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The Outsiders S.E. Hinton.

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Presentation on theme: "The Outsiders S.E. Hinton."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Outsiders S.E. Hinton

2 Activity Two What is an abstract topic?
This is the BIG idea the prompt is asking you to address. What are the concrete elements? These are the SPECIFIC things you need to look at in order to address the big idea.

3 Activity Three Connotative Diction-A phrase that has implied emotional meaning.

4 Vocabulary Asset Bawling Clammy Heaved Madras Perspiration Reckless
Smarting Stocky Sympathetic

5 Vocabulary Definitions
Asset-a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality Bawling-weeping or crying noisily Clammy-unpleasantly damp and sticky or slimy to touch. Heaved-produced a great sigh Madras-a strong, fine-textured cotton fabric, typically patterned with colorful stripes or checks.

6 Example of a Madras Shirt

7 Definitions Continued
Perspiration-the process of sweating Reckless-(of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action. Smarting-a sharp, stinging pain. Stocky-broad and sturdily built. Sympathetic-feeling, showing, or expressing feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.

8 Writing Spiral What does Cherry mean when she tells Ponyboy that “things are rough all over”? What problems might the Socs have? What about the Greasers? Respond in THREE paragraphs! Yes, that means a minimum of 15 sentences.

9 Character Journal Complete FOUR total “Analysis of a Character” Journal boxes(2 for Chapter 4 and 2 for Chapter 5) Turn it in to the basket

10 With a Partner Read Chapter 3 of The Outsiders: page 37
Fill out 3 boxes in your Analysis of a Character journal (you will have to use notebook paper for some of these). Be prepared to discuss what has happened in the book so far!

11 Discussion Questions Contrast the behavior of Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy at the drive-in. How is Cherry different from the girls Ponyboy is used to? Two-Bit is a bit of a philosopher. What are his ideas on a fair fight and on loyalty? How are Ponyboy, Johnny, and Cherry alike? What is the conflict between Ponyboy and Darry?

12 Thesis S.E. Hinton uses both diction and details to create the character of Ponyboy, an insecure, imaginative boy who is struggling to fit in and discover himself.

13 Chapter 4: Pages 53-67 1. What does Pony mean when he says the Socs were “reeling pickled” on page 54? 2. What major even happens in this chapter? 3. How did the author foreshadow that Johnny would use his knife in chapter 2? 4. What would your advice be to Johnny and Ponyboy if they‟d come to you for help instead of Dally? Explain. 5. How did the setting foreshadow the events in this chapter? 6. Do you think Bob‟s death was justice? Explain. Fill out 2 boxes in your Analysis of a Character journal (you will have to use notebook paper).

14 Discussion Questions How do the events in the park contribute to the rising action of the story? How does Johnny’s past experience with the Socs affect his behavior in the park? Explain how Johnny and Ponyboy feel about their time hiding in the church. Do you think it is difficult for Ponyboy to change his hairstyle? Why or why not? What significance does the novel Gone with the Wind have for Johnny?


16 Writing Spiral Now that Johnny and Ponyboy have come back to turn themselves in, they are going to face the consequences of their actions. Write two paragraphs to answer the following question: Does defending a friend’s life justify Johnny’s actions in the park? Explain why or why not. (Use evidence from the story.)

17 Was it murder? Pick a group spokesperson
Discuss your argument with your group and be ready to share!

18 Chapter 7 Fill out 3 boxes in your Analysis of a Character journal (you will have to use notebook paper for some of these). Be prepared to discuss what has happened in the book so far!

19 Writing Spiral At the end of this chapter, Ponyboy asks Cherry about the sunset. In TWO paragraphs, explain: Why the sunset is important (have we heard about it before? When? Hint: try looking at pages 40 and 41) What the sunset means to Ponyboy and Cherry (is it a symbol of something bigger?) Use quotes/examples from the story! Turn it in when you are finished (it should take you at least 15 minutes!!!)

20 What is Perspective? Choose any scene we have read so far in The Outsiders and tell it from a different perspective (anyone but Ponyboy!) What are some things you might have to think about in order to do this? Needs to be at least 3 paragraphs (at least 15 sentences) You may type or hand-write this. Be creative!

21 Chapter 9 Fill out 3 boxes in your Analysis of a Character journal (you will have to use notebook paper for these). Be prepared to discuss what has happened in the book so far!

22 Perspective on the Rumble
Re-write the Rumble scene from a different perspective. You can choose anyone other than Ponyboy. Describe what happens through their eyes. Answer in at least 3 paragraphs (It can be longer BUT NOT SHORTER) Make sure you are describing the entire scene Use dialogue! Use SPECEFIC examples from the book (this means you will need to include quotes and page numbers) Turn it in when you are finished.

23 Discussion Questions Why do you think Dally behaves as he does
after Johnny’s death? Do you agree with Ponyboy’s statement that Dally “died gallant”? Why or why not? In what ways has Ponyboy’s life and attitude changed since the beginning of the story? How is the plot of the story finally resolved?

24 Writing Spiral The three brothers’ greatest fear is that they will be split up, with Ponyboy and Soda having to go to a boys’ home or to foster care. Imagine that you are one of the brothers. Write two paragraphs describing your thoughts and feelings about this fear.

25 Mock Trial Should Johnny Cade be found guilty of murder in the death of Bob Sheldon? Work with a group of students to present a mock trial of Johnny Cade. Your group needs the following: the prosecutor, giving reasons why Johnny should be declared guilty. the defense lawyer, giving reasons why Johnny should be declared innocent. You may choose to have other group members act as characters from the story (these can be witnesses that the lawyer questions)

26 Post-Mortem of a Protagonist
You may ONLY have 3-4 people in your group. If you would prefer to work alone, that is fine! Read the directions carefully. You will have two presentation options: On paper Online using Glogster

27 Project on Paper Directions
I will provide you with a piece of butcher paper. Trace the outline of one of your group members and then fill in the information on the appropriate place on the body (dreams go in the head, etc). Use markers and any other supplies you would like to make your project neat and presentable!

28 Glogster Directions I will show your group how to log in to my Glogster account. Use this interactive website to create a “Glog” of you character. Your project still needs to include all of the information, but you are welcome to use a combination of text, images, and videos to illustrate your character. Be prepared to explain your choices! Example Glog:

29 Post-Mortem Day 1 Today, you should focus on gathering materials and getting organized. Divide the “body parts” between group members. Using a Google doc is a great way to work collaboratively…I will show you how to do that. You are also welcome to work on paper or in a word document and share your findings with your group. Show me your outline before you begin your drawing/glog

30 Post-Mortem Day 2 Today is the day to start putting all of your information together and getting ready to present. This is a project/test grade, so spend time making it look as nice as possible! That means it needs to be colorful and easy to read. If you need to type descriptions and then glue them to your paper project, I will print them for you. End goal today: Be ready to present!

31 Registering for Glogster
Click “Student” My educator code is: 838U5A Example Glog:

32 Have a seat and get your laptops out
Have a seat and get your laptops out! We will explore Google Docs and Glogster together before you begin work on your project! If you don’t have a laptop, just wait quietly.

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