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AHSIE 7 TH BEST PRACTICES CONFERENCE A Grant Team’s Perspective on Leading an HSI-STEM Project SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, MARCH 8-11, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "AHSIE 7 TH BEST PRACTICES CONFERENCE A Grant Team’s Perspective on Leading an HSI-STEM Project SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, MARCH 8-11, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 AHSIE 7 TH BEST PRACTICES CONFERENCE A Grant Team’s Perspective on Leading an HSI-STEM Project SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, MARCH 8-11, 2015

2  Dr. Haragewen Kinde,  Vice President of Instruction  Dr. Kathleen M. Rowley,  Director, Grant Development and Management  Mr. Henry Hua,  Dean of Mathematics, Business, and Computer Technology  Mr. Marc Donnhauser,  Project Director, HSI-STEM PASS GO Project Grants Team

3  Steps leading up to the award included a previously funded Department of Education CCRA grant, and a short period of no funding for services and programs while we worked on the PASS GO application.  In late September 2011, San Bernardino Valley College was awarded a Cooperative HSI STEM and Articulation grant. We named the project PASS GO. San Bernardino Valley College

4  Original team – evolution to new grant and facility  Addressing program and student needs  What does it mean to be highly effective as a team? Perspective of the VPI

5 Focused on the vision Willingness to change Committed to collaboration Hiring: Worked together to get “the right people on the bus” Building the STEM Dream Team Team and Project Vision

6  Holding the project together during the transitions  Working with the VPI  Working with the three interim deans before a permanent hire  HR issues: Getting the new staff on board Perspective of the Director of Grants

7  Each individual assigned as a project director or principal investigator receives one-on-one training.  Meets one time per month for the first six months with the Director of Grants; also meets with the Dean and VPI  After that, as agreed upon between the project director and the grant director Grants Training

8  Project Director Handbook Developed  Answers basic questions as new project directors assume leadership of their grant  Provides forms and description of internal processes  Serves as a reference  The Project Director Handbook is on your flash drive. Grant Management Tool

9  Working with our partner on the cooperative grant, California State University, San Bernardino  Dynamics of the evolving partnership  Activities at both sites Partnership Aspect

10  Restructuring the vision of HSI STEM PASS GO  Staffing and relationship challenges  Building a cohesive team with existing and new staff  Willingness and flexibility  Redefining our roles based on strengths  Assessment of faculty buy-in  The silo effect  Initial academic support numbers and courses Year 3: New Project Director

11  Working within district and college constraints (HR, fiscal)  Communication with the federal program officer (as officers changed during the grant term)  Budget  Buy-in from internal and external partners, including the Board of Trustees Transitions and Changes

12  A central component of the HSI STEM PASS GO project is Supplemental Instruction (SI) Training:  SI pairs faculty with trained student leaders to offer intensive support to students in gateway courses.  PASS GO has developed unique enhancements to SI to help motivate both the student leaders (SIs) and students. Highlights from HSI STEM PASS GO This PASS GO activity is supported by funding from a U.S. Department of Education Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) STEM and Articulation Cooperative grant

13  You are watching the boat sailing away and you are still on the docks wondering, what happened?  Middle of Year 3 and Year 4 is slowly approaching, now what??  Have a network of friends and colleagues whom you can count on for support  Find LEVITY in the situation - Smile. Where’s Waldo??  View the situation as an opportunity for growth. This Boat Has Sailed

14  Identifying internal partners to move the project forward: faculty, new staff (willing and trainable)  Pre-Assessment Workshops  Community Outreach Events  CTE-STEM Integration Program  Key project activities implemented (Veterans’ resource specialist, publisher and program collaborative, articulation pathways)  Established constant communication at all levels PASS GO Impact

15 Together We Achieve More

16 ….Much, Much More!!

17  I can DO this!!  NO, We can DO this!!  “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you are.”  – John Maxwell, Author & Leadership Expert Matter of Perspective


19 Our San Bernardino Valley College STEM Dream Team II

20  Communication is KEY  Seek Input  Take Responsibility  Work Together  This definitely means Faculty, Federal Program Officer and all involved in your grant!!  Speak in such a way that others love listening to you. Listen in such a way that other love speaking to you. Rekindle the Passion for Communication

21  Trust is the foundation in any relationship  Strategic trust  Personal trust  Organizational trust Moving Forward to Rebuild Trust


23  Set a worthy goal – meet the challenge  Two-sided coin – Teach. Learn.  Nourish – Resiliency resources  Serve  Attitude of gratitude I may not have the boat, but WE have a Lifeboat


25  STEM Action Committee  What does STEM mean to SBVC?  Find your Champions – Faculty and Student Retreat  Grant Innovations Committee  Allow our institutional vision and mission to determine opportunities  Have Faith in What You Know, but Never Come in with Blind Faith  We found Waldo!!  More faculty involvement and administrative collaboration than ever before  Increased Community Involvement and partnerships  Stable Leadership  Unified Vision Gilligan’s Island

26 Success in Numbers Spring 2014BiologyChemistryMath Basic Skills Math Transfer-level Math SI Group Success Rate*96%86%80%85%76% SI Group Success Rate**91%67%63%60%67% Campus Success Rate61%56% 54%58% SI Group Retention Rate*100% 99%100%98% SI Group Retention Rate**97%93%94%95%93% Campus Retention Rate83%82%87% 85% *Attended 8+ groups **Attended 0-7 groups

27 Vision of Success

28 Vision, Plans, and Where We Go from Here…  Thinking strategically about next steps  Shift from a reactive to a proactive approach – build the sustainability of the team and the project  Sustain and expand community partnerships

29 Vision, Plans, and Where We Go from Here…  Benefits to the students at the college  Great programs – highlighting and institutionalizing the successes  Changes in the culture of the college – building a STEM- aware campus

30 For More Information on our STEM Program at San Bernardino Valley College Thank you

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