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Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS) Door Entry Systems ETF Repairs Group 21 October2014 Jennifer Hunter Services for Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS) Door Entry Systems ETF Repairs Group 21 October2014 Jennifer Hunter Services for Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS) Door Entry Systems ETF Repairs Group 21 October2014 Jennifer Hunter Services for Communities

2 2 Background Landlords to bring their stock up to every element of the SHQS(where applicable) by April 2015 Performance monitored by Scottish Housing Regulator Number of property elements across 5 broad criteria Security elements include; ▪Common door entry system (front door only) ▪Secure front and rear access doors Classification of SHQS compliance ▪Pass/Fail/Not applicable ▪Exempt/In abeyance Informing tenants of position with their property

3 3 Mixed Tenure Blocks Around 3700 mixed tenure blocks with common stairs Blocks currently compliant/agreement for systems just under 2050 Around 240 blocks where council is in a majority and work is looking to be progressed Exemptions due to layout/design of blocks such as open stairs around 270 Abeyance could currently apply for SHQS for just over 1200 mixed tenure blocks where council is a minority owner Figures are a ‘snaphot in time’ - ongoing monitoring due to changes in ownership in blocks/owner led fitting of systems Requirement to evidence reasonable efforts to get agreement

4 4 Some areas to be considered? Noted there is an impact on tenants in these mixed tenure blocks Change of approach from majority agreement? Potential for Housing Revenue Account to fund installations and recover from owners? Reduced specification for systems/security doors? Communications to increase awareness of benefits of improved property security? Incentives to encourage owners to engage? Is there a role for neighbours within blocks to encourage others to agree to work?

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