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THE FOOD AND DRINK OF THE ANGLO SAXON PERIOD Completed by: Anna Estigoy, Christina Arellano, Adalbert Wong, Kevin Truong, and karen enriquez.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FOOD AND DRINK OF THE ANGLO SAXON PERIOD Completed by: Anna Estigoy, Christina Arellano, Adalbert Wong, Kevin Truong, and karen enriquez."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE FOOD AND DRINK OF THE ANGLO SAXON PERIOD Completed by: Anna Estigoy, Christina Arellano, Adalbert Wong, Kevin Truong, and karen enriquez

2 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES  Exotic foods were unknown: potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, pineapples  Carrots were purplish, red, and small  Variety of cabbages  Onions and leeks cultivated as flavorings  Fruits such as: apples, plums, cherries, and sloes ( a plum-like fruit)


4 HERBS, SPICES AND FLAVORINGS  Native imported herbs, spices  Coriander, dill, thyme, opium poppy  Sugar used as medicine  Honey used to make mead (a sweet alcoholic drink)  Barley used to make beer

5 BEER, WINE, AND JUICES  (Imported) wine was drunk  Fruit wines: home produced  Fruit juices: apple, pear, and plum  Herbal teas

6 FISH A variety of fish were eaten:  brown trout  Herring  salmon  eel  pike  perch  Roach  flounder  whiting  plaice  cod

7 MEAT  Sheep  Bulls  Goats  Pigs  Horse  cows  Hares  Hens  Ducks  Geese  Herons  Deer  Wild boar


9 METHODS OF COOKING  Frying in a frying pan or griddle  Baking in a clay or turf oven  Spit roasting  Boiled in a cauldron  Baked in the embers of a fire


11 BANQUETS AND FEASTS  Religious feasts  Ten or twelve courses/dishes  Alcoholic drinks were served  Used knives and spoons  Wooden plates  Wooden pottery cups or mugs

12 ANGLO SAXON RECIPES  Summer Fruit, Honey or Hazelnut crumble  ‘Fenkel in Soppes’ or Braised Fennel with Ginger  Lozenges or Curd Cheese Pastries  A Jellie of Fyshe  Hare, Rabbit, Veal, or Chicken Stew with Herbs and Barley  Small Bird and bacon Stew with Walnuts

13 BIBLIOGRAPHY  Levick, Ben. "Regia Anglorum- Food and drink in Anglo Saxon England." Unpublished essay. 10 Sept. 2003.  Johnson, Michelle Berriedale-. "Anglo Saxon Recipes." Margagita's International Recipes: Anglo Saxon. 10 Sept. 2003.  Anglo Saxon Life. Dept. home page. 10 Sept. 2003.


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