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Nicole Merino PACT Stanford University November 10, 2010 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Nicole Merino PACT Stanford University November 10, 2010 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nicole Merino PACT Stanford University November 10, 2010 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity, 2010

2 Sewell 2010/Merino2010 ◦ What strategies can programs use to facilitate the videotaping, before, during, and after the assessment?

3 Sewell 2010/Merino2010  Logistical considerations ◦ Do you have permission?  Example permission slips. ◦ Do you have enough equipment?  Candidates will need to check out equipment.  Be aware of timing among various groups/cohorts  Consider deadline for camera return – have a system in place.  Inexpensive video cameras are available  Many students have their own or borrow or purchase them  Many school sites have cameras

4 Sewell 2010/Merino2010  Logistical considerations ◦ We need to buy equipment…what and how much?  Small inexpensive cameras  Microphones  Tripods

5 Sewell 2010/Merino2010  Prior experience with videotaping. ◦ Helps work out many logistical/anxiety issues ◦ Video Reflection #1: analyzing videos of other teachers  No stakes ◦ Video Reflection #2: done independently & individually  Low stakes ◦ Video Reflection #3: video elicitation with supervisor  Slightly higher stakes ◦ Video Reflection #4: TPAC  High stakes

6 Sewell 2010/Merino2010  Candidate videotapes a lesson without supervisor present  Candidate chooses 15-min. segment to view with supervisor  Candidate and supervisor meet to view video together  Candidate plays tape, stopping whenever he wants to comment  Supervisor’s job is to elicit, not to advise ◦ “And why do you think that happened?” ◦ “And your reason for that was…?” ◦ “So you moved those students apart and…?” Can greatly improve reflection on the part of the student

7 Sewell 2010/Merino2010  Issues in Teacher Education, Fall 2009 issue.  “Transforming Supervision: Using Video Elicitation to Support Preservice Teacher- Directed Reflective Conversations”

8 Sewell 2010/Merino2010  Suggestion: Place video camera in classroom in advance of teaching event ◦ Helps “acclimate” students ◦ Minimizes clowning for camera  Provide “Tips for Success” sheet to candidates before first low-stakes videotaping  Before the assessment, introduce Task 2 rubrics ◦ Helpful to know criteria in advance ◦ Practice practice practice  Helps to make it feel more natural  Circulating, questioning, calling on students, interacting, promoting active engagement

9 Sewell 2010/Merino2010 Advice for Students:  Revisit “Tips for Success” and rubrics  Videotape as much as possible during  Double check the sound! Double check the picture!  If using camera with limited recording time, be sure to download onto computer daily. Other Things I Need to Do: ◦ Clarify to CTs and site support what their role is (and isn’t) during teaching event

10 Sewell 2010/Merino2010 What I Tell My Students:  Choosing the Clips ◦ Do not search for “perfect” teaching ◦ Must be unedited! ◦ Don’t watch every minute of every taped lesson segment ◦ Do keep notes of parts of lesson(s) that might be worth choosing– best done daily during teaching  Refer to Handbook ◦ Criteria and steps for completion are laid out in detail  Refer to Rubrics ◦ Choose clips according to the criteria by which you’ll be judged

11 Sewell 2010/Merino2010 Preparation of video clip(s):  Software  Technical support  Storage space

12 Sewell 2010/Merino2010  The Write-up ◦ Details, details!  Spell it out even if it seems redundant or obvious in clips ◦ Transcripts are helpful. ◦ Words and pictures combined are the best assurance for highest score  Refer to video in other tasks as appropriate ◦ Assessment ◦ Reflection ◦ Academic Language

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