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Children’s Television- Howdy Doody The Howdy Doody Show was one of the first and easily the most popular children's television show in the 1950s. Howdy.

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Presentation on theme: "Children’s Television- Howdy Doody The Howdy Doody Show was one of the first and easily the most popular children's television show in the 1950s. Howdy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Children’s Television- Howdy Doody The Howdy Doody Show was one of the first and easily the most popular children's television show in the 1950s. Howdy and his manger sold television sets to American parents and demonstrated the potential of the new medium to advertisers. Howdy doody also sold television’s to parents. The show typically had a short film a song or two and visits by the various residents of Doodyville. For more information click here ;)

3 Children’s Television-Superman Superman was a very popular with the boys and the girls there was no fighting when superman was on. Every kid had their own cap like superman some of the caps where store bought or mad by their parents. The first 26 episodes were actually filmed in 1951 but they didn’t view on television until two years later 1953.

4 Children’s Television- Walt Disney The Wonderful World of Disney, premiered on ABC on Wednesday night, October 27, 1954. Originally hosted by Walt Disney himself, the series presented animated cartoons and other material from the studio library. For more Information

5 Drama Television-Guiding light The Guinness Book of World Records said that the Guiding light as being the longest soap opera ever told, as well as the longest running drama in broadcast history. The Guiding light started in 1950 through 1969.

6 Drama Television-The Twilight Zone The Twilight Zone is generally considered to be the first real adult science-fantasy anthology series to appear on American television. During the show's five-year, 155-episode run on CBS during 1959 through 1964 the program received three Emmy Awards during that time. For more information click here

7 Drama Television- The Addams Family The Addams family was not your normal family in the 50’s. The Addams family aired during the late 50’s and early 60’s. The family got a award for TV land.

8 Comedy Television- The Honeymooners The Honeymooners started on October 1 st 1955. The Honeymooners won these awards Primetime Emmy. Another 1 win & 7 nominations. A bus driver and his sever worker friend struggle to strike it rich while their wives look on with weary patience.

9 Comedy Television-I love Lucy I Love Lucy debuted on CBS in October 1951 and was an immediate sensation. I love Lucy was the most popular TV show in the 1950’s. The show aired until May 1957. The tape would ran from start to finish with out any interruptions and barley any retakes. I love Lucy is one of the funniest shows of all time. For More information

10 Comedy Television-The family in the Fifties Some people say the fifties was the best time in American history. With the music, the TV, and the parties. The TV was starting to be more and more part of everyday life for the family’s. Though times where changing in the fifties. They changes more in the sixties.

11 Work Sites: ydoodys s_sitcom.htm

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