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Role of Hormones in Menstrual Cycle Anton, Barbara, Gabi.

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Presentation on theme: "Role of Hormones in Menstrual Cycle Anton, Barbara, Gabi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of Hormones in Menstrual Cycle Anton, Barbara, Gabi

2 Outline the role of hormones in the menstrual cycle, including FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone), estrogen and progesterone.

3 Follicle Stimulating Hormone Released by the pituitary gland Stimulates the growth of an ovarian follicle in the ovary o The follicle consists of a developing egg cell surrounded by cells that nourish and protect it

4 Luteinizing Hormone Produced by the anterior pituitary gland Triggers ovulation and development of the corpeus luteum LH is necessary to maintain luteal function for the first two weeks. On day 14 there is a burst of LH that triggers ovulation

5 Estrogen Estrogen is secreted by a developing follicle Shapes development of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics: o Broad hips o Breast & milk development o Increase vaginal lubrication o Reduce muscle mass Immediate role of estrogen is to stimulate regrowth of the lining of the uterus, in preparation for possible pregnancy

6 Estrogen Low levels of estrogen also exert negative feedback on the hypothalamus, keeping blood levels of FSH and LH relatively low.

7 Progesterone Similar to estrogen, contributes to further thickening the uterine lining and exerting negative feedback to suppress FSH and LH secretion


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