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Grains, Wheat, Rice, Pasta, and Breads Carol Whitlock This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under the President’s High Growth Job Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Grains, Wheat, Rice, Pasta, and Breads Carol Whitlock This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under the President’s High Growth Job Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grains, Wheat, Rice, Pasta, and Breads Carol Whitlock This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under the President’s High Growth Job Training Initiative as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This solution is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.

2 Grains feed the world Wheat in many forms Rice Corn Barley Rye Buckwheat (Kasha) Oats Others: Amaranth, Millet, Triticale, Quinoa Barley

3 Grains feed the world Grains are seeds. They have an inedible husk and beard – These are removed. An edible bran outer layer after husk removed – high in fiber and B vitamins The germ – high in oil and nutrients The endosperm, or large starchy middle portion – for white flour

4 Grains feed the world The histories of wheat and civilization are intertwined. Wheat is the oldest grain used for human food 1/3 of world’s population relies on wheat for food Wheat is the most important grain in Europe, Americas, Australia, Africa.

5 Wheat Hard or soft Winter or spring Red or white All these varieties affect the gluten content and the baking qualities of the flour.

6 Wheatis eaten as… Whole wheat “berries” Cracked wheat – berries broken into pieces and cooked (Bulgur) Wheat breakfast cereals –Flakes –Puffed Pasta and baked goods made from wheat flour

7 Wheat … eaten as food for more than 12,000 years Ancient Egyptians produced the first leavened bread. Cave drawings from 5,000 BC show bread- making activities

8 Ancient Egyptian Bread Egyptian bakers selling bread Statue of woman grinding wheat to flour, 5 th dynasty Wooden statue of woman grinding wheat From

9 Ancient Egyptian Bread Egyptian bakers making dough and shaping loaves Image from the tomb of Qenamun in Thebes Beer and bread were the staples of the daily diet. From

10 5,000 year old bread Many loaves have been found in tombs. This loaf is 5,000 years old.

11 Rice …

12 Grown for at least 4000 years 90% is grown for Asian diets Americans consume about 25 lb. per year Asians consume 200 – 400 lb per year.

13 Rice forms … Brown rice – whole grain White enriched rice – bran removed and B vitamins and iron replaced Converted (parcooked by steam) Instant rice – cooked and dried Wild “rice” - not a true rice

14 Rice Types … Short grain – high starch. Sticky rice preferred by many Asians. Medium grain – also tends to make a sticky rice. Long grain – makes a fluffy rice, non-sticky. Preferred in the US. Short grain Long grain

15 Rice Varieties … Arborio – Italian, short grain, used for risotto Basmati – Indian, extra long grain; nutty flavor Jasmine – Thailand, long grain, fragrant and floral or fruity Arborio Jasmine Basmati

16 Rice… Other Varieties Himalayan Red Rice and Wehani rice, long grain, rich earthy flavor Valencia Rice – medium grain, Spain Wild Rice, a native American food Forbidden Rice, grown only for emperors Himalayan Red Rice Wild Rice Valencia Rice Wehani Forbidden

17 Rice Paddies in Bali

18 Rice…Cooking Techniques Converted rice – allow about 15 minutes in simmering water, covered 1 C rice: 2 C water White rice – allow about 25 minutes in simmering water, covered 1 C rice: 2 or 2 ¼ C water Brown rice – allow 40-45 minutes in simmering water, covered. 1 C rice: 2 ½ C water (longer cook time) Rice TRIPLES in volume. 1 C raw  3 C cooked

19 Secret to great rice… Do NOT peek under the lid! –The steam is needed to cook the rice. –Excess peeking causes sticky rice –Excess stirring causes sticky, broken rice Be patient. Do not peek until the time is nearly up.

20 Secret to great rice… Turn the heat down to keep from boiling away all the water and burning the rice. –Simmering, not boiling the rice Be patient. Do not burn the rice with a high heat.

21 Secret to great rice… Cook in broth Add various ingredients for flavor. It is easy to create your own rice dish. Add carrots, peas, peppers, for color, shape and texture interest. Add cooked meats, poultry, shrimp to cooked rice to make a main dish

22 Pasta …

23 Cappelletti – hats Farfalle – bowties Fusilli – spirals Ditali – thimbles Rigatoni – line Ziti - Cappelletti Ziti Farfalle Fusilli Rigatoni Ditali

24 Pasta … Conchiglie – shells Rotini – wheels Penne – pen quills Ravioli – stuffed pasta pillows Tortellini – like Venus’s navel Penne Conchiglie Rotini Ravioli Tortellini

25 Pasta … Made from the hardest wheat, Durum Semolina May have eggs added = noodles May have flavoring ingredients or pureed veggies added for color

26 Cooking Pasta … Use lots of water, 4 qt. per pound Keep water boiling gently To Salt or Not to Salt? –Salt does help firm the pasta –Adds unnecessary sodium –Will salty ingredients be added like pasta sauce or soy sauce? Al Dente – firm to the tooth when tasted

27 Cooking Pasta … Should pasta be rinsed after cooking? –Not necessary if adding a little oil or butter. –Does reduce sticking if you do not add oil/butter. Rinse in cool water (not cold) to firm the surface of the pasta

28 Making Pasta Make the dough

29 Making Pasta Make the dough Roll the dough thin

30 Making Pasta Make the dough Roll the dough thin Cut the dough into shapes

31 Making Pasta High protein Semolina flour + water or flavorful purees + pasta machine

32 Are you hungry yet?

33 pause

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