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The Cell. 7.1 Cell discovery and cell theory  How do we study cells?  With MICROSCOPES!!!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "The Cell. 7.1 Cell discovery and cell theory  How do we study cells?  With MICROSCOPES!!!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cell

2 7.1 Cell discovery and cell theory  How do we study cells?  With MICROSCOPES!!!!!!

3 7.1 Objectives  Identify the parts of a microscope  Match scientists with key discoveries  Compare light and electron microscopes  Identify the 3 parts of cell theory  Explain the main differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

4 Compound Light Microscopes (what we will use)


6 The guys who started it all…  Zacharias and Hans Janssen invent the world's first 2 lens ( compound) microscope in 1590.

7 The guys who started it all…  1665 Robert Hooke  Looking at cork  Chambers ( named them cells)  Anton van Leeuwenhoek  Single lens microscope  Pond water  1 st to discover living cells “animalcules” (protists)

8 Why the long gap between inventions?  Few advancement in the mid 19 th century  Spontaneous Generation (widely accepted, traditional belief that life arises from nonlife)  Examples:  Mice were created from damp hay and corn in a dark corner  Maggots/Flies came from rotting meat  Mud could give rise to worms, insects, and fish

9 19 th Century Advancement  Spontaneous Generation = doubters  Louis Pasteur  Disproved and replaced theory with…  Theory of Biogenesis (states that only living organisms can produce other living organisms )  Designed an experiment to show this was true even for microorganisms

10 Development of the Cell Theory  Matthias Schleiden: (1838- German Botanist)  plant parts are made of cells  Theodor Schwann: (1839- German physiologist)  animal tissues are composed of cells.

11 Johannes Purkinje (1840)  First to observe cell division  First to observe the living contents of a cell

12 Development of the Cell Theory  Rudolf Virchow (1858- German physician)  concluded that cells must arise from preexisting cells

13 Because of them, today we have…

14 Advancing technology  Light microscopes

15 Electron microscopes  Early 1900’s  Higher resolution

16 Scanning probe microscopy

17 Fluorescence and light microscopy  Uses fluorescence and phosphorescence in addition to, reflection and absorption

18 What do you know about cells?

19 Cell Theory: 3 parts  1. All living things are made of cells  Composed of cells (Matthis Schleiden 1838- plants were made of cells; Theodor Schwann 1839-animals too!)  2. Cells are basic unit of structure and function of living things  3. New cells are made from existing cells  (Rudolf Virchow 1855)

20 All Cells…  Surrounded by a cell barrier (cell membrane)  Carry biological information at some point ( DNA)  Vary in size and shape

21 Two different types  Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic

22 Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic ProkaryotesEukaryotes “Pro” = Before Karyon = nucleus “E = True Karyon = nucleus True nucleus Size: Large/Complex Membrane bound organelles Membrane bound nucleus with linear DNA Some have cell walls Multicellular or unicellular Found in Kingdoms: Animalia Plantea Protista Fungi No true nucleus Size: Small/primative No membrane bound organelles DNA is small and in a ring Cell wall Unicellular-colonies Free Ribosomes (small) Found in Kingdoms: Archaea Bacteria

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