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Ch. 12 The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue

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1 Ch. 12 The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue

2 Objectives Understand how the nervous system is divided and the types of cells that are found in nervous tissue Know the anatomy of a neuron and the structural and functional types of neurons Understand what occurs at the synapse

3 The Nervous System Maintains internal coordination
Sensory information Processing Response Two major subdivisions Central (CNS) Brain and spinal cord Peripheral (PNS) Nerves and ganglia

4 Divisions of Nervous System

5 Divisions of Nervous System
CNS brain and spinal cord PNS Cranial nerves Spinal nerves Sensory division Sensory information form environment to CNS Motor division Somatic Impulses to skeletal muscle Autonomic Impulses to cardiac and smooth muscle, glands Sympathetic parasympathetic

6 Neurons Communication cells of the nervous system
Properties that allow communication Excitability Conductivity Secretion Three functional classes Afferent (sensory) neurons Interneurons (association neurons) Efferent (motor) neurons

7 Neuron Structure Soma – control center Dendrites Axon Hillock Axon
Chromatophilic (Nissl) bodies Neurofibrils Dendrites Receptive sites Conduct towards Axon Hillock Axon Impulse generators Conduct away

8 Synapse Site of neuronal communication Two types Synaptic cleft
Axodendritic Axosomatic Synaptic cleft neurotransmitters

9 Structural Classification

10 Neuroglial Cells Four types of glial cells
Astrocytes Synapse formation Brain derived trophic factor Nourish Regulation of neurotransmitters K+ regulation Oligodendrocytes myelination Microglia Immune protection Macrophages Ependymal cells Internal lining of CNS Production of CSF Two types of glial cells found only in PNS Schwann cells Myelination Satellite cells Provide electrical insulation around soma Chemical regulation

11 Myelination

12 Nerves Nerve Nerve composed of multiple axons Epineurium Perineurium
Collection of nerve fibers in the PNS Nerve composed of multiple axons Epineurium Perineurium Fascicles endoneurium

13 Grey and White Matter of CNS
Grey matter cell bodies, dendrites, unmyelinated axons, neuroglia White matter Myelinated axons

14 Reflex Arcs Reflex Monosynaptic Polysynaptic
Rapid, autonomic motor responses to stimuli Somatic or visceral Monosynaptic Direct connection between afferent and efferent neurons Polysynaptic One or more interneurons involved

15 Spinal Reflexes

16 Neuronal Circuits Diverging circuits Converging circuits
Signal is passed to many pathways Converging circuits Various signals influence one neuron Reverberating circuit One neuron in a series sends feedback to a previous neuron in the circuit Serial and Parallel processing

17 Disorders of the Nervous System
Multiple Sclerosis Autoimmune attack of myelin on CNS axons Neuronal Regeneration Possible to regenerate axons of PNS Regeneration tubes

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