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Staff meeting- MilkIT India Almora, 25/06/2013. Update-Sult- (Mar-May) Institutional strengthening – Indl HH survey for FEAST – There was work in 3-4.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff meeting- MilkIT India Almora, 25/06/2013. Update-Sult- (Mar-May) Institutional strengthening – Indl HH survey for FEAST – There was work in 3-4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff meeting- MilkIT India Almora, 25/06/2013

2 Update-Sult- (Mar-May) Institutional strengthening – Indl HH survey for FEAST – There was work in 3-4 villages for Anchal linkage for milk marketing – The first dairy started in Baseri cluster for 3 villages – The second dairy in Saknara area will be opening soon- some problem with supervisor who is absent for last one month – Request letter from all villages for fodder tree plants, given to forest department- following up the process Productivity enhancement – Indl HH survey for FEAST – Maize(dual purpose)- improved variety from VPKAS- 100kg and Finger millet- 10kg- given in 11 villages- 110 farmers maize and Finger millet- 55 farmers – Concentrate feed- not followed up due to illiterate farmers- they have not filled the format- but staff did not follow up properly the impact – Distribution of grass seeds (rye, kucchi, Dholni) and Napeir and Sita grass –5 villages done and on-going process – Purchase of 2 dairy animals improved breed from AH department support

3 Update-Sult- (Mar-May) Knowledge sharing – Visit Anand singh from Donogiri as training for dairy development and all schemes – 16 farmers participated in Kishan mela for VPKAS

4 Update-Bageshwar- (Mar-May) Chhona cluster Institutional strenthening – New cluster- survey household 3 finished – Chhona cluster- 11 farmers joined for milk mrktg – Link with AH, Ajeevika for animal purchase and feed details – IP DVC meeting – SHG meeting in all villages Productivity enhancement – PRA individual 36 hhs – Grass distribution- 12.5 kg- 5 villages-30 farmers

5 Update-Bageshwar- (Mar-May) Saing cluster Institutional strengthening – Farmers increased for selling milk through co-ope marketing from 32 to 92 which includes Pagna, Areagad, Raikholi (not in our cluster) Kanhkar (new cluster) – Quality control of milk through meeting in 4 villages – Purchase of fat analyser for this area – One IP DVC meeting and one feed IP meeting – Meeting with SHG federation and all secretary from villages Productivity enhancement – Grass seed distribution (Rye, Dholni and Kucchi)- 4kg-4 villages-12 farmers – Concentrate feed- Chirag source- 35 bags*10 kg in 4 villages- 15 farmers – Herbal medicines given for animal disease especially for skin problem – Indl household survey for FEAST

6 Constraints-Bageshwar There is less participation from government institutions like Anchal, Ah dept- no follow up are done by them – How can improve? – Let us call Anchal dairy board next meeting IP- DVC, Involvement of Ajeevika IFAD-Pant will Start initiation for collaboration- after 10 days- Management CHIRAG agreed for this

7 Constraints-Sult There is less quantity of milk in saknara cluster so dairy will start next month Availability of farmers due to more farm work- hindering the work with farmers like meeting seed distribution

8 others Purchase of Tablets-Micromax by Chirag for field data work

9 Data collection Till now there is recording of interventions but not in the format of ILRI- How to capture the data for feed interventions Shankar explained how it is being done in Sult area Has 2 components- identification of trial type and details of the farmer and feed details

10 FEAST output- Chhona Prioritised problems or issues – Less grass land and less quantity of grass is available – More feed cost towards purchase of grass from other areas – Water source is limited Conclusion and recommendation – Scarce crop land or grass land due to land grabbing by mine industry – Migration and employment is high, scarcity of labour for livestock activities – Cost for collection/purchase of grass is high – No surplus milk to sell outside settlement, dominance of informal milk marketing to neighbours – Interventions can be limited to conservation of grasses, chopping the fodder can decrease the waste. – Interventions for the green fodder in crop land is limited as they use for subsistence staple food production

11 FEAST output- Saing Prioritised problems and issues – Shortage of green fodder in summer (May, June) and winter(December and January) – Lack of feeding knowledge for dairy animals – Lack of AI service Conclusion and recommendation – Year round green fodder-Barley, oat, dual purpose wheat-for green fodder in December and January – Use of the irrigation facilities Berseem? Napier, Sita grass and Guinea grass- production volume is high Good quality grass varieties- Broom, Rye and Kucchi etc. – Promotion of concentrate feeding either private feed or CHIRAG or Anchal feed. – AI service can be supported with BAIF – Promotion of chaff cutter for prevention of fodder wastage – Silage making trial?

12 Staff suggestion for Bageshwar May-June green fodder- – Hons Grass (Thysolenia)-where we can get? – Cherry or berseem legumes?-before 10 yrs Anchal gave they found good production- Sowing time- Mar- Apr or Sep- Oct – Silage- pilot in Tana or Kolseer village- October- try in 2 villages community level- can be distributed among farmers – Dual purpose wheat – White clover- will do in October- seed from Palampur – feedback- Rye and Dholni and Kucchi not so good in saing?

13 FEAST output- Saknara and Baseri Prioritised problems and issues – Shortage of green fodder in summer especially in May and June – Lack of quality veterinary services and breeding services – Lack of accessibility to concentrate feed – Lack of milk marketing facility – Lack of Improved dairy cattle Conclusions and recommendations – Grassland improvement Improved grass varieties in the uncultivated lands Dual purpose wheat Barley and oat as fodder crop – Health check-up camps can be organised with help of AH department – BAIF for their service in AI. Local persons can be trained through ULDB for AI services. – Link with Anchal for marketing improvement and also accessibility to concentrate feed. We can source for availability of private concentrate feed in this area.

14 Work plan- CHIRAG-Jul-Dec 2013 ObjectiveActivityDurationSupport Institutional strenthening Dairy IP meeting- to increase milk and qualityJuly, OctoberANCHAL (in Joshi guan cluster) Feed IP meetingJuly, October Exposure visit- Donogiri dairy- 20 farmersJuly or AugustANCHAL Linkage with AH and Anchal, BAIFEVERY MONTHAll depertment SHG meeting/ FEDERATION MEETINGEvery month Productivity enhancement Concentrate feed promotion- all villagesEvery month- few farmers Trial set up Thanammal Improved breeds- AI or purchase of improved breed animals (AH dept) Every monthAH dept/BAIF New grass (Dholni, kuchhi, rye), Napier or Sita grassJuly, August Silage pilot trial- 4 villageOctober-November Dual purpose wheat promotion, Oat and barley intervention, berseem/ cherry legume trial October/ November Cost benefit analysis- improved concentrate feedSeptemberThanammal Chaff cutter intervention- 2 motor and 50 hand madeJuly-AugustProposal-thanammal Knowledge sharingExposure visit- Donogiri dairy- 20 farmersJuly to September Kishan dairy for circulationJuly- AugustThanammal Staff meetingSeptember 25thThanammal

15 Work plan- INHERE-Jul-Dec 2013 ObjectiveActivityDurationSupport Institutional strenthening IP DVC meetingJuly/ October Dairy start/ process- Besarnagad (3 village) and Barkinda (2 villages) July/AugustAnchal Productivity enhancement Grass seed distribution- kucchi, dholni and broomJuly Napier/ Sita / guinea grass interventionJunly/August Buffalo bull procurement- 2 bulls for 2 clusters- proposals AugustULDP/AH Health campEvery month one villageAH Dual purpose wheat, oat and barley promotionOctoberVPKAS/AH Improved breed- Anchal- linkageevery month White clover interventionNovember Concentrate feed- cost benefit analysisJuly/ every monthAnchal Knowledge sharingTraining/ exposure for farmersSeptember Kishan dairySeptemberThanammal

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