the following reasons:  Debilitating accidents on the farm  Old age  Medical conditions

4 Problem Statement ► Our purpose is to build a ⅛ scale model of a chair lift for the AgrAbility project. The chair will lift paraplegic farmers into their tractors. It must conform to safety standards, durability standards, ease of use standards, and must stow away easily. It must fit within cost restraints. Furthermore, it must be able to operate without the tractor running.

5 Brainstorming ► Screw type ► Pulleys ► Gear and Notches ► Hydraulic Lift ► Electromagnetic Lift

6 Pulleys  Inexpensive  Easy to build  Ease of operation  Maintainability  Very little safety  Requires tractor to be running ► Too complicated for our time constraints  Expensive Hydraulic Lift Electromagnetic Lift

7 Gear and Notches ► Easy to build ► Inexpensive ► Difficult to design brake system

8 Screw Type ► Doesn’t require brake ► Ease of operation ► Relatively few moving parts ► Simplicity ► Requires two motors ► Wear due to friction ► Cost

9 Design

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