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Global Education Dialogues Distributing Leadership: the role of intelligence Patrick Kennedy, Collective Intelligence Consulting Tokyo2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Education Dialogues Distributing Leadership: the role of intelligence Patrick Kennedy, Collective Intelligence Consulting Tokyo2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Education Dialogues Distributing Leadership: the role of intelligence Patrick Kennedy, Collective Intelligence Consulting Tokyo2013

2 Distributing leadership: the role of intelligence  Data-led intelligence (self, market, environment) vital aide to inspiring and enabling staff  What your staff need from you…  …what you should look for from them  Where Government agencies can help  Thoughts to take away Collective Intelligence Consulting and Systems Collective Intelligence Consulting




6 A tale of 2 universities Collective Intelligence Consulting and Systems Collective Intelligence Consulting University ‘2000’University ‘2012’ 35 th in the UK7 th in the UK 10,000 students18,000 students Declining research baseInvited to join Russell Group of leading UK research-led universities Inability to recruit high flying staffMagnetic pull on dynamic staff No international strategyTop 200 globally What was this university missing? What can we learn from the meteoric rise of this university?

7 Intelligence-led success model: University of Exeter 2003-2013 Collective Intelligence Consulting and Systems Collective Intelligence Consulting Ambition, Vision Clear + Concise Message Relevant & Vital Targets Across Colleges, Staff Shared Success & Reward VC Deans Staff VC Deans Staff

8 Specific steps to consider  ‘Horizon scanning’, networking encouraged at all levels  Comparative performance ‘open & shared lens’…  …own intelligence gathering within academic communities; foster competitive instincts  Different disciplines, different emphases (within overall strategy)  Invest in data capture and visual dissemination  Innovation, collaboration, learning & respect Collective Intelligence Consulting and Systems Collective Intelligence Consulting

9 Comparative data  UK benefits from – very rich data from HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) and others  A model for other countries?  Benefits > cost  Data sharing collectives as potential interim stage Collective Intelligence Consulting and Systems Collective Intelligence Consulting

10 Some key questions for your university?  Is performance something that lives and breathes in your HEI? Is it clearly focused & relevant to all?  Do you nourish your staff with information on future policy/issues? Are they becoming hungry for more and leading the chase?  Does performance have +/- consequences?  Do your staff have the tools to succeed: data, professional services, structures?  Is there a virtuous circle of “plan, do, review”, driven by data & intelligence? Collective Intelligence Consulting and Systems Collective Intelligence Consulting

11 The intelligence led model: key strengths Collective Intelligence Systems Better evidence, better decisions Focus on the vital Supports innovation Unleash competitive instincts A window on the future Shared commitment to improve Empowers your staff Data driven “plan, do, review”

12 Thank you & questions Patrick Kennedy, Collective Intelligence Consulting Tokyo2013

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