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REPTILES. Testudines 341 species Turtles: Testudines Joyce et al. 2004 Pleurodira Cryptodira Testudines.

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3 Testudines 341 species

4 Turtles: Testudines Joyce et al. 2004 Pleurodira Cryptodira Testudines


6 Turtle synapomorphies Limb girdles internal to rib cage Lack teeth Loss/fusion of skull bones Anapsid skull Shell – dorsal carapace – ventral plastron

7 Turtle shell Carapace (dorsal shell) – Composed of 55-60 bones Fused to ribs Fused to vertebrae Plastron (ventral shell) – Composed of 9 bones Bones covered by epidermal "scales"


9 Life with a shell Protection from predators Constrained morphology – Affects physiology, ecology, selective response Shell shape often reflects ecology ("ecomorphology") – Terrestrial: domed – Aquatic: flattened, streamlined Storage of calcium Breathing adaptations

10 Turtle respiration Ribs (shell) are rigid, so can't use costal muscles to breathe like other vertebrates Lungs are dorsal, attached to carapace Sheets of muscle attach internal organs to shell – One set of muscles pulls internal organs distally in body cavity (inspiration) – Other set pulls organs inwards and upwards towards lungs, forcing air out Some cutaneous, buccal respiration Cloacal breathing

11 1. Premaxilla 2. Prefrontal 3. Frontal 4. Postorbital 5. Parietal 6. Squamosal 7. Supraoccipital 1. Premaxilla 2. Maxilla 3. Vomer 4. Palatine 5. Zygomatic (jugal) 6. Postorbital 7. Quadratojugal 8. Quadrate 9. Squamosal 10. Supraoccipital 11.Parietal

12 Turtle Life History Carnivorous, Omnivorous, or Herbivorous Generally long-lived Internal fertilization All species oviparous – Nest in soil or sand Temperature dependent sex determination No parental care

13 Variation in turtles Skull structure Aquatic, terrestrial traits – Limbs – Shell Shell structure – Plastron hinged/rigid – Carapace Shape, extent Skin Omnivore/carnivore/ herbivore

14 Chelidae: Chelus fimbriatus 11 genera, 54 spp

15 Pelomedusidae: Pelomedusa subrufa 2 genera, 19 spp

16 Chelydridae: Chelydra serpentina 2 genera/spp

17 Emydidae: Terrapene carolina Emydidae: Trachemys scripta 12 genera, 50 spp

18 Chelonidae: Chelonia mydas 5 genera, 6 spp


20 Testudinidae: Gopherus berlandieri 11 genera, 58 spp

21 Trionychidae: Apalone spinifera 14 genera, 30 spp

22 Kinosternidae: Kinosternon flavescens 3 genera, 25 spp

23 Turtle phylogeny Gaffney and Meylan (1988) – Morphology; parsimony Shaffer et al. (1997) – mtDNA, morphology; parsimony Fujita et al. (2004) – nDNA; likelihood Krenz et al. (2005) – mtDNA, nDNA; parsimony, likelihood, Bayesian 2010 – Thomson and Shaffer (50 kb nDNA, mtDNA; parsimony; 'sparse supermatrix') – Barley et al. (10+ kb nDNA, mtDNA; likelihood, Bayesian) – Sterli (morphology, nDNA, mtDNA, fossil taxa; parsimony) 2015 – Crawford et al. Pleurodira Cryptodira


25 Barley et al.




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