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How Useful Questions. How the marks are awarded There are 3 types of mark available ◦ Provenance - comment on the source’s origin and/or purpose (maximum.

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Presentation on theme: "How Useful Questions. How the marks are awarded There are 3 types of mark available ◦ Provenance - comment on the source’s origin and/or purpose (maximum."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Useful Questions

2 How the marks are awarded There are 3 types of mark available ◦ Provenance - comment on the source’s origin and/or purpose (maximum 2) ◦ Using points from the source to illustrate its use (maximum 2) ◦ Using recall to place the source in the wider context (maximum 2)  Evaluative comments are required for all three, or marks cannot be awarded

3 Scottish Wars of Independence How useful is Source D as evidence of the growth of Scottish resistance to Edward, 1296–97? ◦ Worth 5 marks ◦ Requires comment on provenance ◦ Uses the source and recalled knowledge

4 First looking at origin and provenance of the source ◦ What conclusions can be drawn about possible bias? ◦ Why was the source written? ◦ When was it written, and who by?

5 ‘Source D was written by Blind Harry about William Wallace. It was written to illustrate the life of William Wallace and his victories. It is a secondary Source...This means it was written after the events and therefore some information could be very one sided against the English.’ Comment on the source’s author and reason for writing Shows source’s provenance. It does include comment on how bias could affect its usefulness, but this is not particularly effectively developed = 1 mark

6 Looking at source points next – what information can be obtained from the source?

7 ‘From the Source we also know that there were three other nobles...involved in the battle. This shows that Wallace has support from nobles as well as just commoners, which is important for battles as the nobles have the money and men.’ Taken directly from the source Source point - substantive point detailing the importance of nobles, including explanation of why they are useful – 1 mark

8 Now looking for recall – what the source doesn’t tell us

9 ‘ the Source has given us some information from recall we know Andrew Morey and other nobles attacked English garrisons gathering followers. From recall we also know that Andrew Morey [sic] and others joined Wallace in the battle of Stirling Bridge where he won against the English. This victory encouraged many Scots to side with Wallace, as it was an impressive victory for the Scots ’ Bringing in recall that is not referred to in the source Recall point – description of the importance of Andrew Murray, and basic evaluation – 1 mark

10 ‘From this Source we know that 18,000 Scots attacked MacFadyen one of Edward’s lieutenants. This shows that there is a lot of support for Wallace amongst the Scots.’ Taken directly from the source Source point - substantive point detailing the attack on MacFadyen, including explanation of why it is useful – 1 mark

11 Something to look out for! ‘Overall the Source contributes some information about the evidence of the growth of Scottish resistance but there are many points not mentioned that had to be taken from recall’ Taken from the conclusion Evaluative comment – this is not awarded any marks on its own, only for supporting provenance, content or recall

12 Total Marks Provenance = 1 point Content = 2 points Recall = 1 point Total = 4/5

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