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Published byArthur Johns Modified over 10 years ago
PrecisionPac ™ Herbicides Agronomic Update
Agenda Overview of PrecisionPac™ active ingredients –Numbering System Blends available for 2010 –Out-of-Crop –Black/Dark Brown –Brown PrecisionPac™ Agronomics Selection Tools
DuPont ™ PrecisionPac ™ Background What is a PrecisionPac™ herbicide? Each “blend” is technically a separate product with a separate label R&D completed on efficacy, tank mix compatibility, re-cropping, etc. The fixed area pack is a separate registration (combination of different actives) This is what makes PrecisionPac™ possible Different combinations of different active ingredients In the past, to get the same registration it would have taken twice the time and data resources
What is a fixed area pack? What is the difference between a fixed area pack through PrecisionPac™ and a packaged product, for example Refine ® SG? PrecisionPac™ blends are segregated blends or fixed area packs i.e. The entire contents must be used at the same time Cannot measure part containers. Would get an uneven amount of each active PrecisionPac™ blends are all fixed area packs Refine ® SG in a jug is a non-segregating blend Mixed through DuPont’s patented blends technology Grower can measure out part contents Ensures the proper ratio of each active
DuPont™ PrecisionPac™ Background Why are some blends PP, others DB and others a product name? A product sold as a sku in the market like Refine ® SG or Triton ® C has a label with that name We want to build the PrecisionPac™ brand and its value, not individual brand names DB- given to blends also sold as part of packaged goods PP- given to blends only available through PrecisionPac™ The numbers of the blends are actually the % active guarantee for each blend PP-2525 GUARANTEE: Thifensulfuron methyl25% Tribenuron methyl 25%
DuPont™ PrecisionPac™ Background Two chamber PrecisionPac™ systems Will continue to have Express ® SG and Refine ® SG as separate products (no change) 16.0 kg flexibags Need to order these separately 2010…Express ® PRO and PP-23235 Six chamber PrecisionPac™ systems Will have the separate active ingredients 16.0 kg flexibags for all but Metsulfuron will be 10.0 kg Refine ® SG in these systems will be separate dispenses of Thifensulfuron and Tribenuron (into one grower bag)
PrecisionPac ™ Herbicides Previously Approved Products through PrecisionPac ™ Refine ® SG Triton ® C DB-858 - Tribenuron + Dicamba (Triton ® K) DB-8454 - Refine SG + Dicamba (Harmony ® K) DB-10550 – Refine ® SG + Dicamba (3/4 oz) Express ® PRO PP-23235 (1:1:1) PP-2525 (1:1)
Overview of PrecisionPac ™ Active Ingredients
Active Ingredients 1) Thifensulfuron Methyl 2) Tribenuron Methyl 3) Metsulfuron Methyl 4) Dicamba 5) Quinclorac 6) Flucarbazone Basis for the PrecisionPac ™ Numbering System
Active Ingredient Characteristics
Numbering System Overview
PrecisionPac ™ Out-of-Crop
Labeled for extended control of: Cleavers NEW! Dandelion Narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard Volunteer canola Enhanced control of key broadleaf weeds including: Dandelion Large Volunteer Canola Narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard Scentless chamomile NEW! White cockle NEW! Wild Buckwheat Night-flowering catchfly (suppression) NEW! Express ® PRO Agronomics
Pre-seed to Wheat (Spring, Durum and Winter), Spring Barley Chem-fallow Post harvest (prior to wheat and barley only) Only 1 application per year Express ® PRO Agronomics New registrations: Cleavers E, Scentless chamomile, White cockle, Night-flowering catchfly (suppression)
Addresses specific agronomic requirements. Increased control of key broadleaf weeds Extended broadleaf control Up to 15 days of extended control depending on environmental conditions 10 month re-crop to canola and peas Strength in the black soil zone Express ® PRO Agronomics RESIDUAL WEED CONTROL RECOMMENDATIONS: For residual control or suppression of dandelion, narrow leaved hawk’s beard, cleavers and volunteer canola (including glyphosate tolerant canola), apply EXPRESS ® PRO Herbicide with a recommended glyphosate herbicide as directed above. Degree and duration of residual control will depend on environmental conditions at and following treatment and weed infestation levels.
Express ® PRO Leading Dandelion Control Source: Internal DuPont Research 2006-2008
New registration! Express ® PRO on Cleavers Source: Internal DuPont Research 2007 - 2008 15-35 days after application
New registration! Express ® PRO on White Cockle Source: Internal DuPont Research 2008 Final Rating Express ® SG † + 1/2L glyphosate Express ® PRO † + 1/2L glyphosate
Number of Trials Average % Express® SG + Glyphosate662 Express® PRO + Glyphosate676 Glyphosate (450gah)661 Glyphosate (900gah)673 PrePass658 Night-Flowering Catchfly Suppression
Black/Dark Brown PrecisionPac ™ Blends
Broad spectrum broadleaf weed control Broad range of tank mix partners Maximum re-crop flexibility Black and Dark Brown soils WHEAT (SPRING, DURUM) AND SPRING BARLEY Rainfastness Up to 25 mm of rain beginning 1 hour or more after spraying will not reduce effectiveness of PP-2525 DuPont ™ PrecisionPac ™ Herbicide PP-2525
PP-2525 – Label Updates and Submissions
Broad spectrum control with enhanced Perennial and flushing broadleaf weed control Broad range of tank mix partners For use in specified cropping rotations Black and Dark Brown soils Wheat (Spring, Durum) And Spring Barley Only 1 application of Metsulfuron per year DuPont ™ PrecisionPac ™ Herbicide PP-23235
PP-23235 Label Updates and Submissions
Weed Control PrecisionPac ™ PP-2525 & PP-23235 † Source: Internal DuPont Research 2005 - 2008 † Refer to label for registered weeds – some weeds listed are not registered and are under review by the PMRA. It is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a non-registered application.
In-Crop Broadleaf Control † Note: MCPA tank-mixes are not currently registered. Refer to label for registered weeds – some weeds listed are not registered and are under review by the PMRA. It is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a non-registered application.
Number of Trials Mean % PP-23235786 PP-2525380 Frontline334 Infinity323 Dyvel DSP244 Estaprop233 Mecoprop462 White Cockle Control
Number of Trials Mean % PP-23235 † 387 PP-2525 † 384 Frontline189 Infinity177 Prestige183 Perennial Sow-thistle Control † Refer to label for registered weeds – some weeds listed are not registered and are under review by the PMRA. It is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a non-registered application.
Number of Trials Mean % PP-23235 † 390 PP-2525 † 373 Frontline370 Infinity346 Prestige3 56 Scentless Chamomile † This product is not registered for this use. It is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a non-registered application.
Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard Control Number of Trials Mean % PP-23235589 PP-25255 76 Frontline450 Infinity4 56 Prestige2 68 † This product is not registered for this use. It is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a non-registered application.
DuPont ™ PrecisionPac ™ PP-23235 † Narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard PP-23235 † InfinityFrontline Grower applied trial in Rosthern, SK Narrow-leaved Hawk’s Beard was 6 – 10 cm Sprayed June 8 th, 2008 - Pictures taken July 9 th, 2008 † This product is not registered for this use. It is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a non-registered application.
Research Update PP-2525 † & PP-23235 † Dandelion Dandelion stage range from 12-32 cm rosettes PP-23235 + MCPA PP-23235 † This product is not registered for this use. It is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a non-registered application.
Research Update PP-2525 † & PP-23235 † This product is not registered for this use. It is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a non-registered application.
Research conducted on blend combination most likely to cause antagonism Will not recommend PP-23235 + MCPA + Puma Super Excellent compatibility with Harmony Grass 128EC. PP-2525 & PP-23235 Graminicide Compatibility
Registered To be Submitted Puma Super √ Everest + 2,4-D√ Axial√ Horizon 240 and NG √ Harmony Grass √ Puma + MCPA√ Axial + MCPA√ Horizon + MCPA√ PP-2525 Graminicide Tank Mixes
Registered Puma Super √ Axial√ Horizon 240 and NG√ Harmony Grass√ Everest + 2,4-D √ Axial + MCPA√ PP-23235 Graminicide Tank Mixes
Broad spectrum control with enhanced Perennial and flushing broadleaf weed control Broad range of tank mix partners For use in specified cropping rotations Black and Dark Brown soils Wheat (Spring, Durum) And Spring Barley Only 1 application of Metsulfuron per year Research Update DuPont ™ PrecisionPac ™ Herbicide - PP-31155 † † This product is not registered for this use. It is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a non-registered application.
Research Update: PP-31155 Control † Contains 10 gai/ha thifensulfuron + 5 gai/ha tribenuron + 1.5 gai/ha metsulfuron Weeds submitted for registration: † This product is not registered for this use. It is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a non-registered application.
Research Update: PP-31155 † Tank-mixes submitted for registration 2,4-D MCPA Dicamba Axial Axial + MCPA Everest + 2,4-D Everest + MCPA Harmony Grass 128 Harmony Grass 128 + MCPA Horizon 240 Horizon 240 + MCPA Puma Super Puma Super + MCPA
Research Update: PP-31155 Broadleaf Control † This product is not registered for this use. It is a violation of the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a non-registered application.
Dandelion Control Number of TrialsMean % PP-31155879 PP-31155 + MCPA + NIS6 86 Curtail M3 74 Prestige3 73 PP-31155 comparable to competitive standards Add MCPA to boost control on dandelions
Number of TrialsMean % Refine SG990 Refine SG + MCPA385 PP-31155688 PP-31155 + MCPA387 PP-23235990 PP-23235 + MCPA686 Horizon Tank Mixes
Number of Trials Mean % Refine SG695 PP-31155693 PP-31155 + MCPA396 PP-31155994 PP-31155 + MCPA795 Axial Tank Mixes
Everest Tank Mixes Number of Trials Mean % Refine SG + 2,4-D590 PP-31155 + 2,4-D294 PP-31155 + MCPA294 PP-23235 + 2,4-D592 PP-23235 + MCPA591
Brown/Dark Brown PrecisionPac ™ Blends
Tough to control and broad spectrum broadleaf weed control for brown and dark brown soils Key broadleaf weeds including: Group 2-resistant Kochia, Wild buckwheat (5-leaf), Narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, Dandelion, Flixweed and Russian thistle WHEAT (SPRING, DURUM) AND SPRING BARLEY Tank mixes Harmony ® Grass Horizon ® 2 Groups (2 & 4) for resistance management DuPont ™ PrecisionPac ™ Herbicide DB-8454
Broad spectrum broadleaf weed control for brown and dark brown soils Common broadleaf weeds including: Group 2-resistant Kochia (lighter pressures), Wild buckwheat (5-leaf), Narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, Flixweed and Russian thistle WHEAT (SPRING, DURUM) AND SPRING BARLEY Tank mixes Harmony ® Grass Horizon ® 2 Groups (2 & 4) for resistance management DuPont ™ PrecisionPac ™ Herbicide DB-10550
Dicamba Blends DB-8454 (Broadleaf component in Harmony ® K) Tank mix with Everest + 2,4-D Tank Mix with Harmony ® Grass 128 DB-10550 Tank Mix with Harmony ® Grass 128
Broad spectrum control for the brown soil zone Broad spectrum control including: Group 2-resistant Kochia, Wild buckwheat, Russian thistle and Narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard WHEAT (SPRING), BARLEY NEW! Durum, winter wheat, chem-fallow Tank mixes 2,4-D Ester (420 g/ha acid equivalent) 2,4-D + Everest 2,4-D + Puma Super (millet rate) Glyphosate (chem-fallow) 2 Groups (2 & 4) for resistance management DuPont ™ PrecisionPac ™ Herbicide DB-858
DB-858 + 2,4-D or Triton ® K Approved Wild buckwheat control - leaf stage now 1 - 4 leaf Dandelion control up to 15 cm rosettes Durum wheat on label Winter wheat on label Chemfallow on label
Tough to control and broad spectrum broadleaf weed control for brown and dark brown soils Key broadleaf weeds including: Group 2-resistant Kochia, Wild buckwheat and Russian thistle WHEAT (SPRING, DURUM) AND SPRING BARLEY OATS Tank mixes Harmony ® Grass Horizon ® 2 Groups (2 & 4) for resistance management DuPont ™ PrecisionPac ™ Herbicide PP-1254
PP-1254 Control Thifensulfuron + 1oz. dicamba Control of weeds on thifensulfuron label Chickweed*Stinkweed Russian thistle Wild Buckwheat Volunteer rapeseed*Redroot pigweed Hemp-nettleLamb's-quarters Green smartweedWild mustard Cow cockleCorn spurry Lady's-thumb Plus - resistant kochia –Work to be completed in 2010 to increase wild buckwheat stage and add flixweed control to label
Wild Buckwheat Control Number of Trials Mean % PP-12544 87 Dyvel483 Thumper387 2,4-D Ester (560gah)347 PP-1254
Flixweed Control Number of Trials Mean % PP-1254298 Dyvel2100 Thumper2100 2,4-D Ester (560gah)295 PP-1254
Broad spectrum broadleaf weed control Broad range of tank mix partners Maximum re-crop flexibility Brown and dark brown soils 1oz. Dicamba Key broadleaf weeds including: Group 2-resistant Kochia, Wild buckwheat, and Russian thistle WHEAT (SPRING, DURUM) AND SPRING BARLEY Tank mixes 2,4-D Ester Harmony ® Grass Horizon ® 2 Groups (2 & 4) for resistance management DuPont ™ PrecisionPac ™ Herbicide PP-6654
Other Blend Work Tank mixes with Simplicity Tank mixes with Assert PP-23235 + quinclorac for Cleaver, Annual Sow-thistle and Round-leaved Mallow Control
PrecisionPac ™ Decision Tools
Broadleaf Control Timing: Pre-Seed
Broadleaf Control Timing: In-Crop
Graminicide Tank Mixes
As with all crop protection products, read and follow label instructions carefully. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont ™, The miracles of science ™, Express ®, Harmony ®, PrecisionPac ™, Refine ® and Triton ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. DuPont Canada is a licensee. Member of CropLife Canada. All other products are trademarks of their respective companies. © Copyright 2010 DuPont Canada. All rights reserved.
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