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“Taught in the Middle” Meeting the State's Growing Need for Grades 6-8 Math Teachers Carol Fry Bohlin ~ California State University,

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1 “Taught in the Middle” Meeting the State's Growing Need for Grades 6-8 Math Teachers Carol Fry Bohlin ~ California State University, Fresno CMC-South Conference 7 November 2009

2 Challenges...  There’s an increasing need for credentialed middle school math teachers due to retirements, an increase in student population, and the requirement that teachers be NCLB-compliant, not just hold a Supplementary Authorization in mathematics.  California doesn’t currently have a Middle School credential, which would likely be an attractive option to many students.  The Liberal Studies Major at Fresno State includes a 12-unit concentration area in upper-division coursework. Math is popular and the courses are excellent, but a Subject Matter Authorization in Mathematics requires considerably more units of math coursework (32 total).  Most Multiple Subject teachers who are teaching mathematics hold little more than a Supplementary Authorization (if that); to become NCLB- compliant, they are drawn to the CSET option.  Fortunately, MSTI can help provide quality workshops and coursework to help teachers obtain a NCLB-compliant Single-Subject Credential in Foundational-Level Mathematics.

3 A Team Effort to Meet the Challenge!  Mathematicians co-developed and co-taught mathematicially-rigorous 45-hour workshops for Mathematics CSET Subtest I and II preparation.  Math educators and talented secondary math teachers co-developed and co-taught a new Middle School Math Methods course this summer.

4 Schedule ~ Target Audience  Academic Year  CSET Subtest I and II Workshops (Subtest III planned for Spring)  Target Audience: Multiple Subject candidates (all receive invitations and information via email to attend) plus area teachers (SJVMP and CVSP + district and county office emails)  Free or very inexpensive ($25)  Middle School Mathematics Teaching Methods (CI 161)-Stateside  Target Audience: Multiple Subject Candidates and Liberal Studies/Blended Program majors  No extra charge for fulltime students; Open University available  Summer  CSET Subtest I and II Workshops  Target: Multiple Subject candidates and (especially) teachers  Free or inexpensive (30 teachers in each section)  Middle School Mathematics Teaching Methods  Target: Multiple Subject-credentialed teachers  Free or inexpensive (60 teachers enrolled this past summer)

5 Perks...  Excellent courses and workshops with outstanding mathematics teachers  Math/Science CSET and credential application fees paid  Regular email communication about upcoming events  Access to free MSTI-sponsored Science CSET Subtest workshops in case they wish to add on a Foundational- Level General Science credential  Invitations to join SJVMP- and CVSP-sponsored activities (e.g., Tech Day: GeoGebra, graphing calculators, robotics,...)  Free subscription to COMET ( California Online Mathematics Education Times ) ...and for the math professors, an opportunity to work with classroom teachers, to plan and teach with their math colleagues, and to develop potentially publishable materials

6 Visit our Web site:

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