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Part I Introduction of CCOA. CCOA - Chinese Cereals and Oils Association ● CCOA, a national scientific and technical organization for the cereals and.

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Presentation on theme: "Part I Introduction of CCOA. CCOA - Chinese Cereals and Oils Association ● CCOA, a national scientific and technical organization for the cereals and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part I Introduction of CCOA

2 CCOA - Chinese Cereals and Oils Association ● CCOA, a national scientific and technical organization for the cereals and oils industries, covers a wide range of food related issues. At the moment 8, 200 individual and 1, 298 corporate members are represented in the CCOA.

3 ● With its excellent network within the Chinese and international food industry and governmental institutions, CCOA is a first choice partner for coordination and dissemination of MoniQA activities in China.

4 ● The research fields of CCOA comprise resources of raw materials, processing of cereals, oils and feed, breeding, selection of high grade seeds, cereals and oils processing technology and equipment, utilization of by-products, quality control and inspection, cereals and oils chemistry and feed.

5 Part II Mycotoxin and its hazards Zhao yinli Henan university of technologe China

6 Contents 1. Introduction of mycotoxin 2. Reason analysis on mycotoxin contamination 3. Main mycotoxin and its hazards 1) Aflatoxin 2) Ochrotoxin 3) Trichothecent toxin

7 1. Introduction of mycotoxin ● Mycotoxin is a class of poisonous secondary metabolites of fungi at appropriate temperature and humidity. Aspergillus, penicillium and fusarium are main fungi which produce toxin. Mycotoxin often contaminated agricultural products, particularly rice, wheat, corn, soybean, and peanuts.

8 ● Mycotoxin can be produced either during the grain growth or processing, production, storage, transportation after grain harvested. Fungi killed may be prevent mycotoxin produced, but can not eliminate the mycotoxin that had been produced in food and feeds. If animals ate the feeds contaminated mycotoxin, it would be accumulated in their milks, meat and eggs.

9 ● Mycotoxin contaminated grain has become a global problem. Mycotoxin can pollute food and influence human health. Mycotoxin have severely hurt mankind that influence immune function and produce cancer. Mycotoxin contaminated feeds is also a serious threat to animal health, lead to animal husbandry productivity decline, and causing serious economic losses.

10 2. Reason analysis on mycotoxins contamination ● First is seed itself. Fungi attached on the seeds pass on to the field by sowing seeds, lead to grain contamination. After contaminated crops are harvested, then contaminated seeds come back to the granary again from the field.

11 ● Second is Spread by natural media. fungal spore widely exist in the air. plants extensive contact with all kinds of natural objects from grow to harvest, storage. Fungi will spread to the grain with the rain, dust, insects. ● Third, storage environmental contamination.

12 Many grain had been invaded by fusarium before harvesting. The invasion degree of the fungi and mycotoxin production mainly affected by plant cultivated measures and the climate. For example, too much nitrogenous fertilizer will promote fungi distribution and reproduction.

13 Fusarium growth need high water, after grain harvesting with the lossing of water, fusarium growth slowed down. But at this time penicillium and aspergillus being present in grain. These fungi can be produced in the wheat, barley, corn, rice,et al.

14 After animal take in feeds contain toxins, fungi will enter into some organs or tissues and be stored. In the contaminated feeds there may contains T-2 toxin, Ochratoxin A, Aflatoxin B, Zearalenone. Another possible danger was mouldy meat products.

15 3. Main mycotoxin and its hazards Studies confirmed that mycotoxin can cause human and animal’s acute or chronic poisoning, can damage liver, kidney, nerve tissue, blood-forming tissues, skin tissues et al. In fact, many mycotoxin can harm two or more organs. More seriously, some mycotoxin have carcinogenic effect, teratogenic effect and mutagenic effect.

16 1) Aflatoxins Aflatoxin is mainly produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, and mainly contaminates corn, peanut, nut, and their productions. A lot of epidemiological investigations confirmed that aflatoxin high intake has a positive corrilation with human cancer rates. Aflatoxin acute poisoning mainly damage the liver and chronic poisoning lead to growth slow, liver cell degeneration and induce liver cancer.

17 2) Ochrotoxin Ochrotoxin is produced by Aspergillus and penicillium , and mainly contaminates wheat, corn, barley, rice, peanut. Ochrotoxin include seven structure of compounds and Ochrotoxin A has the most toxicity. Ochrotoxin mainly damage the liver and kidney.

18 3) Trichothecent toxin Trichothecent toxin is the most common kind of toxin in grain produced by fusarium, include deoxynivalenol, T-2 toxin, Zearalenone, Fumonisins et al. The fungi is mostly in the cold, damp and the harvest season, grow slowly in the grain, usually it contain a high concentration in barley, wheat, corn and a low concentration in rice.

19 DON DON is also called vomintoxin, It has been proven that DON in mouldy corn can hurt pigs and cause human leukocytes deficiency. DON contaminated grain is common. Residents foods from esophagus and gastric cancer high incidence area in china's hebei province have high DON pollution rate. Recent studies have found that DON produced significant impact on immune function of people and animals.

20 T- 2 toxin T- 2 toxin exists widely in nature and mainly contaminate wheat, barley, corn, and their products, it is a threat to human health and animal husbandry. Human Kaschin-Beck disease distributed from tibet to heilongjiang area, in which T- 2 toxin is found extraordinarily gathered in the normal appearance of flour, cornmeal. The results of the subchronic animals experiment is approximately the same as Human Kaschin-Beck disease earliest change.

21 Zearalenone Zearalenone is also called F-2 toxin, and it is an estrogenic mycotoxin. Zearalenone mainly exists in the corn and corn products, and also has a certain extent in the wheat, barley, sorghum and rice. Zearalenone has a strong reproductive toxic and teratogenic effects, lead to animals infertility, abortion, and economic losses to animal husbandry. People who have been swallowed by mistake, then pregnancy, ovulation, and embryo develop will be affected.

22 Fumonisin Fumonisin is a new kind of toxin discovered in 1989, it is proved the fumonisin can lead a horse to a softening of white brain, and was suspected to be induced to human esophagus cancer and other diseases, and thereby the animal husbandry and human health are threatened. Fumonisin maily contaminate the corn and corn products, its content, generally exceeds 1 ppm, also lie in the rice, noodles, spices, sorghum, beer at a low concentration.

23 In a word, major poisonous effects of mycotoxin include the carcinogenic effect, the genetic toxicity, the teratogenic effect, the liver and kidney cells toxicity, reproduction disturbanced and immunosuppression.

24 According to the FAO’s report, about 25% crops suffered from fungal and toxin contaminated, about 2% crops lost nutritional and economic value for serious mycotoxin pollution. So fungi control and mycotoxin removing are very important.

25 Thank you for your attention

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